What will be the most in demand skills within the next 5-10 years?

Well, Jow Forums? My guesses are:
>data science
>aerospace engineering (Blimf's space force and ebin reddit man's space X going to mars)

What should be studied in order to take advantage of the 4th industrial revolution and have skills that future industries require?

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Pest control specialist


Study facepulls.

kebob removal specialist

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Easily the best fitness youtuber. Sorry Scooby


Cyber Security/Network Infrastructure Planning
Market Analysis

Most in demand?
>bullet salesmen
>pagan philosopher
>whore manager (for degenerates)
>wild plant expert
>mud hut builder
>blue eye sperm donor

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>Cyber Security/Network Infrastructure Planning

I knew I picked a good degree

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To gas the jews, of course.

why the hate on jews? it's pretty hypocritical to hate a race just because they're doing what you aspire to do but more successfully and on a much larger scale

>whites aspire to infiltrate and subvert foreign nations for the sole goal of creating a one-world government cabal because we believe we're God's Chosen

>what is the British empire
>Spanish empire
>boomer generation
The blood is on your hands, Chester

No one wants to get their hands dirty anymore.

Have fun competing with rajesh for $5/day.

we dindu nuffins tho. we wuz vikangz n shieet.

>When all nations and all ages have persecuted you, there must be some motive behind it all. The Jew, up to our own time, insinuated himself everywhere, claiming the protection of the common law; but, in reality, remaining outside the common law. He retained his own status; he wished to have the same guarantees as everyone else, and, over and above that, his own exceptions and special laws. He desired the advantages of the nations without being a nation, without helping to bear the burdens of the nations. No people has ever been able to tolerate this. The nations are military creations founded and maintained by the sword; they are the work of peasants and soldiers; towards establishing them the Jews have contributed nothing. Herein is the great fallacy inspired in Israelite pretensions. The tolerated alien can be useful to a country, but only on condition that the country does not allow itself to be invaded by him. It is not fair to claim family rights in a house which one has not built, like those birds which come and take up their quarters in a nest which does not belong to them, or like the crustaceans which steal the shell of another species.
- Ernest Renan, 19th century

So it's time for me to sleep. Judging by this faggot calling Jews a race, it seems that the merimutts woke up.

Difference is they didn't try to hide it.

Whiter than you, Muhammad. Have fun tonight at the local communist gay bar.

I was just saying because cockroaches and pests are never going anywhere. Especially considering the influx of third worlders we are getting who usually have flith follow including roaches and such. Didn't really consider the jew application for the job though

don't think we're on the same page. I'm talking about the families.

if the populace isn't smart enough to see through the bullshit and call it out, it's fair game. To hate on a group of people because they're smarter and more cunning, despite doing pretty much what hitler dreams of for his people, is pretty hypocritical


Kys nigger


le ebin immigrant strawman

Everybody talks about muh automation and data science/ML but learning how to use game engines like Unreal or Unity and program VR is underrated as fuck. If you think VR will only be used for video games you are a brainlet


vr is a meme

When I published the above article in Harper's Monthly, I was ignorant - like the rest of the Christian world - of the fact that the Jew had a record as a soldier. I have since seen the official statistics, and I find that he furnished soldiers and high officers to the Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Mexican War. In the Civil War he was represented in the armies and navies of both the North and the South by 10 per cent. of his numerical strength - the same percentage that was furnished by the Christian populations of the two sections. This large fact means more than it seems to mean; for it means that the Jew's patriotism was not merely level with the Christian's, but overpassed it. When the Christian volunteer arrived in camp he got a welcome and applause, but as a rule the Jew got a snub. His company was not desired, and he was made to feel it. That he nevertheless conquered his wounded pride and sacrificed both that and his blood for his flag raises the average and quality of his patriotism above the Christian's. His record for capacity, for fidelity, and for gallant soldiership in the field is as good as any one's. This is true of the Jewish private soldiers and the Jewish generals alike. Major-General O. O. Howard speaks of one of his Jewish staff-officers as being "of the bravest and best"; of another - killed at Chancellorsville - as being "a true friend and a brave officer"; he highly praises two of his Jewish brigadier-generals; finally, he uses these strong words: "Intrinsically there are no more patriotic men to be found in the country than those who claim to be of Hebrew descent, and who served with me in parallel commands or more directly under my instructions."

Fourteen Jewish Confederate and Union families contributed, between them, fifty-one soldiers to the war. Among these, a father and three sons; and another, a father and four sons.

In the above article I was not able to endorse the common reproach that the Jew is willing to feed upon a country but not to fight for it, because I did not know whether it was true or false. I supposed it to be true, but it is not allowable to endorse wandering maxims upon supposition - except when one is trying to make out a case. That slur upon the Jew cannot hold up its head in presence of the figures of the War Department. It has done its work, and done it long and faithfully, and with high approval: it ought to be pensioned off now, and retired from active service.

Mark Twain, 19th century guy

Why must every single topic somehow derail into something about jews. For once guys, lets just ignore it. Just once in a while.

You can make really decent money in pest control. I made 70k and had a couple co workers who were great at selling who were up around 100.

The downside is that you never stop working. I did 60-80hr weeks, 6 days a week. Great for a single man, not for a man with a family.

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This man Athleanx's

For reals? I was thinking about starting and have a family of two. I was looking into a productivity based instead of sales based comission company though

Literally no one even denies that Jews are a race. Only antifa faggots say this.

>confirming the only time they fight is during a civil war when they literally have no other choice or place to hide

Those jobs all pay horribly, have zero job security during recessions, and a mexican will always do them for a lower price.

My family owns a woodworking shop and we have guys with 20+ years of experience clearing only ~$25/hr. For reference, my first internship paid $27/hr, and my first full time position was $35/hr.

found the jew

Soft skills, anything that primarily has to do with being social, communicating, therapy, hospitality, etc etc. Everything quantitative/sciencey will have been automated into nonexistence by 2030.

whoops! you posted a thread with a Jow Forums image as the OP!


try to avoid this if you want to have an actual discussion about business and finance next time!

I hope you are still there bug user

Its WAS a good degree 5-10 yrs ago, but its going to be a shitty job in the NEXT 5-10 years like OP was asking. to much competition from India and China. my friends just graduated and got their certs and they're having trouble finding jobs. and the ones that do only start making between 40-60k. dosn't sound bad but the you add in the student debt and all the other debt they inccured while studying. they getting rekt

So what do you think will be in demand within 5-10 years?

die kike

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Nice reading comprehension, it also discussed Mexican, am rev and 1812. Jews made up 6% of us military despite being 2% of population in WW2.

>Jewish Army Airborne Ranger

Except mexicans