What are all the business related movies and documentaries anyone must watch?

What are all the business related movies and documentaries anyone must watch?

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backdoor black sluts 7

Boiler Room and Wallstreet come to mind.

The Satoshi Affair

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inside job 2010
rogue trader 1999

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American Psycho

This helped grow my segacity regarding business immensely.

weekend at Bernie's 2

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None, you should be reading

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Startup.com, its about the dot com boom. Its pretty good.

they live


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I don't see Peter Dinklage's name up there. Was this before he got famous?

Rogue Trader (1999)

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>The idiot
Nigga what ?

Yeah, problem? And Poor Folk as well

there are like two or three books on that list worth reading
>black swan
>win friends/influence people
>take or leave the sowell book
the rest are trash

Read them all have you?

>Read them all have you?
I will never get those hours back. Could've learned 80% of it in a YouTube video. The last 20% is unhelpful or otherwise trivial

Look at all this pop culture bullshit. Look at it and laugh.

Read Mcgraw - Investments if you want to study.

Actually watched this today, impressed with how good it was
Did the average joe not like it because it wasn't dumbed down to Wolf of Wallstreet levels?

I highly recommend The Goal (but not for investing, more useful for business owners)

also Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is just a good enjoyable read, even if its not actually all that useful for trading honestly

>actually proceeds to continue with the larp
i didn't make the pic anyway, but some of the recs are fine

black swan is good
richest man in babylon is ok
dosto is obviously good but...
sowell is dogshit
i think some are included as a joke

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All three of them are memetier pseudoscience.

Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room

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Post some good ones

There's only like a a few portions of the book where money is involved. You won't learn much about money, granted I haven't read it in a while.

you know you've been browsing Jow Forums too much when you see a hidden heeb in the enron logo

Layer Cake

Unironically Art of War, The Prince and The Dictator's Handbook.


lmao @ this absolute boomercore trash made by econ majors

Barbarians at the gate

Glengarry Glen Ross

I really liked Margin Call

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