Money rules this world, and I have almost had enough of it. What are the spiritual implications of doing such a thing, Jow Forums?
Feel like killing myself
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Hell. Because it is murder. Even in murder, you can be redeemed by God’s forgiveness for the rest of your life. But with suicide, you don’t have an option for redemption as you’re dead.
dont do it. tough times create tough men. be strong OP. find god.
If CSW's faggot flower fund is real, I will fucking kill myself.
There is no hell, no heaven, nothing. All bullshit to keep society in line as much as possible. Were all gonna die and we aren't that special besides having huge brains and intellect. """spirit""" my ass. No such thing as god.
lol OP wait until jan 1st to see bcashies deflect and make up another lie
Imagine believing that suicide is even worse than selling the world to the kikes, you wage cucks are worse than satan, at least the fags that kill themselves only destroy themselves and their loves ones, meanwhile you destroy the world everytime you wake up and go to work into some bullshit service job
From near death experiences caused by suicide, many experience a hellish afterlife. It'll be infinitly worse than anything you can imagine and experience on this Earthly plane.
Don't kill yourself op because the worst thing you can bring to the world is despair and lack of hope, and you WILL destroy some people hope for the rest of their lives if you kill yourself, i would say hopium is the oil of the world and it's even stronger than fucking sex
Money rules the world but you can disregard it op, you can simply choose to not be ruled by it and just do your own thing, it's difficult to learn how to choose your own beliefs but once you make your own way in life it becomes so reassuring that you will never take any shit from anybody ever
>"""spirit""" my ass. No such thing as god.
you are idiot
i can assure you, hell exists, and you dont even need to die to get there. :)
Please do provide proof. If you are referring to daily struggles this would be an incorrect comparison to the biblical Hell you are trying to seek validation for. Which of the several thousands of "gods" do you believe in user?- and how do you know you have correctly selected the one single god that will deliver you salvation?
Thanks for the words, everyone.
>Which of the several thousands of "gods" do you believe in user?
just the best one, the one that helped create and put the foundations for the most advanced human civilization to ever live on this planet.
Be tough for whom? All I want to do is make cool shit with quiet people who want to get good at things, but every person I know is a loudmouth phillistine who thinks they can buy their way into fulfillment and mocks me for having a vision. God ain't going to deliver me from these fucks, and he sure as hell won't let me get away with being on my own. Fuck that kike.
I scratch my ass and sniff my fingers.
Can't fucking help myself with the sniffing.
You should not kill yourself because you only got one shot at this life that we know of. If you kill yourself you are quiting... before you kill yourself, maybe you should chose a whole different life - pack up and move and chose a different direction in life. There are a million other options but killing yourself. Call a suicide prevention hotline for help OP if you are serious -
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Which one? What is his name and how do you know he is the true God? There are so many religions that all claim the same thing and it is so confusing. Pretend I am an alien from another planet and sell me on your God.
Craig Wright will cause mass suicide
>1800 KYS FGT
The eternal return is real. If you kill yourself, you're just going to be stuck in a loop of killing yourself over and over again.
Also it's not so unlogical to think that hell exists if you kill yourself, but it's probably related to the physical realm more than the ethereal one, like some bot function of the nature realm, consider this:
>See how assblasted is nature about keeping life reproducing itself
>see how nature punish people who have low possibilities to reproduce
>see how people feel like shit when they feel "lifeless"
>see how people feel maniac and uplifted (full of "life") when they have a shock of sex hormones
It's not so crazy to think that nature has a mechanism to make you feel a lot of """"pain""" in some way if you actually negate your life (and thus negate all the positive feedback mechanism that actually make you stay alive and purposeful), that's why people can stay NEETs unless they are truly redpilled and based, or they feel miserable because nature cucks them through hormones
KEK you are funny. I like you.
Karma is real, we are put here into this system by someone to 'extract' love from us, its incredibily rare, we are like nodes, and faulty nodes get punished for 'breaking' love.
you kill yourself you gonna get punished and then still gonna be spewed out to live different miserable life. fix your shit
>It'll be infinitly worse than anything you can imagine and experience on this Earthly plane.
Not if they resuscitate you.
>how do you know he is the true God?
well i dont know, thats why they call it Faith
In a sense, there are a lot of unhinged mechanisms that we aren't aware off are to keep life going on, it's not far fetched to think that there are ALSO mechanisms that we aren't aware off to take care of those who don't want to keep life going on, our existance spawning in a nervous system is as unlogical as spawning in that kind of torture chamber, nature just lets it exists and we aren't aware of either.
I don't understand why a suicide pattern is being cultivated.
loss of money in the stock market -x-> suicide.
Suicide is the last step, but you still have 10,000 steps left.
Change your mindset
DING DING DING.... do you hear or recognize that statement you just made?
all i hear is overexcited zoomer gargling on his own onions
bro, jesus story and symbolism is beautiful, the hopebringer, the redeemer, but the catholic church and the orthodox church are filled with pedos and semen gorgling fags in denial, we naturally think order will bring hope but that's just our way of believing, we know jack shit about what we should do in life, jesus could come back and say that all our society based on money and fiat is wrong, all our work distribution is wrong, and the massive cope that the church would need to do would be unsustainable
>catholic church and the orthodox church are filled with pedos and semen gorgling fags in denial
they are just corrupt people, corrupt people are everywhere, no matter how good intentioned system is, thats just how it is, learn to separate shitty go go dancer from the actual music.
>we know jack shit about what we should do in life
yes you are right, but we achieved amazing things by following couple simple ideas that to this day stood the test of time. Original writers whoever they might be definitely did something right and knew some things about nature of silly humans.
it's not mine or anyone's place to sell you on anything. All I can tell you is that I found Jesus, and let me tell you brother, it's enough for me.
OP, what do you really want? To be left alone to make things with high IQ people like yourself? Sorry you live in reality. You need to buy your freedom first. Which involves getting tough and doing shit you hate. Then, once you've paid your dues and have fuck you money you can pursue higher ends
Unironically because it's haram. Making it is nice user, but it's not everything. Strive for financial stability, go get married, start a family and make peace with God. It's all smoke and mirrors, money only matters to an extent - a comparatively low threshold to conventionally making it. After that it's an accrescent, bottomless pit.
I know how you feel but stay strong and push forward no matter what your situation.
Based 144 codes. I get 144's every day. It's the code for the elect.
Unironically begome Christian, OP. Or read the Gospels at least before you decide to commit die.
Exhibit a, just pulled my phone out to read on the dunny.