>makes avocados unaffordable
Makes avocados unaffordable
i may lose my job, my savings, my home, and my pension, but at least he OWNED THOSE LIBS!!!
haha god bless america and isreal
>doesn't punish companies for hiring illegal immigrants
The "Trump Triple Top" is unironically extremely scary.
This x2
At least Israel still has nice cheap avocados.
Fuck Mexico, fuck Mexicans, and fuck the boomers who import shit from Mexico. Burn it all.
No no Trumpbo!
t.Russian troll
probably the most based post i've ever seen on 4channel
As long as brown skinned people suffer I'm fine with it.
thanks to trump i have cheap advocados, i am a mexican
oregano man bad!!!
There could be a new black market for avacados, mexi bro. How can you profit?
Why don't you grow more Avocado in California then? It might become lucrative, now that the chinese slave competition is gone.
IT WAS HER TURN!!! Voting Kamala Harris, ethnic vagina will lead us out of this darkness!
Planned long ago.
Burritos removed.
Burgers secured.
Trust the plan.
Who the FUCK cares.
stock indices dont have patterns, they follow trendlines + news
have sex
First they came for avocados, I didn't do anything because I don't like them...
Then they came for pizzas....
The price of BTC is correlated with the price of avocados, burn them all.
Takes a shitload of water
Commiefornia aren’t allowed to use water, the water is needed for the 1 million+ “refugees” they take in every year
>tfw your parents have a massive avocado tree on their block
i dont even like them, i just hand them out to my friends
Grow your own food dumb ass
fuck avocados.