My gf has a master's degree and is unironically a high paid executive

my gf has a master's degree and is unironically a high paid executive
she acts like she is so smart,
but when i try to explain smart contracts and link
she glazes over and looks confused
why don't women have an interest in crypto?

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You might just be a poor communicator

so is sergey but it didn't stop him from raising $32 million

This girl is perfection.

Pretty close

OP how many LINK?

Women aren't smart in the same way as men. In 2019 they have their positions because of muh feminism shit


>why don't women have an interest in crypto?

It's not just women, literally no one else outside of biz is interested in LINK.

Name is isis



Most women are smart or dumb. For men you have really fucking stupid morons who make you question sharing the same gene pool with them and autistic genius lifechanging maniacs who seem to be aliens from the future. Wider spread.

Master degree in what. If it is some business shit don't be surprised. Highest Iq/learning interest are high tier stem, some elite art students (who could have excelled at science as well but chose not too) and unironically neets.

it was not a meme degree, it was a really hard program
and i hate admitting that it wasn't a meme btw

are you selling or explaining?

Women are retarded followers not leaders. Someone's girlfriend in 20 years will have a masters in smart contracts and glaze over whren her bf talks about the next upcoming big thing.

Imagine thinking that men enjoying the sight a 9/10 woman is being a beta. How is life with low test, you microdickcel brainlet?

Lmao oh no no

stinky linky probably trying to dump his heavy bags on his gf

>heavy bags
we aren't talking about ark, nigger
Jow Forums all bought link early
i've already 2.5x my investment

Why does this bitch have a Wikipedia page? Lmfao, feminism is a special Olympics competition

Architecture is good but not high tier, except in some top uni. And you know, some (most) people just don't care about understanding things or Innovative stuff in general, , even if intelligent. It seems to distant, useless or hard to them so they don't push a little bit, whereas they could totally get it.

she calls crypto "magic internet money" in a mocking way
and then was asking me about the sergey photos on my phone
that was awkward

Kek. You gonna make it anyway. Don't talk to her about it if she keeps ignoring/mocking, and it's my humble opinion but don't mention your gains either

a piece of paper telling you you're smart goes a long way in making you act like a moron. regardless of gender. licensing has this issue that ultimately you don't licence the best people but those motivated enough to stay subservient to you long enough.

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thanks fren

>some elite art students (who could have excelled at science as well but chose not too) and unironically neets.
That's why.

Make some money I’m the real world, woman like tangibility

How do you get this dumb?

Cry more hoe

chill dude

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I have a theory that intelligent women gravitate towards hyper specific knowledge, they focus on their domains. Contrasted with intelligent men, who are more inclined to use knowledge to build a diversified worldview, spreading research time over a wider range fields. Men are also more inclined towards risk taking, hearing about something fringe like smart contracts for the first time, men are more likely to "take a risk" and learn what there is to learn, while women's scam/"weird and creepy" alarm bells will get in the way before giving it a chance

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Fell for the PhD meme and it really drove home how little advanced degrees really mean. Honestly, they are some of the dumbest people I've ever met.

She's smart. Link is a centralized scam.

she looks like she smells funny and can't cook.

It’s been my experience that women struggle with concepts and economics. These two things are fundamental to understanding the importance of link and why it will get adopted. There’s your answer.

Lol don't leave out the dentist's and doctors. They come a million miles before any socially anxious neets lol