Good evening gentlemen

Good evening gentlemen.

Please be seated, the main event will shortly begin. Thank you for your patience.

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off fuckwad we had this thread two hours ago

dont mind this user, did i miss anything?

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Letting the remaining crowd settle in before tonight’s main presentation.

Security, please escort this rude gentleman out of this hall.

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Hi user, I am here waiting for your speech.

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Ladies and gentleman. The man of the hour

whats this?

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I was really afraid of being late, frens.

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Let me guess, fuck niggers, kikes, and jannies?

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she whispered in a gentle voice which echoed on into multi-verses....


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*tink tink tink*

*clears throat*

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Oh, look a haggler

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Don't you mean heckler? Read a book.

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I guess I have time since crypto is in shit mode.
No need to be hard user. Tis a slow night.

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i'm ready.

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Come on op, say it

*quietly awaits what this distinguished gentleman will say*

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Frogposters should be gassed

OP should be gassed for abandoning the thread

yes what is it?

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Please...go on

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I cant read the sign. Can you please read it aloud?

oh my god

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OP here, phoneposting now. I got busted frogposting at work, so unfortunately the thread is cancelled, gentlemen.

Gentlemen, I must be leaving now. Thank you for the fine evening

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i take back what i said. i was upset. i apologize OP

OP works on a Sunday!
I wondered what waste of space would waste his time makin these bullshit /threads.
OP is never going to make it

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Give us the show, we are all here

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sweet vishnu reporting