Dan Pena

Anyone ever heard about Dan Pena?
Anyone been to his seminar?


Attached: dan.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

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Fraud conman
He's like the prototype Craig Wright


He's pretty based I'd say


The proof is in the pudding.

He LARPs as a mega successful billionaire but he's actually just like one of those referral scheme guys selling seminars where he gives you 'expert advice'. It's all a show, real billionaires probably laugh themselves silly at this clown. He even called his book "Quantum" or whatever, after the Soros fund of same name.

His net worth is probably less than 20 million, which admittedly isn't terrible, but it's a far cry away from what he tries to make out it is.

Colonel Sanders is teaching classes now?

old jew

From watching his shit, everything appears consistent as fuck.

He's also extremely intelligent, which you can't tell immediately

Phucc dat phat spic I won't give him my coins

What is the source of his wealth then?

>He is the founder of Quantum Leap Advantage Methodology, also known as QLA, a methodology of high-performance and creating generational wealth in a short span of time.
???????? Lol

>His mentees include Dr Klaus Kleinfeld, Dan Lok, and Senator Rick Scott. Pena has authored multiple books, including 'Your First 100 Million', '33 Secrets to Super Success' and 'Making your own Guthrie'.
Has he even made 100 million?????

It's just sales, bro.

True. Most smart anons got rid of BTC when the whole "takeover" occurred years back and BTC got fucked with... To second Dan, why would you hold bitcoin when you can invest in the more logical business/money making crypto-based opportunities available today. It is no secret that the future of software revolves around secure, tamper proof, and transparent protocols that are possible finally with decentralized cryptos. Most will fail, yes, but a few select ones will be the Apples and Microsofts of tomorrow.


Watch this and reply to this message. Let's see how honest of an user you are. We are all waiting 10 minutes to give you a chance to say "I am sorry and I was speaking out of my ass and I learned something today"



Attached: man-is-with-one-hand-on-his-chest-and-the-other-is-pointing-forward-KF4115.jpg (1300x1390, 127K)

want to make a bet on it? I want to profit on how wrong you are right now.

Doesn't prove anything. It's just him TELLING YOU something. Like he does in his books. Like he does in his seminars. That's how he makes his money. Let me ask you this: Why would he need/want to be giving these seminars (which he probably charges for) if he was so successful? Do you see other billionaires giving these seminars? I don't see Bezos selling seminars on his YouTube page. Why?

I don't even need to read his book to know already that it's some "tips for success" bullshit "get rich" advice. Read his book/s and then read Soros' Alchemy of Finance and you tell me what you notice.

"Great Western Resources Inc".. like Great Western railway? This guy is a fucking fraud, lmao! Get outta here

>brainlet doesn't know how to google public documents
so how much is this bet going to be? want to use augur or?

Post them then. He has no company, you fucking retard. It's all a show. None of it existed. Shit, even read through the comments on that video you just posted. He is a bullshitter. His business is selling self help inspirational books bullshit to retards like you that actually buy it hahahaha

He has a book out called "your first 100 million" but he's not worth anything close to 100 million.

He's a fraud, dude. Try to find ANYTHING about his alleged Petroleum company. Go for it. I'll bet you £10,000 right now via ESCROW that he is not a billionaire, and that his business is selling seminars to retards. You wanna lose your money?

I can put on a suit and swear at you for money too, user.

I spent 2 seconds on Google.



That isn't proof of anything.

You can pay for that. Post something real from a reputable source or fuck off. Where is his Forbes interview? (not that Forbes is reputable, but still..) ANYTHING!? I'll wait

You're a born sucker

Whatever faggot, I don't even give a shit about Peña. But it's really clear you're a redditfag and you need to go back.

You're just upset because you have nothing. You fell for believing some scam artist that charges for seminars ahahahhahahahahha

He really is a fraud though bro, hope you learned your lesson and next time DYR

>He r*ddit spaces every post
Bad dog

There is no such thing as reddit spacing you newfaggot, it's a meme to spot newfags. Go to the earliest archive

You're a sucker! Be honest, did you buy his books? Pahahahha

Nah, I only accept real money. I doubt you even have that much in your bank account.

wew lad. Way to pussy out of a bet.

What's real money then? US Dollars? PPFffttttthahahahhahaha


Based, but unironically, he's one of them people that swindles people by pretending to be mega wealthy, etc.

What confuses me is how isn't it obvious to you when you watch his videos? Alarm bells should be ringing almost instantly. It's amazing how easy it is to convince people

There are major red flags, but you're a sperg who clearly doesn't understand people are capable of holding nuanced opinions. I doubt listening to his advice will make you money, but the fact is that he made 400 million dolllars back in the 80s exiting his position at his oil company. When I have a fact in front of me, regardless of my position on the person, it's still a fact.

Wannabe Great Gatsby.
Better topic for the thread would be figuring out what is causing all these salesmen popping up like Gary V, Some zoomer idk the name of, Tai Lopez, etc. Is it just because the cost of promoting yourself is cheaper than ever thanks to social media? I'm sure people have been shilling themselves as experts on this since the beginning of time.

>I doubt listening to his advice will make you money, but the fact is that he made 400 million dolllars back in the 80s exiting his position at his oil company. When I have a fact in front of me, regardless of my position on the person, it's still a fact.
Source on this here claim???????? Don't bother posting a video of him saying he made that either

Since the beginning of time. Sucker born every fucking second, without fail

Also according to Forbes, a "reputable source", he's worth ~450 million, which sounds just about right for a guy who made easy oil money and then sat on his old ass trying to make easier money off other people.

>Source on this here claim
About that bet...

Post the Forbes source then. Go on, I'll wait. You just Googled "Dan Pena Forbes" and read the first thing that came up on Google. Try to find the source for that. I'll wait. You sure you want to make this bet? I'm waiting if you are

We can arrange it via escrow, however you wanna do it.