Hows your snail farm coming along?

Hows your snail farm coming along?

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Damn i trod on a snail in the dark the other night. Always feel bad when I do that.

Not bad. I'm starting a 3rd colony with the extras from the other 2. I only eat a meal of them about once a month, but its a fun hobby. They are easy to feed with fruit I find in a dumpster from a nearby fruit store.

I feed my snails sugar

>unironically eating snails
tried them once, they taste exactly the way feet smell

Does it make them taste better?

>Big Bullish Signals

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Where can you get a colony of edible snails to start?

You can buy 5-6 roman snails online and they will ship them to you for 60-70 bucks. Those snails make more snails.

those have terrible parasites

>hand bigger than both her tits combined

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how do you profit with this?

I'm still raising chickens

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Those giant snails carry meningitis

this guy fucks

Why aren't preppers all over this protein source? I am assuming it is a complete protein like chicken or beef?

biz has lost its way
we were shrimpers the day shrimp bro appeared

They are land shrimps though

Shrimp farmer checking in

gtfo this is a snailer board.

and you have AIDS faggot

Your average college campus has more meningitis


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i can imagine