Insider here

>insider here
Partner to a coin this comming week
begins with an L
is on binance

Attached: walmart_3_v1[1].jpg (1400x824, 83K)

Litecoin. Monday. Be there or be square.

>Doug McMillon here

we will never accept "cryptocurrency"

>shicoin shill takes selfie in a walmart shitter
>partnership confirmed

1 more clue
Under 100 btc volume currently

ill save this post for the fomo later, see you guys after announcement.


I think Lina.
Pic related.
Wal Mart is gonna take on Amazon.

Attached: 002_20190601.png (667x439, 84K)

have sex incel

There is only one coin that starts with L, under 100 btc volume... Lunyr. looks like a shitcoin tho

Think I made the clues to easy, still will check back this comming week.

Lisk. LoopRing, Lunyr, Loom?
Just tell us user

Attached: 1559434009550.jpg (1722x1722, 1.91M)

Lisk has more than 100btc volume.

Makes no sense though, why would they partner with Walmart? The coin doesn't function like that.

54BTC volume

The letter narrowed it is down by a factor of 26.
The market cap was big.
Whitepaper for LINA was easy to understand.

Attached: Screenshot_20190601-230344_Binance.jpg (1439x1572, 357K)

LINA is for Supply Chain and REVIEWS.
Wal Mart needs to beat amazon.
They need better customer feedback.

It's not on Binance


Except user just said it was LSK, not LINA.

fuck me up, senpai
my bads

Now we have to decide if user is full of shit or not

am I seeing that right.. this here post on biz already impacted the price?

Attached: CamRecorder_2019-06-02_00-09-51.png (985x646, 87K)

I'm watching it right now too, maybe the post did or this is the insider accumulation like we've seen with others.

I kind of want to believe user honestly, might just grab a small bag.

Walmart is one of the most cutthroat businesses in the world. I have to deal with them at my company. They try to convince us to do their work for them, like generate reports.

If you think Walmart is going to open up its checkbook and make some crypto millionaires, think again.

Well, all we need is for other people to THINK it will happen. People with buy the rumor.

Same, I'm thinking about it.

I did
seems good value

you mean the few people here on biz reading this thread with 99% chance being a larp?

Chart looks good either way

1% that it isn't, then.
> BTC is a LARP

... do you even know what LARP means? Your entire post sequence screams of new

Mthanks user i bought a small suicide preventivo sack Just in case You are not laping for once in your pajeet life

Are you guys fucking kidding me?
Hey guys I am a insider with U.S. The United States of America is endorsing RSR as the United States New official Dollar. Buy it. Im an insider. Its true.

Are we all agreeing on LSK?

You are actually believing the larp lol?

i threw $15 in i'm too retarded to not believe op

Thanks just bought 100k

Met with Doug two weeks ago in Nashville and their whole business plan is to get into minute clinic urgent care facilities inside the stores then drive personal caregiving of seniors to more healthcare spending at their stores. Starts with prescriptions then DMEs then real products like produce. If you actually want to get rich buy their stock and wait for them to announce their JV with 1 of the world’s largest healthcare companies by end of year and another JV with one of the nation’s largest home health companies. They’re coming for amazons throats and they can move the needle because amazon can’t just open 5000 urgent care clinics within 15 minutes of 90% of America’s population.