We are really all small fish in a large pond at the mercy of whales pumping and dumping I finally understand we are all fucking clueless
Please kill me
Every day the public, the news, celebrities, plebs and the government doesn't say 'Ethereum', I buy more.
Ethereum is extremely undervalued. STFU and continue to accumulate.
Hold til 2025, retire and be set.
Lol eth is a shitcoin and can’t scale. EOS is the future of smart contracts. Get rekt crypto kitties
I want to say amen to that but the last bullrun my barber was talking about Bitcoin and computer money and the saying goes "when the barber is giving you financial advice it's time to get out".
Yeah it is, being in crypto and not holding eth is unironically the dumbest thing you could do. Has the most devs building on it, whoever doesn’t hold eth is braindead
I have 200 and regret buying this much.
Woah mercy, mercy me, yeah yeah
Ah things ain't what they used to be
Oil wasted on the ocean and upon our seas
Fish full of mercury
Sell me them for 20% under then
I'll buy them all right now
god damn it biz stop playing with faggy fake internet money. people dont know your just trolling . your ruining lives
your no better than those faggots on pinterest with fake circuit diagrams and all those people pretending its real. niggers who wanted to be a science guy buying resold radioshack close out shit off ebay wasting hundreds to get a single solid state circuit to work because the pinterest nigger didnt know what a bjt was let alone a npn vs pnp and its besides the point because the correct answer for whats suppose to go there is a J fet
Serious question is my goal is 1M by 2022 and if we don't go to 0 how much Eth/Bitcoin (I'mma add xrp cause I'mma xrp fag) would I need
you ended some discord trannys life . they just posted on Jow Forums they were going to end their life
>just give me a 20% discount for no reason
fuck off pajeet
basedcoin with unlimited emission
dumping all my bags at 1k
Pick up at least 500 ETH or 30 BTC now.
Then you’re just talking shit
We arent all “clueless”. We are more just lost at sea in a bad storm. The whales are our gods, and some of us are better at sailing than others.
Speak for yourself I’ve made 30x on my initial investment in 2 and a half years.
Pro tip- don’t listen to biztards.
Who should we listen to then? Any good info sources like a youtube or twitter?
Wondering the same thing. I come to biz for the memes, but I've never once seen good advice from here.