Sanjay vision BTFO'D by /ourjeet/

Sanjay vision BTFO'D by /ourjeet/

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Only 5 views, theres a 1/5 chance you are this pajeet. And if so, thats cool, you aight.

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i hear pajeet accent.....i immediately close tab

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/ O U R J E E T /
What a positive lad, I genuinely hope he makes it.

threshold signatures make no sense in this context

>bsv doesn’t slice scalability
>chainlink does
Wew lad I lost a braincel watching this

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You go to the bank and tell them your account should have 5000$, you did the math, they check their system and it says your account has 5000$, you didn't need to have them update your account with 1500 transactions to come there

LMAO Greg is hiring Rakesh from fiverr now? Get ready for a STIFF lawsuit Greg.

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The only one you had, how will you live now?

Is this vid wrong AF? Any high iq user can debunk him?

This man is singlehandely saving crypto and chainlink, utterly based

>open link
Boy did that post age badly

poo in loo

That video left me.with a curry taste in my mouth

>Please like & subscribe to my channel

Fuck off streetshitting samfaggot.

Only 1 post, only 1 id, only 1 posters.
Sorry bub

Obviously you get a new id every time your phone reconnects to a tower. Can't do sewerage, can't do fixed line internet, and can't samefag properly. Superpower by 2020.

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To be fair I actually like pajeets. They come across as innocent and sweet.

Any pajeets need a white daddy?

Takes one to know one madarchod

this. seems like hes actually redpilled on crypto

Yeah so this is why he's wrong

Processing a simple ledger is fast and takes moments.

The time issue is the blocks.

So if only 7 txs per block that means you are waiting for blocks to be mined before it hits you.

In BSV you are part of a large ledger pool of let's say 100,000 txs waiting for only one block.

It's pretty simple.

this guy is such a brainlet
>bsv doesnt scale
lmao so dumb. btw, as much as i dislike bsv, it does solve the scalability you brainlets. the problem is just that not everyone will be able to run a node due to the size of the ledger history and so its gonna sacrifice a lot of decentralization (centralization of mining in coingeek). its also more likely to suffer ddos attacks, but it absolutely solves the scalability problem. what makes bitcoin slow is not verifying transactions 1 by 1, we have computational power to do that fast enough for scalability to not be a problem, the problem is the 10 minute per block part, which is necessary to make 51% attacks harder to do (specially deep reorgs which would basically destroy bitcoin)

this guy is simply a street shitting link shill

do you unironically own bsv? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Yeah senpai, bought at 57$


I don't feel any pressure or pain from your laugh. Enjoy bucket shops and tokens that are negligible because of real devs building on bsv.

I'll say it again block size doesn't make it take longer. That's not how blocks work. Limiting block to 1mb backs literally no sense


Link can aggregate thousands of transactions into one, so even if you have 100X bugger blocks, you can still put 1000 X amount of data into those blocks, link is block chain agnostic. Also, he is right that you are verifying the blocks with individual transactions instead of every entry representative of 1000 transactions. Seriously he might be a little bleak and dumb but he is not wrong.

That what bsv already does, it doesn't need an off chain solution

Did you know that Indians choose to speak using that stupid accent?

They are perfectly capable of speaking western English dialect, especially california/USA English.

They choose, instead, to babble and mumble in their retarded high pitched tardspeak. On purpose.

I'm sorry user, I didn't realize you were "special" you are indeed correct. Bsv best coin.

This guy explains things better than 80% of this board