Next week is going to be absolutely crazy for Chainlink just wait and see.
Next week is going to be absolutely crazy for Chainlink just wait and see
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just nigger and see
4000 sats or worse by next month. The project is possibly dead in the water after this knowledge...
Sybil attacks are possible since sybil resistance requires KYC or "trustworthy" node operators. Most people won't KYC because it's antithetical to the idea of crypto itself being decentralized and "anonymous". Therefore, since most operators won't want to KYC, LINK will not be sybil resistant.
Now why does RLC make LINK obsolete in this regard? It's simple. The PoCo algorithm is so well designed that iExec's dOracles can rely on it instead of KYC for sybil resistance.
Boom. I sold all of my LINK at 1.40 because I knew after RLC v3 dumped, that even LINK would dump.
I will not be buying back after learning this. I am all in RLC at the price of 0.43$, about 0.7x ICO price.
Sorry gentlemen, I thought LINK was going to save me just like all of us did, but this is the nail in the coffin.
Why? In need of some hopium
I think you just had sex
Big if BBC
pass the hopium this way
the road ahead of us is endless
New node operators and recognition by someone significant.
Yes! Big news! Keep holding. You’re gonna be rich soon! Major companies love ChainLink. Make sure you don’t sell. Especially not in the next couple hours.
Yup, definitely very significant. If I could tell you I would. Only brainlets sold Link above $1.
Where do you see link sitting after Wednesday ?
I seriously wish you guys the best,
No more digging, no more googling, no more talking to strangers in discords.
But also no more fun, thinking every big bank is wanting Chainlink etc.
Its time to move on
between hell and three fiddy
have sex, dude
Very high, major, significant news is coming. Threshold signatures. Not to mention 4th industrial revolution. Even if the price goes down, don’t ever let the Jews have your Link tokens. You should always buy and never sell. That’s how you’ll get rich.
have sex dude
Every big bank is definitely using ChainLink. PSD2 is 100% ChainLink. Keep buying.
I also believe Chainlink will gain some Momentum very soon.
Yes, you’re right. ChainLink will help you have sex. Thanks for reminding. Now is the time to be going all in. Blood in the streets.
Exactly the kind of hopium I needed. $3 hopefully inbound
Monumental selling
The most hilarious thing is that linkers are coping through "muh requests in the network" and the request are the team doing jobs to their own nodes, there is basically 0 network usage and there is no reason that mainnet was launched, it could have been kept as a ropsten test network ffs
Yup, very soon. If you knew what I know, you Would be aligning ducks. Mainnet is just the beginning. Just wait until the future. This is the most important project in history.
Wouldn’t sell anywhere near that, just a nice short term target to hit
There is a very important reason why Mainnet was launched and you’ll find soon. Swing linkers will hang. Don’t ever sell.
My sources in Guatemala tell me Chainlink will be used to put bananas on the blockchain.
Yes sirs, blessed Sergeyvishniru, once he opens his mouth on High Quality Oracles we will have 50% gains sirs
its crazy you guys keep saying shit like this every day and drawing up arrows on the charts but none of you ever back up and any of your claims GO FUCK YOURSELF
Imagine buying CLC Group tokens """""shares"""""" like some retards did months ago HAHHAHAHHAHA holy fuck
hell yes. Everyday we will see new partnerships and connections.
This is just the beginning.
Obvious ICO holder FUD'ing nulinkers. Nobody else would spend so much time on Jow Forums. I see right through you.
Been hearing the whole swinglinkers will hang thing for too long though. If id followed suit I could have a much bigger stack by now
This is 100% true. Very big banana company. Here’s a riddle: CH__Q___A and D_L_. Imagine not understanding how bullish threshold signatures is.
You have no idea. Buy up to $2. No stop loss.
Consider the business philosophy of a tech startup that doesn't announce a single one of its collaborators. That will only acknowledge a symbiotic relationship with another party, after the other entity has announced it, no matter how big the other entity might be.
Consider the business philosophy of a tech startup that does 18 months work to release their 1.0 product, and does so with almost zero fanfare, and simply an invitation to prospective clients or collaborators to participate in their product. A startup that puts its code through 3 security audits and deploys a limited main net so that every. single. feature of the launch is absolutely watertight.
A startup who announces a revolutionary way to address a particular scaling problem and does so in the form of an academic release rather than a media one, again with no fanfare.
A startup that managed to integrate the project of one of the most trusted academics in the entire space, brought him into the fold, and now boasts this highly respected project as an added security feature.
Now consider the fact that the SHORT term goals of this startup are to displace the the trillion dollar insurance, and quadrillion dollar derivatives market.
Do you even know what you're looking at at this point? Do you see? Do you actually have any idea what is coming around the corner?
When corner though, it has been two years of corner, feels like a fucking sinusoidal wave at this point
can u put a link cube on this for me? based
Docusign Momentum 2019 is june 11-13
No. Time in the market>Timing the market. ChainLink literally is Microsoft at this point. You didn’t see the tweets about ChainLink? Swift is literally ChainLink. Imagine swing trading your golden ticket to financial freedom. ChainLink is about to enable the shipment of frozen vegetables.
Singularity already achieved, pack it home boys.
How is it FUD? he's saying not to sell
>Time in the market>Timing the market
This. This. This. No one acts this way unless they know they are about to do something fucking huge and are very confident in it. They do it this way to impress the very big players.
SO MUCH THIS! Do you brainlets realize that the derivatives market is over a quadrillion dollars? Do you have any idea that SWIFT transfers over $1 Trillion per second and ChainLink is going to turn that into $10 Trillion per nano second? Imagine being such a brainlet that you can’t see how unimaginably bullish this Mainnet is. Whales are LITERALLY shaking out weak hands as we speak. Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, and Joe Rogan have been buying this dip. Sergey is appearing on Joe Rogan in less than one month and he’s with Larry Ellison.
I'm new to the whole investing thing, but isn't being patient literally the most important trait?
Never going to make it.
Absolutely fucking based.
Holy Check! This guy gets it. Sergey is a master at low hype 4th industrial revolutions. CryptoMail was just the beginning. ChainLink is the final stage for sending email on blockchain and for the world insurance derivatives. If ChainLink gets just 1%, it will be over $10,000 per token. And that’ll happen so quickly.
How do you know this shit man? Really juicy read though, best little bit of excitement in biz in a while
I swung the mainnet launch with 30% of my stack and gained a thousand stinkies. Just don't do it with your whole stack and stick to relatively obvious things like mainnet launch causind a dump.
we are all going to make it
I heard there is a LINK discord is it true? Why do I get the feeling there are a bunch of oldfags on a discord somewhere shilling like the pajeets? Maybe I'm just paranoid but I feel like link is a meme being a meme is a meme in of itself.
I doubt if all of Jow Forums got together they could make LINK price move any more than a few cents but the oldfag trying to shake out redditors might in of itself be an oldfag meme, maybe I'm overthonking this. It could also be that link really is one of the best projects in crypto and people don't want newfags in so they shill the coin on purpose with the intention that people will think it's a scam within a meme within a meme to keep them out.
Fuck that shit. Use the telegram channels instead. Official is on telegram too.
As a software dev, I can assure you Link's code and 18 month progress is incredibly unimpressive. Average developers have done more impressive and innovative things for free and in shorter periods of time.
Link raised 32mils and took 2 years to deliver distributed oracles, not decentralized. Useless technology that already exists.
I have two questions for you
Is a suicide stack enough to make it
Are you Joe Rogan
network effect
as a neet, fuck you you fuck
Think about it. If you were some new startup trying to get your name out there, you would hype and market yourself just to get seen. If you had huge players looking at taking a risk on you and utilizing your tech, you would be no hype and as careful and serious as possible
>as a neet, fuck you you fuck
lol neets are fucked soon as their boomer parents die off
>network effect
nobody uses it, and nobody will use it, network effect is a point against Chainlink, not for it.
I would cum in my pants if Sergey went on JRE. Can you imagine the memes? Can you imagine the liveposting? It would be worth more than all the money we'll make
im glad you mention this. as an engineer you dont realize the business side that sergey and co have arranged. ducks are in a row and that doesnt happen in a pivotal
it's fucking satire from a no-link troll
the only good post ITT -->
What's the official?
As a software dev, I can assure you Link's code and 18 month progress is incredibly impressive. Amazing developers have never done more impressive and innovative things with such a lack of resources.
Link raised only 32mils and only took 2 years to deliver the first key to solving the oracle problem. Irreplaceable technology that is the first of its kind.
Let’s just say I played a major part in the development of one of the most important applications of ChainLink.
It rhymes with Bench Roast Titty.
Understand now?
>im glad you mention this. as an engineer you dont realize the business side that sergey and co have arranged
cool larp. is this how you manage to sleep at night?
>Link raised only 32mils and only took 2 years to deliver the first key to solving the oracle problem.
If we could solve the jewish problem in two years now we're talking.
The one with official in the name numbnuts.
>Link raised only 32mils and only took 2 years to deliver the first key to solving the oracle problem.
They literally did nothing to advance the *decentralized" oracles and reputation problem. Their solution is not decentralized, not is it a step towards decentralization.
if you look solely at the product they have presented thus far, it is remarkably unimpressive. But this scenario is analogous to an iceberg tip. So much more is going on behind the scenes, both in regards to code and business development. The cryptic acclaim that chainlink has received from traditional industries is not for nothing.
Never used telegram, just realized that right as I updated the thread and googled it. My mistake
>But this scenario is analogous to an iceberg tip. So much more is going on behind the scenes, both in regards to code and business development. The cryptic acclaim that chainlink has received from traditional industries is not for nothing.
cope cope cope cope cope, they have nothing going on behind the scene
>Docusign Momentum 2019 is june 11-13
Upvoted and gilded
this is amazing haha
Rent free.
You know more about LINK than any other coin. You're in every single link thread. You follow the latest link news. You've memorized their github. You post multiple times in every single link thread. You check link's price every 10 minutes.
absolutely based
I would have forgotten about Link long ago if Sergey didn't pay Pajeets to spam Jow Forums 100 times day. I read Jow Forums, couldn't care less about Link.
You know a filter exists? Keep coping.
>couldn't care less about Link
Imagine still working overtime to fud... have sex bro
I couldn't care less, I'm gonna keep fudding every threads you NEETs make and prevent you from ever being able to sell your bags at a profit.
*could care less
Because it's going to dump another 25%? Yeah, we know.
You aren't going to do shit. The 4th Industrial Revolution has already been set in motion. No street shitting virgin incel is going to get in our way.
>I couldn't care less
This. The really need to have sex ASAP
yeah, we should all listen to the guy whose life is so empty and meaningless that he derives pleasure from shitposting FUD in link threads
>You aren't going to do shit. The 4th Industrial Revolution has already been set in motion. No street shitting virgin incel is going to get in our way.
No. Link's tech is a shit. It's a scam like Theranos. It will never succeed. As an actual dev, I know this for a fact. My fudding is just gonna prevent you from profiting in the short term. In the long term you will lose on LINK with or without me.
how heavy are your bags OP
I'm literally never fucking selling anyway, I just want to be right and feel vindicated.
Don't forget, RLC makes Link obsolete.
Calm down, Adam
Pathetic nolinker. You literally need some sex ASAP.
you are me
maybe you're too dumb to listen, but other people who have money will. I've been fudding link for years cause I always knew it was a centralized scam. I'm sure many have sold because of me.
keeping linkies like yourself poor is all I need to be happy.
Spending years fudding LINK... no wonder you haven't gotten laid.