Boomers talking shit about bitcoin

Boomers talking shit about bitcoin

Are they right?

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boomers are so fucking retarded.

>How do you want your eyes senpai?

Can't wait for all the "buttcoin was supposed to be a scam" compilations in a few years.

that was a great video thank you

i also would like to know how many swimming pools full of pills that charlie munger has taken in the last few decades

user, you did great with the lawn, here’s a frosty glass of lemonade to go with that 0.50$ I promised for a job well done. Cone back next Saturday, slugger. There’s plenty more where that came from!

He's a billionaire and you are all bunch of poor wagies. Maybe you should listen to him :) and btw, bitcoin (+all other cryptos) actually is worthless piece of shit; where's the intrinsic value like what gold has?:)

Checked the retard

Nice waste of quads subhuman nigger

>.001 AMZN shares have been deposited to your account

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did you mean
>are they alright?

jokes on you im not a wagie im on welfare haha

What a bunch of clueless idiots

>actually is
pajeet english faggot nigger kys

They are obvious right in their "analysis" that the price of bitcoin and other currencies are not tied to any real life application of it.
Where they are wrong is in their belief that this will continue to be so.

They will fomo in late - like they did with apple. After the real life application of blockchain/crypto currencies have come into fruition. Only then can they see any value in it.


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it's funny when they say
"it's only value is what the other guy will pay for it"
like that's not true for anything at all from carbon to uranium stocks bonds fiat fucking phones you it's just bitcoin. kek.

based. bulls on suicide watch.

Munger is Greatest Generation. The generation boomers grew up resenting and ridiculing, while they tried to stop war by dropping acid and fucking in the mud at Woodstock.

He fathered many illegitimate children in Germany and Japan during WWI and WWII, or so I’d like to imagine.
The holy quadrinity

Can we get more boomers on bitcoin videos kek

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boomers are kinda cute
in a goofy dumb kinda way

When did you realize they're right? Imagine thinking you know more than these guys.
>only worth what the other guy will pay for it
>all around hype
>the governments will come crashing down on you

huge buy signal

Boomerspeak Translation: We're filling our bags right now you poorfags.
* Laughs in rich boomer *

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Post more clips like this plz

I can’t stop laughing

Can't wait to sell my bags for 10x to boomers

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people thought the internet was a fad and waste of time and money. Boomers talking about bitcoin is like incels talking about girls, they talk shit on something they don't understand and it scares them.


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>where's the intrinsic value

It can be used to transfer value across borders at any time of day for a reasonable fee. You don't need a 3rd party like a bank involved. So you don't have to schlep down to a bank during your lunch hour and wait in line and fill out a form. You don't have to wait days or even a week for your funds to arrive like a wire (Domestic wire sent via FEDWIRE is guaranteed to arrive in 3 business days, international sent through SWIFT is guaranteed to arrive in 7 days).

That said I like precious metals.

Should be a sin to waste these beautiful quads ike that. the fuck is wrong with you?

>He's a billionaire and you are all bunch of poor wagies.
He's also like 120 years old and most of this board is in its 20's and 30's.

>where's the intrinsic value like what gold has
lmao gold only has intrisic value insofar as people are willing to buy for jewelry and a store of value. BTC is similar, but superior than a Fiat currency. A fiat currency has value insofar as people use it as currency or store of value. However, most of them are inflationary in nature and centralized in the hands of a bank or goverment. BTC is deflationary and decentralized. Meaning it will always increase in value compared to fiat as long as it is being used.

These are not boomers. These fine men are part of the greatest generation

>part of the greatest generation

Who sat back and watched as the country they built was thrown to the jews

What's great about that? Their greatness has been revoked.

Posting bitcoin boomers

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To the jews... and to China too.

Well they might be worthless tomorrow, but today my porfolio is getting gains, so who really fucking cares.

If I had the thanos imfinity gauntlet I'd send every boomer making more than 80k a year into a parallel dimension where it feels like all your finger nails and toenails are being ripped off by pliers all the time for eternity. I hate boomers so fuckign much.

Munger is not a Boomer.

He ripped out kraut spines and swilled their beer while porking their women. Look it up.

Unfortunately the actual boomers are trash

These men lived through WW2, they saw the world before and after the introduction of the hydrogen bomb as a weapon of war.

They're not concerned with your "culture wars," they know that decadence and unnecessary frivolous nonsense gets disregarded in times of necessity.

The greatest generation's greatest concern is nuclear war.

Their greatest oversight is that they bred so heavily that their children had much greater voting power, and voted in to office policies of incredible overspending and debt, that propped up the market and the economy with the artificial stimulus of quantitative easing, and that burdened the coming generations with all of their mistakes.

When the boomers start dying, the house of cards will come tumbling down. Do you really think you're going to care about shitty HR policies, Stupid college protesters, and fucking transvestites?

Boomers and Nuclear war are the two biggest concerns in the world, and you waste your time worrying about interracial porn and muh jooz.

Go back, we have bigger concerns here.

The boomers are fudding retard they probably have more meme money than all of biz combined


>They're not concerned with your "culture wars,"

herpa derp lemme put my life on the line so the America I once knew could be destroyed

If someone told them about the culture war they would be concerned. Too bad they never realized all the legacy media was subverted. They were too senile by the time it was obvious

>the media is reality
is you for real with this shit?
The fact that we have Frozen instead of Snow White is on par with nuclear annihilation?

I mean I hate Brie Larson and reality television, but jesus fuck you're missing the big picture so you can give Alex Jones more views.
(Buy infowars supplements btw, it's the real shit)

> Like this: O.o

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>implying I said any of those things
>implying those aren't problems created by boomers in easy times, that will cease to be problems in hard times
>Can't make his own arguments, has to use someone else to think for him
Whatever man, just buy ruger, I think I'm gonna buy RGR stock before election season

>abortions are BAD, we need more unwanted, unplanned children
enjoy the surge in crime when all the unwanted young men grow up to midteens and young adulthood.

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Very nice