Ring Ring

> Yes, original Bit Coin (BSV) will flip BTC this year.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Imagine not owning the real bitcoin for

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Okay yes great I just bought all the bsv in the world you can stop shilling it now thanks

Sitting on a BSV stack mate

He will have crashed BTC by Jan. 2nd.

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>3 Jan 2020
Nothing happened
Some new date on the horizon
Still no signature
Screenshot this

It's Bit Coin (Bit Coin)SV

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what if craig s wright was an alter ego of an alias of a persona of an archetype

Fake Bitcoin (BTC) dies in 2020. Coretards have only begun to cope.

Can't wait for the suicides.

Blockstream defenders have no real rebuttal for the tulip trust. All they do is spread their propaganda. They will buy but only after Bitcoin (BSV) is $7500 and Shitcoin (BTC) is $10.


its going to be so funny when bsv is 90 usd next week. You guys are buying at the top after a 5x.



csw wins and they can't deal


I actually came around on SV after seeing that autism collage in that "GAME OVER" thread.

You don't mess with Jow Forums autism. Look at Trump.

hm lets say tulip trust is true (yeah sure) that mean early BTC so same value for all forks right? then craig will have how much BSV too again? what would stop him to dump them too. you shills would be comfortable to hold this when there is this guy who is questionable sane owning 1mil+ of the same thing? fags




>imagine writing this on a word document and saying its official

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everyone in crypto should be grovelling at the architects feet

minister you satojg

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read the court documents you filthy subhuman. kleimans shit stain brother only found out about dave's involvement in bitcoin from craig contacted his dad after dave's death and told them dave should have a massive stash of bitcoin and WK shares and if they need help to recover it he can, and he will buy the WK shares for $12m.

You're just clutching at straws to keep your narrative alive but the truth is gonna shine bright and fry you filthy rats as you run for the shadows.

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Creg Sanjay can't code and doesn't understand programming. Nice joke you have there, street shitter.

Guess what check out these dubs BSV is real Bitcoin

Rakesh, you seem visibly upset over bitcoins that are not even proven to exist, considering that Sanjay has forged documents in a pajeet manner



nah only teaches super computer programming at a masters level. His grandfather worked with Turing and taught creg to code since a young lad. You'll never be on his level as the best you can manage is fud shitposting on biz for your cuckstream paycheck.

I wish you were as stupid as you seem so that you are broke and butthurt in the new type 1 civilisation we're heading for. Probs not though as you sense the desperation of your handlers and should be buying SV with your paycheck.

>blabbering about the terminal
>no algorithms, no substance
>larp about the "gradfather" with the same surname
You're a gross low-IQ street shitter who doesn't know the subject matter himself. Have you noticed that the Creg's squad has literally zero tech-literate people, only schmucks? That's because they can see through Creg and his ramblings. Sanjay can't code because he doesn't even understand Turing completeness, a simple fundamental concept. End of story. He's a fucking noob. He's made such ridiculous mistakes that are impossible for a programmer, let alone a cryptography programmer, but you can't know that there, in Mumbai.

yes yes keep guessing in the dark my assblasted shill. it's only gonna get worse from here. 12 and cloudy here in melbourne today.

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The funny thing is, even a 6 year old can understand why Creg is a programming noob if you explain it. It's THAT simple. You're literally a low-IQ brainlet who fell for soothing technobabble and is perpetually unable to do any substantial research.

Hey, Greg:
How's the neckbeard coming along?

nope 146 IQ on the WAIS2 and i've done hundreds of hours researching creg and bitcoin. Next pivot please shill.

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> Muh can't code
Cope harder, Greg. It's a well-known fact that Satoshi enlisted the help of Kleiman and Hal to help with the code.

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wasnt bcash the reel bitcorn? what happened?

No, you're a pretentious brainlet and your "hundreds of hours of research" aren't worth jack shit because it's just soothing technobabble that you consume. Due to incompetence, you don't understand the very basic, fundamental concepts like Turing completeness, which, along with the lack of programming experience, prevents you from understanding why Creg Sanjay is a complete, blatant street shitting joke.

No, they deviated from the whitepaper & forked.


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Nice rebuttal: All insults and zero facts. You may as well just type in all caps, Greg.

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Pajeet, another batch of your larp is of little interest. Sanjay doesn't understand programming at the most basic level, and that is a fact, a very plain, solid, obvious fact.

Kinda this desu

You're performing poorly, Rakesh. Creg Sanjay doesn't understand Turing completeness at all and he's INCOMPETENT. Just like your paid street shitting colleagues.

tfw anyone who says Bitcoin and has to give the ticker symbol after.

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> Stop shilling real bitcoin!
> insert pajeet.jpg
Jesus, cope harder.

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>When Logicians are particularly excited, the conversation can border on incoherence as they try to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of their latest idea. Oftentimes, Logicians will opt to simply move on from a topic before it’s ever understood what they were trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms

yes yes. let the seethe and cope flow through you my pathetic assblasted shill. breathe it in to all your tay sachs infected tissue and let it bring forth another wave of "ranjeet low iq technobabble" shillspeak

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I sense another banyan network flop

>sysadmin certificates
>irrelevant ramblings
Diversion won't help your cause too much, poo. Creg Sanjay doesn't understand Turing completeness, his MAIN thesis, his MAIN paper (one that he wrote himself, of course). He's an incompetent pseudoscientist and he has never programmed. And guess what? You've got literally nothing to say because you're an incompetent schmuck yourself and don't understand the concepts that I mentioned. It must be too hard for your level.

And here is the real document, not the forged that is floating around here

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Think of buying BSV as like buying Apple or Microsoft in 1980, or General Electric in 1950, or Standard Oil in 1880.
Whether you like them or not patents matter in business. nChain currently has 700 exclusive blockchain patents in every non-shithole country that matters in global geopolitics and western financial markets and they’re on track for over 1,000 by the end of the year. Very very few legitimate persons or companies will survive the onslaught of patent enforcement and lawsuits that are coming. Whether you don’t believe Craig Wright is Satoshi is irrelevant; he has the strongest claim to the BitCoin brand of anyone alive and the patents to back it up. Think of every time you’ve heard the word Blockchain over the last five years, every tech article, every business meeting, every conversation with your colleagues. Nearly every legal business idea that uses a blockchain will be forced to use BSV blockchain and that will form the backbone of a global money and cross border payment transfer system: stable, incorruptible, and undebasable. And there’s a good likelihood CSW is going to move some coins causing the price of BTC and BCH to evaporate; just ask Gavin Andresen or Roger Ver if they think it’s possible.

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Three ways bitcoin is turing complete:
> Unrolling a loop in side script
> Incentivize looping across multiple transactions
> Inside of a payment channel

kvetch kvetch KVETCH won't help lad.
yes cyberguardians are simply sysadmins
watch the demo of kronoverse and you'll see what the bitcoin sv blockchain can do. Tokenized character, tokenized weapons and armour, enter into the game universe as a smart contract, make moves in the game based off transactions, a silent observer parses the txs and then creates the necessary modifications to display the actions of your moves to you in less than 0.5s latency. That is how the script works, script in one tx refers to script in another tx and can compile anything. Keep CAPPSING though, it might trick some brainlet.

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No infinite loops = no Turing completeness. Absolutely no debate here. If you don't understand this (like Creg Sanjay), you don't understand programming. What you referred to is called sophistry, wordplay, pseudoscience etc. Exactly what Sanjay is doing. Deal with it.

>more ramblings and diversion
Sorry fag, still not Turing complete, and, what matters, Creg Sanjay is still an incompetent street shitter

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He will cause mass suicide

There is no real world computer that goes on forever. We are concerned with turing completnesse in a practical sense, not in a purely theoretical sense. We're interested in bitcoin as a turing machine in the same way that other computers are turing machines.

Name one turing machine that has an infinite tape in the real world?

Please get a compsci degree before you try to teach others. What you say makes no sense. It is well established by now bitcoin is turing complete

You're incompetent. Without the ability to run infinite loops, you can't design advanced algorithms, you can't solve complex problems. There is NO mathematically possible way to tell in advance if the loop is truly infinite or stops at some point, so the ability to run infinite loops simply must be present. Without them, you're impotent as a programmer.

When you call something else "Turing complete", it's called FALSE ADVERTISING and PSEUDOSCIENCE. Fuck it.

>It is well established by now bitcoin is turing complete
No it's not. Creg Sanjay literally resorts to pseudoscience and pulls definitions out of his ass to cover his incompetence and make it fit his wishful thinking.

>What you say makes no sense
Here's a pasta for brainlets. I can't dumb it down further:
>the Turing machine is like a simplistic programming language
>Turing completeness means something can act like a Turing machine
>one of its features is infinite loops
>without infinite loops you can't craft powerful algorithms and solve complex problems
>CSW doesn't know this because he never programmed
>CSW thinks this is no biggie
>literally changes the meaning of the word to fit his marketing campaign
>promises to kill dapps with impotent garbage
>promises to kill crypto with lies

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>bla bla bla, please smell my smelly farts
Please educate yourself before going this hard out. Start with this video youtube.com/watch?v=nXdkczX5mR0

NO INFINITE LOOPS = NO TURING COMPLETENESS, noobie schmuck. Deal with it.

Brainlet, every computer unrolls loops. When you compile for a GPU you unroll a loop. Think about the way operations work in a microprocessor: You have registers, you load operations into a register, and they are executed one after the other. If you have a loop it unrolls the actual operations that are being executed by the microprocessor. If you draw it out, what's being executed is just a series of operations. You're always unrolling loops. A loop is just a way of compressing a program. This is how the real world computers work. This is how BitCoin works.


Why do you keep parroting this when you are clearly wrong and we have provided you with sources for you to educate yourself?

because they're an IP switching samefag shill who is getting paid shekels to blast this as the new talking point. you won't get any honest reaction because they're not interested in educating themselves but rather ensuring others don't educate themselves.

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You don't understand what you're rambling about. You MUST have the ability to run infinite loops, otherwise you can't code full-fledged programs and be Turing-complete. That's the reality.

I'm clearly right, this is the plain, universal truth. You need infinite loops to be Turing-complete. You can't dispute it with pseudoscience.

Because he doens't know what he's talking about, so all he can do is parraot the narratives that his cuckstream overlords armed him with. Now that his back is up against the ropes he is getting defensive and resorting to CAPS-lock & insults. He's flailing his arms around in a desperate attempt to avoid getting knocked out, but little does the imbecile know, the ref has already counted to 10.

What about YOU educate yourself, fag? Start with this for one

t. never programmed & CS-illiterate

>I'm clearly right, this is the plain, universal truth
You are a fucking moron. I'm starting to believe is right

>t. never programmed & CS-illiterate
You just proved what he said that all you have left are insults. Just give it a break will ya

>started wriggling like a sleazy kike
No infinite loops = no Turing completeness. Educate yourself.

name an application that requires infinite loops you fucktard.... there has never been something that has got anywhere near requiring infinite loops. Even a fucking loop started on the first computer if left running indefinitely since then wouldn't even be any closer to infinity now than it was then. You need something that can however run an application for hundreds of years and if it ever does return a true it will hash it to the blockchain, otherwise it will just continue to operate in perpetuity.

tell your handlers next talking point as this one is obsolete.

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You're not familiar with algorithms and have no idea what you're talking about.

Start with this:

There is no such thing as an infinite tape/loop. When you say that your turing machine has an infinite tape, that is a mathematical fantasy. There is no infinite tape in the real world. When you build a turing machine in the real world, you're going to have a tape of size: N. It will be limited somewhere. You need to pick the tape long enough so that you can do what you want to do with it, and if your tape isn't long enough, double the size of your tape and try again. If you have something that's going to loop forever and never finish, then doubling is never going to work but you're never going to get an answer anyway! You're just going to consume resources. BitCoin has the same properties, where we can unroll loops and run a long script, and keep doubling the size of the script (and spending money) to see if it works. You can do it this way, and it is turing complete effectively, the same way real computers are turing complete in the real world.

How long to you have to wait for an infinite loop to end and give you the result of the calculation you where running it for? Will you still be alive?

You don't get it, right? It's not about the tape size. Infinite loops have nothing to do with infinite tapes. It's about the algorithm structure. You need the ability to run infinite loops to create complex, rich, advanced algorithms and create REAL programs, not some limited half-assed scripting. Which, of course, does not mean that the code itself will run infinitely.

Then how is the cpu in your laptop able to run programs when it unrolls the loops before it excecute the operations?

Such as recursion...

You need the ability to create loops with an arbitrary number of iterations. The computer doesn't know in advance how many iteration it will take. That's called Turing completeness. Just because you need infinite loops doesn't mean your programs run infinitely. It's up to the programmer to make sure the algorithm stops at some point.

You can have infinite loops on your laptop. The hardware implementation is irrelevant. What matters is algorithms.

hey faggot.. i can keep looping infinitely in a payment channel. oh and its patented. (((you))) btfo eternally. have a nice life.

There are more ways to create infinite loops than the ways you're describing.

"Arbitrary" number of iterations is how brainlets code.

Did you ever watch this video? It is the answer to all you didn't know you don't know about turing completeness in bitcoin and in general. youtube.com/watch?v=QJ1DTeexpvA

If you're looping in the sense of for or while loops you're a brainlet.

Name a real world computer that is more turing complete then BitCoin? I'll wait.

t. you can't.
At scale Bitcoin SV is going to be by far the largest computer ever, because the blocks are going to be so large. Therefore, bitcoin will be the biggest computer, and what you can do with this is actually compute bigger numbers. When you finally realize that there is no computer in the real world that actually satisfies the usual textbook definition of turing completeness, you'll see that at best what they are, are total turing machines. They halt for every input, or you shut it off, or it runs out of batteries, but eventually they terminate or end. There is no computer that has gone on forever. Bitcoin is bigger than any other real computer though, and the set of numbers it can compute is larger than any other computer. At scale, the set of languages that can be decided by bitcoin is a larger set than any real world computer.

TLDR not only is bitcoin turing complete, it is more turing complete than any other real world computer.

All this techno babble arguing back and forth, is the nigger Satoshi or not?

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(((you))) can "loop" with external input, but not at the protocol level. nChain's whitepapers explicitly state that the protocol doesn't support infinite loops (i.e. is not Turing-complete) and never will. This is just a PR campaign.

Language-specific constructs don't matter. Lambda calculus/FP is Turing-complete too, but it uses different constructs altogether. What matters is algorithms. If you can't create algorithms that have infinite loops in a given system, it's not Turing-complete. End of story.

The video is pseudoscience and he's literally creating new definitions on the fly.

Bitcoin or a bitcoin fork will never be "the biggest computer" because they're not Turing-complete, you can't use them to create advanced algorithms. Ethereum is Turing-complete, though. The ability to have infinite loops has nothing to do with running programs forever. It's about the richness of what you can code. If you still don't get it, I don't have time to convince you. Do your research.

Yes, without doubt. If in doubt read his blog craigwright.net/. He know more about bitcoin than anyone else in this space and he is a hardcore capitalist (bitcoin is capitalism in condensed form. That's how mining works).
Also check out this playlist of many of his interviews youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJf5kMZEwSlzypsrCJECnYNdVo45qXQA3

The fact that moneybutton duplicates itself on-chain, everytime it is clicked, is a proof of turing completeness since it creates an onchain infinite loop

22 posts by this id
RENT FREE btw how many transactions has your laptop validated today 01G?

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You have no idea of algorithms. Evidently confusing data with code too.


Ethereum isn’t turing complete. The ethereum virtual machine always halts after a bounded time.

It's bounded by gas. Just like your PC is bounded by electricity. However, it lets you create advanced algorithms. Not primitive and limited ones.

>advanced algorithms
>cant even handle cryptokitties
ethereum is a communist shitshow. the BitCoin global computer will allow for massive parallel processing by highly efficient gpu clusters performing paid calculations on demand via payment channels

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Way to cherry pick definitions, brainlet. With that same logic you can't refuse that:

> The Bitcoin Script language allows not only for primitive recursion, but in the deployment of an Ackerman function and hence the ability to simply recurse in Bitcoin script, we show that the script system is Turing complete. From this, we introduce a new class of Turing Machine, the PTTM or probabilistic Total Turing machine and note that Bitcoin acts as a decider or Total Turing Machine which allows us to find a NIZKPoK that can act as a TM based verifier to a Non-Interactive Proof that is run on an external and non-associated TM as a proof system. Bitcoin can extend to securely offer contracts such as best fit solutions to common logistic systems and optimisation problems including the Travelling Salesman class of problems and to the optimisation of systems. This can be offered as an open or time bound contract that guarantees payment and can be solved which allowing Pseudonymity of the bidder.

Source: coingeek.com/bitcoin-scripting-language-turing-complete/

>advanced algorithms
>cant even handle cryptokitties
LMAO so true.
Unlimited turing complete keks

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Sorry, not gonna happen. Creg Sanjay is too incompetent and doesn't understand programming, what you get instead is PR talk and false promises. It's not Turing-complete and will never be, which means you can't create advanced algorithms, process complex data etc.

You don't realize that he's using mumbo-jumbo, mixing different concepts, coining new definitions etc. In reality, everything is simple: if you can't create algorithms with infinite loops, your system is not Turing-complete. Nothing will change this simple truth.