We're going bull mode. I fucking promise you. LINK isnt anywhere done. June is gonna be a fucking amazing month...

We're going bull mode. I fucking promise you. LINK isnt anywhere done. June is gonna be a fucking amazing month. Partnership announcements, mainnet going online (right now its only testnet) etc

Attached: B492022F-CEA7-4DF3-9C12-563E714CA224.png (490x358, 385K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I fucking promise you.

saddest post of the day

You’re unironically coming across as increasingly nervous

Obviously the singularity meme was overblown, I checked the audits they did in october last year and the enterprise doing them was legit af, they even have some important talks about smart contracts and the timeline of the audits were in case with what sergey says, it will take some time but this year should be exciting

This sounds like damage control but it's the truth, sergey hasn't lied just we believe the larps waay too much, and sergey said that this year insurance and derivatives should be using the system at some point

check link/usd chart
look familiar? enjoy 2 years bear market.

Itt nobody realizes this is a bizarro biz post



An absolutely deluded gentleman right here folks.

Who cares it's already too expensive for the average poor fag /biz user. This is a Holo board now

It’s like too many newfags hold link and have forgotten, chainlink is working with swift

JUNE 5TH. SERGEY SPEAKING IN TORONTO. I will be there, in my blue plaid shirt.

25 MINUTES OF SERGEY BLESSING US. there WILL be new things. This is his first presentation since main net launched. Stay strapped marines. This summer will see us climb back up to $1.25- $1.40 range. There are a bunch of paid fudders on biz right now. Keep your hands strong, you fucking maniacs.

Attached: torontosergey.jpg (1152x2048, 198K)

>partnership sirs
>mainnet sirs
>blog postings sirs

It's the same cycle of pajeetery over and over. Nice bedroom project you broke fucks LMAO.

>This summer will see us climb back up to $1.25- $1.40 range

Attached: 1528632884104.jpg (880x723, 58K)

>chainlink is working with swift
>guys invest in this company which specialises in strapping themselves to the titanic and fixing the crater in the hull with lots of bubble gum

We can disregard all larpers as fake, yesterday effectively killed Assblaster legacy completely

Now, what we have? Sergey, we need to revisit everything he said or didn't, he actually spoke about insurance and derivatives coming this year, he also said reputation and staking won't come first but just delivering of data to some trusted partnerships, the talk of june 6 will be decisive, if it's the same powerpoint presentation that would be a huge redflag for me

Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell.

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i'm selling half if it moons wednesday i need to pay bills bros


Cope harder, faggot. This shit does not produce anything meaningful. Just another shitcoin.

4000 sats or worse by next month. The project is possibly dead in the water after this knowledge.

Sybil attacks are possible since sybil resistance requires KYC or "trustworthy" node operators. Most people won't KYC because it's antithetical to the idea of crypto itself being decentralized and "anonymous". Therefore, since most operators won't want to KYC, LINK will not be sybil resistant.

Now why does RLC make LINK obsolete in this regard? It's simple. The PoCo algorithm is so well designed that iExec's dOracles can rely on it instead of KYC for sybil resistance.

Boom. I sold all of my LINK at 1.40 because I knew after RLC v3 dumped, that even LINK would dump.

I will not be buying back after learning this. I am all in RLC at the price of 0.43$, about 0.7x ICO price.

Sorry gentlemen, I thought LINK was going to save me just like all of us did, but this is the nail in the coffin.

Attached: shitcoin.png (1086x440, 100K)

Can you give me a link, I’ll go if it’s close to downtown core

>Meanwhile, on Jow Forumsarro Jow Forums...


I bought at 1.30 because im a fucking retard and thought it would easily go to $2. Additionally I have convinced myself to never sell

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i'm down 30 percent and still haven't sold

This. so many newfags/idiots here

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>LINK is a shit project
>here's why our coin which is like LINK is good

Attached: small brian.jpg (645x729, 34K)

look up "scaling ethereum Toronto". Its being held at UofT, pretty sure anyone can go however.

Attached: 43B21D4F-6B6C-44B9-89AB-5341D66222C5.jpg (800x388, 38K)

we are the link marines and we are never selling

Attached: 1559007552924.jpg (804x802, 85K)

>he thinks RLC is like link
delusional coping retard

Thanks fren, I’ll have to witness Sergey before I sell. Maybe his composure will convince me otherwise. But i’ll scrutinize his every word without leniency.


>it's already too expensive
you don't have to buy a whole link, pajeet, it is divisible.

no prob, same here fren. This is a big moment for my hands. i'll be ready to fucking sell if i see the same first fucking slide again. link will no doubt be big in the next couple years. but i cant go down without taking any profits. if he doesnt come out swingin in this presentation, then i will have to swing my linkies.

It’s an awful feeling at first. With time this dump will strengthen you. I bought above a dollar and watched link hit .20 twice.
If it does dip bigly, start DCAing. It’s the only way I brought my buy in down. Had I not bought in downward, I’d be at a loss today, instead I’m in profit now.
Tldr: if it dumps to the point where you want sell, but you still believe, GO ALL IN.

From this point, Link will double in value every six months.

If you get a chance to talk to him, ask him as many questions as you can about when staking and reputation and all that is happening. Ask him about neetnodes and see if you can get him to clarify how long he thinks until derivatives will come online.

i was actually planning on this. I wanted to make a thread the day before and get real questions that we want answered, or at least if he cant answer, brought up. if you have any specific Q's right now let me know and ill write it down.

$1 stablecoin.

i will buy when it come back to .3

1. Ask when staking and reputation and aggregation is happening
2. Ask him a timeframe for when he thinks derivatives will be online
3. Ask him to confirm whether he will be paying node operators for the first year, or if we get double payed to incentive starting a node
4. Ask him if he has any idea of what node profits will look like
5. Ask him what other companies will be vetting nodes
6. Ask him if he thinks neetnodes with sub 50k Link will be profitable ventures and his opinion on it
7. Namedrop some breadcrumbs and see how he reacts to it, in order to get partnership hints out of him
8. Ask him when SGX and TSigs will go live on mainnet
9. Ask him when he expects the network volume to start increasing with real jobs
10. Ask him when he's gonna start heavy promotion and marketing
11. Try to get an answer out of him if any non crypto related projects will be using his network anytime soon

or leave him the fuck alone, he doesn't care about your desperation for neet gains


He got $32M for a json parser with kyc, the least he can do is answer some tough questions

yeah i’m done with the larps. the larp era is over, nothing was true it’s all bs.
go fuck yourselves assblaster, drunkanon, wagyu user, whalekiller, riddle user and all the other medium tier garbage larps. you we’re all wrong BIG time and maybe got some random shit right that was expected anyways. people never check in hindsight to debunk the larps, but i did. and it’s all extremely off

Get on the board of a company he is selling to, he isn't selling or marketing to neets


based and fuck linkies

why are you kissing the ass of a russian ico scammer so much?

I've read this same copypasta around Christmas and didn't buy because of it. FUCK you.

Calling out cringe desperation isn't kissing ass

Testnet.... what? They said themselves, it’s mainnet

Its mainnet, with only 3 verified nodes ya dingus

saved them, look for the post on the 5th to see if i got any answers fren

You are a schizo, that wasn't copypasta you fuck

I’ve been trying to sort through larps to see if any ring true based on news coming out today.There was a larp I was reading from way back about link, ING, and Northern Trust. The SmartContract website showcased data that at least proved there was a PoC of some sort done.

I was able to loosely relate moves taken by the Accord Project “recently” to this. They are partnered(whatever that means anymore) with Baker McKenzie who is partnered with Avooka, who NorthernTrust has stated Is the back-bone for their smart legal clauses. Notably this article strangely includes a reference to Clause and Accord.

> ”Northern Trust says the technology can be deployed to other platforms, with broader use for generating digital documents. While it wasn’t private equity, over the past year BBVA has negotiated several loan agreements on its blockchain platform.

Even though Avvoka is not a blockchain startup, there are several organizations specifically focused on blockchain smart contracts. There’s the Accord project which is focused on standards and an open source codebase. Many of the world’s leading lawyers are members as are several enterprise blockchain technologies.

Accord was founded by contracting startup Clause which is working on its own commercial solution. Monax and its platform the Agreements Network is another player in the sector.”

It’s hard for me to believe we were all so wrong. All of us. I will keep digging over the next few days.

>It’s hard for me to believe we were all so wrong. All of us
Everyone else on this board was screaming at you for being beyond fucking delusional.
I can't believe you actually believed these schizo-level associations


> I'm down thirty percent
This comment right here sums up this whole thread perfectly. Not about losses by older link holders who know what is around the corner - because we don't have any. Most of us are still up 2-3x at least. This board really is infested with nulinkers being preyed on by oldlinkers using stale FUD.

this, we believed fucking larps, 3 my may, mainnet september, mainnet q1, huge things around the corner.... wtf who do believe this stupid "non-trip-almost everything wrong" drunkanon ?

>because we don't have any
this. never forget May and June 2018 marines. think of where we have been. remember your resolve.
>talks shit about DA
if you could please resume lurking everyone would benefit

>my bags are better than your bags

I want to punch you in your gay face, OP.

t. Holding 12k LINK

If you eat this pasta, your organs will shut down

Your a faggot


feels great to be an oldlinker, the fear amongst newlinkers is almost touchable

>all the newfag cope
Retards had 2 years to buy, I’m max comfy with 57k at .31c

$2 by end of July, who knows after that. Could be $5 or $10 by eoy.

Could be $1000 unironically.

Attached: FCAF10CD-02EB-43CC-9C3D-9B809BCDF74A.jpg (727x718, 273K)

People selling at 1$ toplol. Imagine being this dumb not even kidding. See you guys at 1.40 in a week

>I fucking promise you.

Attached: kdfnslkdhflkenlsdknf284772.jpg (1000x1000, 59K)

>increasingly nervous linktard says link will pump
good look with you stablecoin

>Obviously the singularity meme was overblown
but the other chainlink memes were just fine. user I ...

if so then we all gonna make it.
even out 10 links bros.

what alltimehighs will eventually chainlink down

That's not even hopium man, the hopium estimates are $2.30


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Where is the meeting exactly? Like an address? Can't find info. I wanna go.

its in the Galbraith building at University of Toronto. College & St. George street.


Its gonna be the same rundown on oracles and shit :D

I'm excited too, user

oh i get it now, this is the Jow Forumsarro thread

>lol, I posted it again!

Fuck off reddit

>4000 sats or worse by next month. The project is possibly dead in the water after this knowledge.
>Sybil attacks are possible since sybil resistance requires KYC or "trustworthy" node operators. Most people won't KYC because it's antithetical to the idea of crypto itself being decentralized and "anonymous". Therefore, since most operators won't want to KYC, LINK will not be sybil resistant.
>Now why does RLC make LINK obsolete in this regard? It's simple. The PoCo algorithm is so well designed that iExec's dOracles can rely on it instead of KYC for sybil resistance.
>Boom. I sold all of my LINK at 1.40 because I knew after RLC v3 dumped, that even LINK would dump.
>I will not be buying back after learning this. I am all in RLC at the price of 0.43$, about 0.7x ICO price.
>Sorry gentlemen, I thought LINK was going to save me just like all of us did, but this is the nail in the coffin.

>first day
>early slot
Entirely bearish

>dangers of decentralization right after sirgay
its over

Assblaster is Q for Jow Forums

>Please, pump my bags to 1K

I fucking promise you

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