Why did the government lock him up? He’s the reason I’m a chemistry major....
Why did the government lock him up? He’s the reason I’m a chemistry major
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Hurt the heeb pay the fee
>lock up this goofy dude
>dont lock up elizabeth holmes
Because he was a moronic little prick
The real question is why isn't she locked up?
It's more a case of people not understanding that the justice system is incredibly subjective and the judge you're assigned to and your lawyer's case can be the difference between 1 year's probation and 10 years in fuck my ass prison
He basically laughed at and flaunted his offenses without realizing that it was going to earn him hard time from some dyke judge with a stick up her ass
I used to hate him until I listened to his side of the story, the media did a total hit job on this guy because he started doing what the people in charge do all the time, guess they don't like competition.
because he's a young guy that made too much money
This, honestly the legal system being blind is fake as fuck. Everything boils down to what kind of judge you get, what prosecutor and defense attorney you deal with and dumbass jury that decides your fate as biased as possible.
because the only real people he hurt were the (((pharmaceutical companies)))
>demand to have flag removed from court
>judge can't address you
it's deeper than you goyim think.
Are they going to lock him up?
This 100%
I too bought the SKRELLI PSYCHOPATH BAD meme for far too long.
I just woke up from a coma, why did he get locked up?
Case is still building against her
Because he's an arrogant cunt scammer?
He trolled the wrong people. They came for him hard when he offered a cash reward for Clinton DNA samples to prove Chelsea was illegitimate.
He fucked with the wrong people and they dragged his name through the mud. Look at heroes like Hitler, 99% of boomers still think he was evil/incompetent.
Didn't he go to jail for looting a company or something? I thought it had nothing to do with all that aids meds drama
Bill was a fucking Chad, why the hell did Hilldog fuck that chinless fatass?
In one of his streams he mentioned he regularly takes anxiety meds. He didnt specify which kind but I bet it contributed to some of his behavior. Imagine having no fear, millions of dollars, a huge ego, an entire country hating your guts, and a large twitter following. Recipe for disaster.
Alright listen up jewlets here's a little story of our resident Wutang Clan Connoisseur:
Look up "Toxoplasmosis". About 1/3 of westerners have a brain virus that makes them less capable of perceiving threats and less capalbe of feeling familiarity/kinship. This parasite is largely spread by eating uncooked meat, which humans don't do, so we're almost all getting it from cat feces which tons of women interact with daily when cleaning a litter box. There's a reason "crazy cat ladies" exist, and why modern liberal women are so fucking weird and obey whatever the news tells them but pretends they're rebels. What does Skrelli-bro have to do with this? He discovered that the company selling the drug to fight Toxoplasmosis was half-assing its research to actually cure it, but had AMAZING insurance agreements with almost all providers thanks to the Obamacare BS. So he bought this small company, cranked the price up by 1300%, anyone in the USA with insurance didn't have to pay a cent (which was everyone, legally mandated by Obama), and insurance companies were footing the massive profit for his research into actually CURING toxoplasmosis.
They don't want you actually curing Toxoplasmosis, they don't even want you talking about it, but more importantly you're not allowed to take money from the lobbyist's masters. That's a big no-no and will result in jail 99% of the time.
It was so unfair what the media did to him. He might be kind of a dick, but the reason he raised prices was in order to research a better drug for a rare disease which had been abandoned by the rest of the industry due to the lack of profit incentive resulting from the rarity of the illness.
The drug which he raised prices for, he owned the rights to the drug in North America only so there were no 3rd worlders affected. The drug hadn't been used in the HIV cocktail for many years. Every hospital in the country had viles in their stockrooms expiring because the treatment was so rarely required due to the rarity of the illness. And he made a public promise before the media onslaught that if someone's insurance didn't cover the drug, or if they couldn't afford it for any reason, he'd send them the drug for free. It wasn't patients paying the higher cost, but insurance companies. And raising prices in this way to fund new research is standard procedure. His only problem was dickishly stoking the outrage industry and having a punchable face.
>due to the rarity of the illness
Toxoplasmosis isn't rare at all doctors are just not supposed to diagnose you or prescribe treatment. The medical field believes you're simply supposed to live with it.
>believing this
Indeed. But it rarely gets to the point of requiring treatment.
Which point do you not believe?
Based G0d user
huh, never heard the toxoplasmosis part
First he did it for himself, to get richer, not because he gives a fuck about anyone else.
Second scamming the state or insurance companies is detrimental to all citizens: in the end someone has to foot the bill.
I see the little army of braindead idiots supporting Shkreli is still here.
Ah my mistake, I thought you were trying to debate the toxoplasmosis epidemic and the medical field's desire to keep it in place. If we're talking about someone's internal feelings and motivations then there is no truth we can come to, pretending otherwise is for literature professors.
What are they trying to gain by letting it run rampant though?
It's 1 of 2 options:
>Toxoplasmosis makes people more susceptible to programming by leagues. It shatters the unity they naturally feel with their country so they'll be more likely to accept anti-national stances, and it diminishes their ability to contemplate threats so they'll happily accept millions of third worlders from dangerous countries so long as you rename them "refugees".
However, also:
>People will literally never stop having cats, and the disease isn't fatal, so don't cause a global panic
I can honestly see both.
They did it because he drew attention to the crimes of the wealthy. Who runs the justice system? Who are all the top lawyers? It all goes so deep it is impossible not to see why he was locked up. Just look, his fucking blog got taken down. Why? a blog...
Fuck the state, fuck the insurance companies, and fuck you cuck
And they're not going to change until the time comes for them to get screwed. And even then they'll play mental gymnastics to rationalize getting fucked in the ass.
Says the idiot supporting a scammer making millions on his back.
Zeh homis haztez kiddy?
he caused jews to lose money. the most egregious crime in the usa.
He takes Effexor XR. I take the same. I can attest to it's effects, it really does make you invincible (in social situations)
He waa about to get off extremely lightly until he started messing with Hillary Clinton. He should be lucky she let him live.
He didn't do it for himself. There are easier ways to earn money that he is smart enough to do.
Utterly insufferable prick. If you find a single charming, redeemable thing about this guy you are an abject loser.
his investors didn't even lose money...
His only problem was being too honest.
>albanian subhuman scum
>he's the reasion I'm
he's the reason you're a loser
gibe me
H-hillary? Id that you?
have sex
is rape ok? simple yes no question.
Rot in piss scamming jew
have sex
>toxoplasmosis is a brain virus
>martin only raised prices so he can research toxo
you're retarded but also based.
i would be your fren
because he made money for goys not kikes
He only scammed other jews.
I say this guy deserves a medal.
correct, this exactly. obviously hey were able to prosecute him on far more because he technically did do things that were illegal, except because he did not lose anyone money, the precedent for cases involving the type of thing he did was that no charges would ever be pressed, the hammer only came down once he continually trolled hillary and specifically when he incited people to get samples of her hair
Huh, you're actually not wrong: en.wikipedia.org
Didn't know Daraprim was used to treat toxoplasmosis. Scary shit
The charges for which he was convicted were relatively minor -- he had a good lawyer who successful argued that he broke the letter of the law, and not the spirit, in how he lied to investors and misused their funds. The reason why he got the comparatively harsh sentence that he did was because he was a loudmouth.
The SEC has limited resources (thanks, everyone who gutted Dodd-Frank!). They didn't bother pursuing charged against Martin until the tiopronin price hike. Actually, it might not even have been just the price hike, but also the way he was all over the news trying to justify it -- if he had just stayed professional he might not have gotten into this mess. Same thing with Musk. There were numerous SEC/labor department violations at Tesla, and they only bothered to go after it once he popped off a bit.
Anyway, if he hadn't threatened a journalist and called for physical assault on hillary clinton, he would have been fine. Before that, if had just let his comms. department handle the price hike, he would have been fine. But no, he was a loudmouth every step of the way and paid for it.
>Because he was a moronic little prick
end of the day, this - he did rather infringe upon the 'Don't be an asshole' principle
Because he was arrogant and talked about his case on his live stream/podcasts and kind of reveled in the fact that he'd get off because of his money. Courts don't like to be made a fool. Clinton took advantage of that and used her connections to lock him up.
take your meds schizo
have sex
Ah, the classic jew shill 'schizo' retort
Have sex!
Where did you learn about this toxoplasmosis epidemic at?
>scamming the state or insurance companies
Shkreli exposed the pharmaceutical companies jacking their prices up. Raising the price on Daraprim barely made a difference to insurance companies since it's such an uncommon drug. Anyone could have produced a generic version but nobody did since there was no profit incentive. Meanwhile the pharmaceutical industry has been raising prices across the board with barely any attention from the media.
>jew with 30% chance of actually having schizo projecting THIS hard
>the jews used brain parasites to make shkreli commit securities fraud because they didn't want their brain parasites to be cured