Convince me to go all-in.
How is BSV better than BTC?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's more brown
it's stiffer
because whales are accumulating
Actual companies are backing it now.
It's going to be regulated to get more companies to invest in it.
If you want to be able to buy anything with BTC, even rent invest in BSV.
Oh, and proper block scale
>Unbound block sizes
>Protocol locked down so no (((devs))) can alter it an turn into a science project
>actual projects and innovation happening on chain and not muh lightning in 18 months
Checked & pooed
I think people underestimate how many businesses, miners and large holders were pissed by how the NY Agreement was violated by Core. Add on top shady exchanges like Binance inviting government heat and all these mixers and local bitcoins being cracked down on, there’s alot of elite BTC guys ready to strike back.
yup. 100%
Check out what they're doing in africa with centbee. All BSV backed.
They can buy groceries and necessities with BSV and we can't yet due to corecucks and anarchists.
>in africa with centbee
I had no idea the whole codebase was locked so to speak. This shit has seriously got my interest now because constant (((updates))) are absolute cancer in crypto.
It only costs $8,769 per hour to attack BSV's blockchain, while it costs $587,454 per hour to attack BTC. So it's got that going for it.
>I had no idea the whole codebase was locked so to speak
That's not really accurate. The protocol, as outlined in the whitepaper, is locked. The code can of course be upgraded and bugs fixed, but they have very extensive tests and external audits. They spend a shit ton of money on this, much more than any other crypto projects. I think they're the only ones that hire professional code audit businesses to such an extend. They also have a bug bounty program that matches that of google, amazon etc
Calvin alone owns 7% of the total sha256 hashing power. That is only the numbers that are publicly known. If you combine this with what Craig has, they probably have more than 10%. It would not be hard for them to switch all that over to bsv to defend it in case of an attack
I just got turned onto Bsv last few weeks but it amazes me the amount of stuff I see being spit out, metanet, agora, paymail, a goddakn decentralized reddit. This is all stuff altcoins have promised for years and never delivered or required their own tokens to run, it really does remind you how scammy so many of them are. Even Ethereum looks kind of pathetic as they have a huge headstart yet what killer app is there for its ecosystem other than a bunch of ERC scam tokens?
I'm all in
>Locked down
Really, faggot? How does something that is locked down improve.
Everything BSV is doing is being done better on BCH, and BCH will lock down the protocol after they have finished innovating and making it instant and private. BSV won't ever be private. It's dead Jim.
I swear you better hope this shit rockets tonight retard or I'm gonna drop a massive shit all over my neighbors doorstep and say it was the black guy across the street
her leg looks like a giant dick
Why would anyone buy this after it's done a 4x?
We take 19 hour bus ride to moon soon sirs
Based. Centbee is a great wallet also.
More people might fall for the scam which will drive the price up, but probably not, so I wouldn't
The base protocol is locked down so projects can build on top of it. Are you that dense?
4x is nothing. It's literally Bitcoin.
It will 20x within 2 years, and that is a conservative estimate
It has the law on its side.
OP, read the fkin whitepaper once in 10 years
>tfw no asuka gf
because satoshi himself says so