how based is this guy?
How based is this guy?
*blocks your path*
He’s a right wing gatekeeper. His rhetoric comes off as schizo ramblings to me, but he has managed to mesmerize a large audience consisting mainly losers in their 20s. Honorary-kike/10
Not based at all, take your depression medicine goyim ;)
he is COPE epitomized
There are three main types of people who seem intent on disliking him. First are programmed hard lefties, second are autists who can't accept someone striving to explain the world in more than a safe, reductive way and third are Jow Forumsbabbies who are playing the same identity politics game as the lefties.
i like some of his commentary on how identity politics basically reduces the world into absurd dichotomies like everything being a a result of patriarchy etc hes pretty based
I enjoyed their debates. Two guys who can agree to disagree in a good natured way and have a really interesting discussion.
Any credibility he had, went out the window when I heard his views on anti-depressants
>agree to disagree
should listen to their first encounter on Sam's podcast
Not as based as CSW
>his views on anti-depressants
That if you're crippled with depression and can't make your life better without them, you should try them?
He's right, in that case, you should.
But he also says that depression is wildly over-diagnosed, and that it's usually a result of "defeat" like in his defeated-lobster example.
He says to stand up straight and start racking up wins, and that sort of "depression" fades
I can't believe how Jow Forumstarded some of you fucks are. He doesn't endorse antidepressants en masse, just for select cases. It's not for the mass autism of the Doomers/Zoomers.
His opinions on ADHD should make it clear that he doesn't like the mass-doping going on today.
What's your point? They tried again later and it went much better.
he is really good at getting money for retards with daddy issues.
Oh shit... very well said
Room looks decently clean desu. A little cluttered maybe, but you might want to check out some room threads on Jow Forums sometime
It helps no one to be reductive.
Thanks, although I should have noted that there tends to be overlap between the last two groups. Point well made on the antidepressants too.
As do peterson "jewish iq"
He was recorging while in process of moving to new appartment. Low effort you fag...
You could learn more from reading Aurelius or any other stoic to be honest.
Are you saying my post was reductive? If so then touché, although I did say "main groups", i.e. that obviously there are more nuanced positions and I am not saying that every attack on Jordan Peterson boils down to one of these three issues. I do however see these as the main ones. Cases in point:
Jow Forumsbabbies , , autist crowd e.g. hard line Sam Harris fans who think the two are at odds with each other , As for lefties, there are plenty of examples on youtube and in the mainstream press.
I should say I have a lot more sympathy for the Sam Harris fans and that people like Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson need each other and need to keep challenging each other.
>What's your point? They tried again later and it went much better.
Did they really? Seems like they had other motives at the time. Unfortunately, Sam is in it for the money now.
>Seems like they had other motives at the time. Unfortunately, Sam is in it for the money now.
I can't really comment on that, unless you wish to explain further.
You're a brainlet, Sam Harris is yet another identity politica jew, and hes literally jewish unlike good goy peterson
>identity politics for me, not for thee
>Sam Harris is yet another identity politica jew
Absolutely. I hear him run his kike baby pleaser all the time about Christianity and Islam but will dance around the inbred ethnic cult that can't put down the baby dick binkie even after 5 thousand years. Surprise, he's in the tribe.
He's but a humble rug salesmen. What on Earth do you mean? Do you want to buy a signed rug?
>I can't really comment on that, unless you wish to explain further.
They were on tour the second time, which means they selling something, which means they were influenced by other motives. I don't know how much you have followed Sam, but he's changed over the years. He used to do his podcast for free, then started to put content behind a paywall. At first it was optional, then it become mandatory...he's also selling apps and t-shirts now [in addition to ticket sales during tours].
>They were on tour the second time, which means they selling something, which means they were influenced by other motives.
Don't forget that it was organised by Pangburn, who appears to be a bit of a dark figure (
Other than that I don't see anything wrong in principle for them making money while they do this. The only issue for me might be how they do it.
>I don't know how much you have followed Sam, but he's changed over the years.
I listen to his Making Sense podcast from time to time, but no I don't follow him closely or regularly.
>He used to do his podcast for free, then started to put content behind a paywall.
Sounds like a fair criticism.
He's the token white guy in the jewish "IDW"
>Other than that I don't see anything wrong in principle for them making money while they do this.
Nothing wrong with that, but it introduces bias and in a way contradicts some of his stated reasons for not wanting advertisers.
>I listen to his Making Sense podcast from time to time, but no I don't follow him closely or regularly.
You wouldn't really notice then. I've been following him since his early books came out and he's definitely changed, or at the very least is under the influence of other powers for lack of better terms.
What do you think about Peterson being unable to follow his own rule, tell the truth? Did you see when he was asked about Solzhenitsyn?
He has some good stuff but fuck you if you don't have a problem with Jews.
>identity politics game
race is the differentiating factor in all things macro, civic nationalism is the political equivalent of earplugs and individualism has been molded into a cancer
it's not my fault I'm right and it's not my fault you're not white
Jews are business and finance
This? I don't really blame him. From the point of view of self-preservation it's an absolute 3rd rail topic.
On top of that, from an ethical point of view, perhaps he was also concerned about stoking ethnic hatred towards Jews, who are a very diverse group which spans far beyond a few clusters of elites in the US.
I would also argue that it's a leading question, i.e. that any group is capable of ethnic hatred, therefore obviously so are the Jews. It was basically designed to get him to say yes and thereby commit to a position which will immediately brand him as an anti-semite.
He hasn't read Solzhenitsyn's book and he's being asked this in a Q&A after a talk, when he's probably not completely fresh. It's a topic most public figures wouldn't dare face on their best day.
Finally, he declined to answer, that's not the same as lying.
So I would say that it was an understandable move. To try tackling the subject at the same time as he's fielding attacks from mainstream media on a regular basis over everything he says would be suicidal. It's also only one instance, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes back to the topic at some point in the future.
He has also partially addressed elements of this point when asked about Jewish over-representation among elites. His answer is usually high IQ among Ashkenazi Jews and I would imagine he the solution he would offer to Jewish ethnic hatred would be the same one he offers in response to all destructive tribal behaviours - focus on and promote the individual.
based and redpilled
there are three main types of people intent on linking him. basedboys with daddy issues who never learned to wash their balls, alt-righters who think if they don't understand what someone is saying that person is smart and people playing identity politics without realizing it as they are on the other side of the political spectrum.
>He hasn't read Solzhenitsyn's book
But he has admitted to having read it.
This guys whole fucking stick is to straighten yourself out and be ethical and honest, and he can't do it himself because he's a cowardly cuckold who cucks to political correctness all the time. At one event he even deplatformed some rightwinger because he wasn't PC enough for him. What an absolute scumbag and hypocrite.
>His answer is usually high IQ among Ashkenazi Jews
This is based on a study done on about a dozen schoolkids. It's a retarded argument. It also doesn't explain why American universities are so extremely overrepresented in jewish students, even adjusted for IQ scores.
>I would imagine he the solution he would offer to Jewish ethnic hatred would be the same one he offers in response to all destructive tribal behaviours - focus on and promote the individual.
Who said anything about ethnic hatred? If anything keeping the lid on politically incorrect issues is what breeed hatred, your retarded stance on this is EXACTLY what causes hatred against jews.
>focus on and promote the individual
THAT'S THE FUCKING ISSUE. Jews act as a group all the fucking time, massive nepotism, and they shut down any critique against them. Basically what you're saying is that goyim should tolerate that jews act as a collective all the time, but white people should always only focus on the individual and if they act as a collective they are "irrational tribalists". Judaism is the most tribalist ideology of our time and you say we cant even fucking talk about it, but we mustnt ever be tribal. Fuck you you fucking troglodyte intellectual midget retarded hypocrite
>But he has admitted to having read it.
I said that based on the video where he says he hasn't.
>At one event he even deplatformed some rightwinger because he wasn't PC enough for him. What an absolute scumbag and hypocrite.
Faith Goldy. Yes I didn't understand why he did that, but I'm not about to "cancel" him based on that one misstep.
>This is based on a study done on about a dozen schoolkids. It's a retarded argument. It also doesn't explain why American universities are so extremely overrepresented in jewish students, even adjusted for IQ scores.
He may well be wrong, I don't know the topic well. Even if you are 100% right, I never argued that he is always correct in what he says, nor does he.
>Who said anything about ethnic hatred?
I think that's what the video was talking about.
>If anything keeping the lid on politically incorrect issues is what breeed hatred, your retarded stance on this is EXACTLY what causes hatred against jews.
Fair point, but I would argue that all he would achieve by answering the question in that particular instance would be the annihilation of his own public platform and discredit every cause he has championed by association.
I also never said this was my stance.
>Basically what you're saying is that goyim should tolerate that jews act as a collective all the time, but white people should always only focus on the individual and if they act as a collective they are "irrational tribalists".
No that's not what I'm saying at all.
>Judaism is the most tribalist ideology of our time and you say we cant even fucking talk about it
Didn't say that either. I'm not going to re-state my point, it's in the post you're replying to.
The question I would like to ask you is, what is your solution?
not only does he not reply this question, which is one of the most important questions of the time
no, he constantly surrounds himself with people who advocate constant and unfaltering identity politics for jews. it's not some small misstep of his, it's a giant hole in his persona, it's hypocrisy of the highest order, he is well aware of it, and he refuses to even talk about it
it's like if a 2nd amendment NRA leader also openly met with congressmen to write laws restricting gun rights, but nu uh we cant talk about it
>No that's not what I'm saying at all.
Didn't say that either. I'm not going to re-state my point, it's in the post you're replying to.
That's basically what he's saying, and you think it's no big deal.
>The question I would like to ask you is, what is your solution?
How about follow his own advice and speak honestly and candidly and openly and compassionately. If we are to embrace individualism we must also critique judaism. It's an ethnoreligious group with special rights that opely practices genital mutilation and discriminates against all non-jews, they have a theocratic ethnostate and they just so happen to own large swaths of mainstream media and banking, and if you criticize them you go to prison in Europe for fucks sake. And the champion of individuality and anti-tribalism just cannot, just cannot at all lodge any kind of critique against them at all. Insted he cozies up to them, hangs around these people all the time, shields the from critique, and so forth. You really don't think there is something wrong with that?
Again, what's your solution? Also, are you out there speaking openly about this issue?
He's a good introduction to nazi thought if you don't want to be radicalised too quickly.
So it's trash.
>Again, what's your solution?
didn't express this clearly enough. Basically I find "JBP should talk about this" to be a cop-out answer.
What is your solution in terms of what everyone has to do and how you see this playing out.
Where is the lie?
He has something interesting and what seems to me as a laymen novel about psychology and the human condition, but peterson is often incoherent, inconsistent and completely butchers certain fields like history (this was my first red flag personally) to rationalise preconceived ideas whilst presenting himself as some balanced well researched authority on these things where he is really completely out of his depth. He is too willing to play fast and loose with the facts to support his ideology. In the mainstream debates, harris and dillahunty have exposed his apologetics and obscurantism, zizek exposed his lack of depth of knowledge with regards to postmodernism. any academic review (NOT referring to politically bent op-eds) of his work or claims outside the field of psychology are pretty disparaging.
No but I'm not parading around like some paragon of truth and individualism and having your shit together. Maybe if I had fuck you money and wasn't financially dependent on society I would speak openly about it
The only option to openly talking about it is to keeping the lid on and making the confrontation that will eventually happen that much worse. By not allowing this into the public sphere we are essentially building up the pressure for a new Hitler. The solution is to talk about it and for judaism to get demoted to the same status has in europe christianity has today, it should be continually joked about and derided and carry no power. Basically all religion and races must be brought down publically and face the same critique as white people and christianity has. And if that cannot happen then they should go back home. We are on a crash course and the only thing that can stop a explosive collission is to fucking taaaalk about it
It's a joke bucko, settle yourself. Does make a good point about Jordan falling a little off track recently though. I'm a big fan of his all round but he seems to be getting a little arrogant and less flexible (mentally) recently, just not on his A game. Probably overworking himself and setting the bar too high, fame might be getting to his head a bit too
>are you out there speaking openly about this issue?
Ultimately you're advocating that he become socially ostracized and you know how it would play out. Peterson doesn't want that fate either apparently.
Delete this, I only care about trannies when I can feign sympathy for their mental illness. This tranny's mind is obviously too addled with pharmaceuticals to think clearly.
>Ultimately you're advocating that he become socially ostracized and you know how it would play out
you could say the exact same thing about him speaking up about that trans law in canada
ultimately what you're arguing is for him to not be a leader, and ironically, it seems like you think that speaking candidly about judaism will completely end his life, while at the same time arguing that the jewish question is of no importance
>Maybe if I had fuck you money and wasn't financially dependent on society I would speak openly about it
So you're a hypocrite. Your excuse is that his money insulates him from what they can do to him and his family - it doesn't, obviously.
I'm not. I'm using this to point out that user is a hypocrite.
the fault is not that he lied, or misrepresented.
its that he said nothing, out of convenience. after talking about truth and logos being fundamental to western society, it makes him a hypocrite
>So you're a hypocrite. Your excuse is that his money insulates him from what they can do to him and his family - it doesn't, obviously.
Of course it does. If the average person spoke about the jewish question he will be unemployable for life, maybe even put in prison. If peterson spoke about the jewish question at worst he would be fired and not be a celebrity and invited to shows anymore. The dude is fucking loaded, he is not dependent on anyone. How much cognitive dissonance do you have to have to accuse me of being a hypocrite while not admitting petersons massive hypocrisy
He's a poser. He's like rapper who spits about the streets and gangs and drugs but in reality he has never seen that shit. He's like Rick Ross, a correctional officer who larped as Rick Ross, the most famous drug dealer in America. He talks about philosophy and truth and logos but he doesn't care to live up to it himself. Why should I listen to this poser fraud? His words don't even mean anything to himself, why should they mean anything so someone else?
>If peterson spoke about the jewish question at worst he would be fired and not be a celebrity and invited to shows anymore. The dude is fucking loaded, he is not dependent on anyone.
Firstly he has a family and an extended family. The consequences would likely affect them as well, meaning they would also need financial support. A few million isn't enough to last forever in such a situation.
Secondly, he would see all of his work dismantle and dismissed.
Thirdly, the consequences are not just lower income. There is deplatforming, frozen bank accounts, there are hate speech laws. there are human rights tribunals. There are borders he and his family would no longer be able to freely cross. I'm not even stretching my imagination and what these people are capable of almost certainly reaches far beyond its limits.
In addition even you say there are potential legal consequences, but conveniently omit this possibility when it comes to Peterson. For some reason you imply this only applies to the Average Joe.
>How much cognitive dissonance do you have to have to accuse me of being a hypocrite while not admitting petersons massive hypocrisy
You are a hypocrite. You are advocating that he goes out and commits a form of career suicide, while citing convenient reasons why you think he should stick his neck out and you shouldn't.
Speaking out against a gender mislabeling law isn't nearly as egregious as criticizing the tribe.
Hyperbolic phrasing aside, his life isn't going to end if he applied his criticism of collectivism uniformly. Once he touches on that certain ethnic group he can cancel all his public appearances. Most of that reply doesn't really make sense considering you're saying much of what I am already.
>You are a hypocrite. You are advocating that he goes out and commits a form of career suicide, while citing convenient reasons why you think he should stick his neck out and you shouldn't.
Ok sure. Will you admit that Peterson is an even bigger hypocrite?
oy vey why doesn't Jow Forums bow down to my milquetoast kosher controlled neoconservative opposition
oy vey judaism is just like other religions goys i mean guys!
>that feel when you realize nazism and judaism are very very similar ideologies
one is over the other one is covert
everything else is the same
No one is under obligation to answer leading questions designed to start a shitstorm. So no, I don't think declining to answer that question at that time constitutes a violation of the principles he speaks about. You'd have a better time arguing that the Faith Goldy case was evidence of some hypocrisy on his part.
So in other words "no" and I refer you back to my original response if you need further clarification.
You though, in addition to being a hypocrite are a cowardly fucking rat. Loud and tough when it costs you nothing but pulling back from real danger when it presents itself and trying to push others towards it.
Tribalism is bad goy!!! Never think about doing anything tribal, tribalism is racist!
You're an idiot then, or possibly literally jewish.
Would you admit that any valid and sound critique of the tribe is effectively career suicide? Unless you're someone like Farrakhan of course. Declining to answer rather than working from first principles and coming to a logical conclusion was also a wise choice for horrible reasons.
>Would you admit that any valid and sound critique of the tribe is effectively career suicide?
Of course. Not only that but possibly worse it means demolishing any of the progress you've managed to make on other fronts. I made this point in my original response to the question I just find anons stance somewhat vile and exactly the sort of sneaky and manipulative behaviour people like him accuse Jews of.
Each day we get a little closer to the day
It's an inevitability, no need to "redpill" anyone, waste of time
Are you jewish? Did you read his books?
>I just find anons stance somewhat vile and exactly the sort of sneaky and manipulative behaviour people like him accuse Jews of.
You act like chans are actually anonymous. Anyone that's actually redpilled knows posting facts about Jews here is still risky. You genuinely sound Jewish when you talk with so much venom about someone who's passing on knowledge to other anons.
In a world where everyone is pointing nukes at each other, you should hope that day never comes.
>say several multiple things that could easily be classified as anti-semitic
>asks me if I'm Jewish
user, you're not worth replying to.
Doesn't matter
you dirty fucking kike
Find another site to sully, you evil coward
It's a simple. Whether you're a jew or not, your pilpul doesn't impress anyone here. You're the evil person, defending evil, and attacking those who want to do something about it. Fuck you.
That's a reasonable reply that I missed.
My stake in this topic was broadly addressed at the end here which he does bring up a very interesting point.
If the guy who is peddling individualism and its merits while denouncing collectivism and its downfalls is effectively silenced when it comes to saying anything against arguably the most collectivist driven group to ever roam the earth then what chance does some random user have? It really is a metaphorical powder keg that whites aren't allowed to touch. Just wait til the next version of Ilhan Omar gets a platform with power and they can only hope that it's just mean words.
I have noticed this from the beginning (like 2017 when he really got popular) but even still he keeps shitting out amazing and concise insight and new knowledge about the world, I just he wouldn't SEEM as arrogant or slightly cringey as he does it
That said, these traits by my record have been going on now for a little while so I'm not too worried it'll all go to his head and he'll blow up and then act like he don't know nobody
He's right that alt cucks and nazis is full of depressed losers and social misfits barely able to function
>what chance does some random user have?
None whatsoever.
>If the guy who is peddling individualism and its merits while denouncing collectivism and its downfalls is effectively silenced when it comes to saying anything against arguably the most collectivist driven group to ever roam the earth
How do you counteract a group that thrives on collectivism and victimhood status, without taking them on directly? Criticise these concepts and promote individualism. If you prime people to be wary of these tactics, you lessen their efficacy when they are used by this group.
Personally I think that is more progress than user is achieving by posting Jow Forumss greatest hits and calling me a kike.
yes you fucking idiot, just do exactly what the jews want and then you'll win!
that's an observation but not really a proper argument, it's the thing you'd expect a feminist to say when you tell her you dont think there are 57 genders
He avoids the Jewish question which shows that he is not really that smart.
I think his politics and philosophy are a meme but his practical advice born of his clinical psychology experience is golden. He's pretty much the only self-help guru I've ever heard whose premise is that you're a useless POS and who actually builds into his advice the assumption that you'll probably be shit at applying it. Because it starts from that position, for me (as someone with very low conscientiousness) it's the only advice that works and therefore gives me a positive outlook on the possibility and practice of my self-improvement process.
Why would a member of an ethnic group that has an origin story of perpetually being the victim to promote group unity while being god's chosen people, constantly having nepotism work in their favor and having any honest critique of their group (each individual can hide under this umbrella group as well) met with censorship or outright banning want to go out and make it on their own in life and leave this identity behind? Peterson isn't really selling them anything they would want to buy.
Firstly, he's not just selling it to them and they exert their influence using these methods on people outside their group (white guilt and whatnot).
Secondly they are people too and most of them want to live meaningful lives. That in essence is what Peterson is selling - how to find meaning and escape nihilism. Note that the person who asked him the question in that video was Jewish, or claimed to be.
The concept of the individual is central to the psychological advice that values.