What % of your portfolio is in BTC vs alts?
What % of your portfolio is in BTC vs alts?
0 BTC : 100 ALTS (%)
I want to kill myself sometimes.
Got 2 Eths and 240 LNK... There is all my hope
The Link is your golden ticket.
70% BSV
20% ETH
10% LINK
> Bitcoin
Pick one. BTC is an alt.
I'm all-in real bitcoin (BSV)
50% Bitcoin (BSV)
25% Holo
25% Link
95% link
5% eth
43% bitcoin 42% eth 15% random alts
40% BTC
40% XTZ
10% XMR
10% ZEC
I can't believe all these retardfolios
Unironically me too
50% BSV
40% BSV
30% BSV
100% alts right now.
I should end this degeneracy sooner or later.
95% BTC in a legacy address cold storage
Still have the free BCH and free BSV from that
Learning to trade with the 5%, but I try to stay in BTC, and just buy altcoin dips and sell those immediately.
50% BTC
32% ETH
18% XMR
89% BTC
7% LTC
2% ETH
2% BEANS that I will NEVER. EVER. sell.
Do you think BTC will raise its block size once the next fee event starts?
100% BSV
200% STIFF
50% BTC, 25% BAT, 25% HOLO
Atm it's like 40% link, 20% NPXS and 20% NPX
25% Micro
0% BTC
0% alts
100% MSCI ACWI Index fund.
Because I'm not a fucking animal and I got out of the crypto market when my fucking dumb cousin asked me how to buy crypto back in 2018Q1. As you should.