Jow Forums is fucking dead. How many people actually post here?

Jow Forums is fucking dead. How many people actually post here?

Roll call. Everyone here post something.

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i thought more ppl would have come back for the bullrun that didnt happen

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Hey bitch

I think Jow Forums developed a substance abuse problem in this bear market

I am only posting so you can experience my sick digits.

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Chainlink made me a real man, i unironically feel like a 50 year old men who has been in war and can't relate to anything other than despair and forceful self-driven hope

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pee pee poo poo
buy bsv

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Me too, user. Me too.
I have a feeling it's the same 20 people FUDing and shilling for fun.

Master bate my camel you filthy whore

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here, moon when

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Greetings sirs.

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Tomorrow is sunday fellow wagies

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First day off this week I've done a 8:30 to 5:30 or 4-9 every day, ready to kms

good morning sirs, pajeetbot 2000 checking in for duty

I scratch my ass and sniff my fingers.
Can't fucking help myself with the sniffing.

I occasionally make NKN threads because mainnet next month and burgers can't buy, looking forward to see you faggots buying in ath

haha fucking mondays amirite

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Finna bouta buy these desu

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I'm a normie but been frequenting here since 2017

I scream, we all scream for ice cream!

What are those?

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what's up.

any anons ever worked on an oil rig?
21 yo suicidal NEET considering this.
I literally have nothing to live for. How do I make the most money I can?

bagholder here

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thats genuinely terrifying

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I need to sleep

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What will happen first, $2-3 LINK or $20K BTC? drunk af right now i cant into brain thanks

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Literally think about killing myself ever day. I get drunk like 5 nights a week just to fall asleep and haven't drank at all tonight.

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It must have been dead as fuck when btc was under 5k because even now it seems dead to me


Makes me kinda sad, desu. It used to be funny and constructive. Never thought I'd say this but I almost miss the Link marines. Better than craigposting

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Yes sirs

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Just clenaing up a few things around here fren.

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link marines will be back every time there's a rumor

i'm... i'm still here

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Here you faggot

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Not dead yet

Oldfag nazi poster, standing by.

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Apart of the big normies wave back in 2016. This shits like crack. I can't stop shit posting and now my whole social life has collapsed. So yeah this websites awesome.

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This is a BSV board now

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20k BTC obviously, and it'll probably go to 100k before Link is $2

End Racism.

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Still here fren

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something somethin stiff idk am drunk

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ye is bsv board now

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>ID = bag
Not too sure how to feel about this

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Optic blast/10

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oooooh ohohohhooo now THATS a BIG carrot~~!

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Also, I don't believe you

They got a bunch of fun ones


I don’t have a problem. You have a problem

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I lost all my money but still come back for some laughs and goofs

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no fuk u im not a substance abuse 1K eoy motherfucker

I still have nothing.

rolling for... uh... trips?


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What, lil nigga? Tell ya moms i be there a little late tonight.


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Can I get everyone's attention?


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How can make money from fuck prostitute?

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Buy silver and die hodling. We are the ultimate hands of hodl. Silver the eternal hodl. We. Are. Silver hodlers till death.

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15th most active board on Jow Forums right now


This board is extremely mentally ill and full of straight up bad people, probably more than any other board. Whenever I open up Jow Forums it's like I can feel the evil radiating off of my screen. And yet I can't stop coming here.

We live. Holochads.

fuck off, we're not bad people

Chainlink was a fail. If dubs we all become traps tomorrow.


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Im here, comfy as always.

t.BTT and TRX maximalist

I think there are like 12 of us left

That's a dude with juicy cock


Just go try it faggot you have nothing to lose

maybe our souls die and get rotten before our bodies, so if you could give a physical body according to your soul it would look like that

Thats what they said about the digimarines

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Yeah right here user. Onshore lower 48. Really not that bad actually. Mwd is best for a comfy neet live. 20 days on 10 days off. Just click on computer all night and only go onto rig once every week. Make like 400 a day doing it.



im here everyday.
if you are also here everyday. join this disc0rd: NhDv3wX

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