Boomer hate thread

>parents didn’t want to pay for college so I got into debt
>tfw college was free for my parents during their time
>tfw just found out my parents are going to spend $50,000 on extensions to their house
If god exists, he will kill all boomers in this world now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>house extensions
I remember when my parents were OBSESSED with this
That was before my dad got cancer

Your parents don't own you shot you stupid faggot. Join the military for four years if you want experience, money, and free college. Small price to pay for so much to gain. Maybe you'll stop being such a little bitch too

your an ungrateful shit

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stfu boomer. you are the reason the shitskins replace us.

tageting boomers with small dicks. classic.

you're just an unwanted kid.
I'm an unwanted kid, and my dad always gave me the best but the minimum, in terms of roof, food and education.
If I asked for a toy or some extra clothing, he'd say "I'm only obligated to give you food, education, and a roof over your head".
I have a great life now, and he wants to be friends, and that I call him. Fuck off, old man.

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>join the military(navy)
>go overseas
>get into some shit
>I'm a pog, never saw combat, don't really want to talk about it
>have PTSD and get out on 60% disability
>go into college and get a free ride, only a year left
You are now here, what do? A-asking for a f-friend...

lmao cry more bitch
taking advantage of opportunities is not a crime

my dads boomer buddies are all studs who have actual personalities rather than zooming on electric scooters jizzing over postmates

it's actually beneficial to grow up and not getting everything you ask for.
you will do the same thing for your children because if they get everything they will become stupid lazy fags

yeah, but there's a price, you can't just turn 180° and suddenly want to become friends with the kid when his older.
My dad corrected this with my little brother, he's more like a grandfather/friend with him.
There's a delicate balance, that only few dads can discover in time.
I was the cause of a shotgun wedding, so there was no time to train.

your father should have whooped your ass you whiney bitch

Parents got divorced and split the house and money 50/50, talking a few mil net worth, mother proceeded to piss away everything and has NOTHING left. Dad got cancer and slowly bled all his money away on living expenses and shit. He died recently and I resent my whore mother for tearing my family apart so she could run around fucking armenians and buying her friends drinks.

There's something amazing about how burgers are forced to pay for services that's free in the civilized world, yet claim they're the best nation in the world


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LMAO, cucked dads do create cucked sons

>my parents, literal refugees
>dad gave the shirt off his back to get my oldest sibling to graduate
>oldest sibling paid rent & assisted my 2nd oldest sibling with school

Trend is continuing. I could literally ask for the last 10k in father's bank and he'd trust me with it. Meanwhile mt brother's western wife went homeless when she lost her job while studying. Both her parents work full time mediocre jobs and she's the only child. Why don't your parents love you user?

Not only that, refugees are given free housing and healthcare by the government

My parents also dont love me.
I'm excited to properly raise children one day and actually help them in constructive ways. Fucking materialistic narcissists.
>pisses away money
>barely provided me with any proper attention
>let me go to shitty schools that completely set me up for disappointment
>never influenced my physical health and fed me awful food
Who does this? Who fucks their kid up so badly out of convenience?
My kids are going to eat well, be taught well, and be left with land instead of debt.

>being this entitled
>thinking you are owed this by your parents
>falling for the college meme

Just drop out of society or kys, OP

Leave your kids with BTC rather than land.

>never saw combat

Your parents own you everything. Dont have kids if you cant afford it

not him but hairy puss in Okinawa maybe?

I absolutely hate faggots like you. The VA is a fucking joke

>OP is a classic Zoomer
Take some responsibility you arrogant cunt

Zoomers =Niggers

What are we going to do about the Zoomer problem?

in austria you can sue your parents for alimony if they dont support you if you go to university.

They would have to pay until you are finished with college (up to 26 years), but you have to successfully finish your degree, or they can demand it back.

This is also not applicable if your parents are too poor, then you would get some grants anyway.

Respect for serving the military, but
>Be kid.
>Want a good life?
>Get forced to join the miltiary.
>Get disability.
>Others kids didnt have to risk their well-being and life for a chance of a good solid life.

Boomer logic.

there have been studies in norway and denmark, the attribute most of the iq drop to a "change in demographics", and you should know what that actually means

Zoomer COPE

You cunts have access to ALL the info of the world but are to arrogant to use it!

>kids get dumber
>blame kids for the garbage education they receive
retarded boomer in action

>boomer ignorance

You cunts have access to ALL the info of the world but are to arrogant to accept it!

>blame kids for the garbage education they receive
School has been shit for a while, obviously. The only thing that matters is you guys are dumber than the boomers, but you have access to all the info in the world, they didn't.
Blame school not yourselves! classic Zoomer

>You cunts have access to ALL the info of the world but are to arrogant to accept it!
It was conditioned in them, it was ignorance out of pure ignorance. You cunts are ignorance out of arrogance, HUGH difference.

Don't think you aren't brainwashed either!

Look after the age of ~20 the plasiticiy of the brain reaches a point where I gets harder to learn & change...Are the boomers ignorant YES, But the Zoomie Zoomers are worse as it comes through arrogance!

A good portion of you Zoomers literally think money is just printed ffs! You are against something you don't even have a full understanding of & too arrogant to learn how it works!

Curriculum is way worse now than just 10 years ago. Food quality also went to the shitter. To ask the kids to fix themselves in ascetic self-study is so ridiculous it's beyond a joke.

>Curriculum is way worse now than just 10 years ago.
I wouldn't know, but its been shit for a while. But why would you expect the public school system to do anything above putting out factory workers...Its just day care, that repeats the same shite, it always has been.
>Food quality also went to the shitter.
Still lots of ppl shit on vegans/vegetarians, it's arrogance/ignorance. Again, why make food that doesn't make good slaves. Part of this is food issue is due to the family unit breaking down.
Since the early 80's two incomes count to a mortgage, causing house prices to rise, to the point that if a average family wants a family home, the mother MUST work.
>To ask the kids to fix themselves in ascetic self-study is so ridiculous it's beyond a joke.
But they are the only ones that can...without it, who ever comes after the zoomers are going to be even dumber! So you guys are bitching about the Boomers but aren't willing to change...So Zoomers are just younger more arrogant Boomers!

Well how would you expect a generation that is dumber & more adhd riddled to perform better? Of course they won't do better. Some kids do as you say and escape it but the majority is RIP.

Secondary you have to take the population distribution into account. Even if the kids do something. It has no impact currently because they are a minority. Everything is still dominated by the majority of 50+ steering the course.

We believe in IQ differences between racial demographics because we have access to the internet. The day of the pillow is very fucking nigh.

>school is why I'm a completely helpless retard!

It's not your money

You dumb fucks believe anything as long as it's distilled into a meme format. Critical thinking is a trait you kids never had.

>tfw just found out my parents are going to spend $50,000 on extensions to their house

If that house is almost paid off and you're the next of kin you're going to inherit that property, dumbass.

>i believe education quality has no impact on a generation
it's amazing you can type.

>Blames niggers
>to dumb to read the article

>the researchers observed IQ drops occurring within actual families, between brothers and sons — meaning the effect likely isn’t due to shifting demographic factors as some have suggested, such as the dysgenic accumulation of disadvantageous genes across areas of society,”

Here it is again!

Shut up you stupid Zoomer Nigger!

you sound like a child still, get over it and give him a call

Keep coping with you natural low IQ, chimp

>To ask the kids to fix themselves in ascetic self-study is so ridiculous it's beyond a joke
fucking this. Let me explain to you how this actually works...
The actual solid learning resources out there are few and far between. Most information isn't free, but rather carries an agenda, be it political or economic. Want to learn something? Here's a 5min youtube video... want to learn how it actually works? Better visit my website and sign up for my course.

If you want to become a scholar then having a degree is an absolute MUST. There is NO fucking way you'll ever be anything other than an oddity, something professors subtly mock, unless you go down the academic route. Furthermore, most, if not all, journals and papers are behind paywalls or even worse institution-walls.

Let's say, however, that you decide to take the hard route and take up ascetic self-study. Having no real boss but yourself means procrastination eats your time up and you accomplish hardly 1/5th of what you would otherwise. Breaking this habit is extraordinarily difficult because there is no sense of urgency and no responsibility; you can always delegate your work to a future you and indulge in instant self-gratification.

Boomers love this meme. As if a computer terminal and internet access are all you need for success. As if it were as easy as opening it up and a few days later you've learned to code or achieved an advancement in a scientific field of study. Ascetic self study requires superhuman self discipline which boomers have never had to do in their unjustly easy-going lives.

Until they reverse mortgage it to pay for their 3 year cruise.

Your parents owe you nothing.

Blaming your bad decisions on them shows an udder lack of personal responsibility.

College in the United States has never been free, & we have trade schools/Bootcamps meaning we have access to more options and better jobs than the Boomers ever could have dreamed of.

Your Parents are not to blame for your shitty life. Grow up.

>Until they reverse mortgage it to pay for their 3 year cruise.

lets hope op's parents aren't that retarded

>better jobs
today a tenured professor earns as much as a gas station worker 40 years ago. And i don't mean it figurative but literally. Compare the income adjusted and it fits. This shows you how justed current people are.

Yeah it's cool how you can still work a part time summer job to pay for college tuition every year and still have money left over to put a downpayment on a small family home that will be worth $1.6m in 50 years.

>Let's say, however, that you decide to take the hard route and take up ascetic self-study. Having no real boss but yourself means procrastination eats your time up and you accomplish hardly 1/5th of what you would otherwise. Breaking this habit is extraordinarily difficult because there is no sense of urgency and no responsibility; you can always delegate your work to a future you and indulge in instant self-gratification.
>Boomers love this meme. As if a computer terminal and internet access are all you need for success. As if it were as easy as opening it up and a few days later you've learned to code or achieved an advancement in a scientific field of study. Ascetic self study requires superhuman self discipline which boomers have never had to do in their unjustly easy-going lives.

I know some people who really are blessed with the gift of gab and make a lot of money in their respected field or trade, usually the over educated academic types are terrible in business and finances.

You're pretty much fucked right out of the gate if you're autistic and a social retard, take a genius such as Nikola Tesla, didn't he die in abject poverty?

>College in the United States has never been free, & we have trade schools/Bootcamps meaning we have access to more options and better jobs than the Boomers ever could have dreamed of.

Why don't you then write a pdf and charge $10 to download a copy where you explain how you became so successful?

>Well how would you expect a generation that is dumber & more adhd riddled to perform better?
Look I have been diagnosed with ADHD multiple times, its BS! Psychology is not a real science. This is just an excuse.

>Some kids do as you say and escape it but the majority is RIP.
The Zoomers are going to be/are even worse than the Boomers! Who is going to be at fault then?

>Everything is still dominated by the majority of 50+ steering the course.
Of course, & that is how it should be DESU, with that age comes wisdom. Can't give power to people too arrogant with the TINY slice of knowledge they have. I personally do not agree to be represented by anyone. But the public at large needs to be! They want to be!

>double spacing
>boomer talk

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Uh don't go to college in the first place and avoid the Debt Trap?

Everyone's different but I didn't go to college. I got a state job where I'm making almost 40k. My job is easy as shit to. No asshole bosses, no real stress. Just show up on time, do what needs doing then leave. I've got nice house, car and I live in a low col state. No debt either aside from my house.

College is a joke anymore. Everyone's got a degree in "something" so the value just ain't there anymore. Once you land the first job that degree winds up in a box or some shit never seen/needed again. H.R types don't really give two shits that you went cause it just don't mean much anymore. All they care about is that you provide a copy of it so they'd have it for there records.

>he understand the reasons for the mistakes of others in the past
>he chooses to continue to be petty and spiteful because he's so assblasted

Life is unfair, but withholding kindness to those who meet your arbitrary conditions will only condemn you to be reincarnated as pajeet. Check em and repent.

I don't mean adhd as a "needs meds". Most of them got trained to show adhd behaviour due to the current lifestyle. They face more distractions than ever in history. Social media / youtube / ... all train them to have short attention span and be easily distracted.

50+ are as mentally deranged as 1-17.
Living corpses shouldn't have any more voting rights than children. Especially today where tech left most of them behind. They don't understand what they vote.

your digits prove, you know nothing.

it really all is pretty predatory, and with the advancement of oracles and smart contracts in general, I think it will get much worse before it gets better.

Your parents aren't supposed to do jack shit for you once you turn 18 dumb ass. You've graduated H.S/are now an adult. Time you make your own way in the shit called life. That's what's wrong with kids now. They get coddled way to much. Once they turn 18 "your on your own bitch" should be the theme.

Parents spent 18 years taking care you/teaching you shit/putting up with your ass so surely by now it's all sunk in. Time for you to do shit yourself.

My parents are the same but at least I'm gonna get the stupid extended house after they're gone. Be thankful they spend there money on something that holds some value instead of coke and cars like a lot of boomers do.


Look i can't shit on what you wrote, its is largely correct! The boomers had a much simpler life! FACT!
Does that meant that all your problems are caused by boomers? No, its the system (Jews). The boomer had it more complicated than the previous generation, that is just how it works. It will be more complicated for the next generation as globalism goes into full swing (can't see how thats not going to happen).

Please read the above for your first statement.

>50+ are as mentally deranged as 1-17.
Have to disagree, both are brainwashed, the Zoomers more so as that short attention span is part of the brainwashing.

>Living corpses shouldn't have any more voting rights than children
People that vote are children, mentally speaking! You can't change the system by voting, its not going to happen. Take the political parties neither will touch the central banks...Its Coke v Pepsi, same thing just a slightly different flavour!

>Especially today where tech left most of them behind.
Govs ALWAYS take time to get to speed on the current tech no matter how far you go back, take Elon & his AI thing, if what he is sayin is true by the time a law comes it will already be to late. Its difficult to change a system that actively resists change & seeks out growth above everything else.

>They don't understand what they vote.
Neither do you if you vote...& thus proving my point. Voting just gives an illusion of democracy

>50+ are as mentally deranged as 1-17.
Also, A good percent of the Zoomers don't believe in free speech any more! Free speech is one of the pillars of the west, but no, the mental insanity of the Zoomer says free speech, thats bad! Fuck the brainwashing worked! The boomers were NO WHERE near as brainwashed/mentally deranged as the Zoomers are!

I hate asking for money from my parents, but it's all I can do to survive right now because I just graduated college and couldn't find a job that paid more than 37k a year and had debt from living in a high income area.

My dad is always willing to cover more than I feel he can though. Hopefully I can pay him back once I'm a bit older and have a better job. I bought him Tower of Power tickets for fathers day though

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>implying academia has no bias.
Everything has a fucking agenda, especially Academia. Of course some fields are better than others at remaining neutral, but all-in-alll there is a clear bias present.

>your parents don't owe you shit
Yes they do, If you put a child in this world you are responsible for them until they can live independently. In today's world, that means a college degree

>>never influenced my physical health and fed me awful food
This one feels real bad

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work on getting 100%, then apply for social security as well.

Then live large and get fat.

Females have actually gotten PTSD (and I suppose now nu males too) due to state side bases going up an alert level over possible terrorist attack sometime possibly maybe (not in a gate / security role either).
At this point Russian military would walk all over us, if they could afford the gas to get over here or were actually sober for 5 minutes

Nah his dads a fuckhead

t. boomer

Nuclear family bullshit like that was a 50s invention, extended families that take care of everyone are GOAT

If my parents asked for rent or kicked me out at 18 I wouldn't even pay for a nursing home they'd be on the streets

I bet you picked a stupid major retard


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>having a bunch of kids without the means nor intention of supporting them
Sure is Shaniqua in here

You won't be looking down on us when the financial system collapses, society destabilizes and all those irresponsible westerners drag you out of your house and force you onto the gallows or a boat back to whatever hellhole you were spawned out of.

Weird that Americans are the only culture where parents feel they owe nothing to their children.

It most recently started after the 1970s, before that time, parents wouldn't mind giving anything to their children.

Adults once realized that their kids were their future and an extension of the most, now it's quite the opposite.

I wish we could be like other cultures where caring for each other was more important than material objects.

You know what! I hate your parents also! I wonder why did your mum didn't get an abortion, even a late stage abortion where the child is about to go to college!

Zoomers = Niggers
>Lowing the IQ
>Demanding shite as if it was a right
>Blaming someone else

You faggots aren't going to change shit, Your post sounds like the ravings of a mad man! Your more brainwashed than the boomers!

This is not the Boomers fault, it was part of the continued brainwashing!
In this system money needs to be spent, saving is bad for the economy! aka brainwashing must happen to ensure the slaves spend. The boomers were largely too innocent/ignorant to see the brainwashing. Just wait till the Zoomers are of age, you are malleable as fuck to brainwashing!

Some people don't like cheating.

>Sexual revolution and skyrocking divorce
>Rabid spenders and borrowers instead of saver
>Housing ponzi
>Left their parents behind, leaving their kids behind


Though I will agree that the majority of millenials and zoomers are retarded.

>I'm excited to properly raise children one day

Every millennial I know that has said this has fucked up horribly when they became a parent
>Argue and curse with spouse constantly in front of the kids
>Ignores the children. Just park them in front of a tablet
>No emotional support, genuine knowledge or advice to give to their kids. Every question the kids ask is met with sarcasm, "when you're older" "google it"and "ask alexa"

Fuck my generation. You better be the exception and make good on that claim.


yeah if they do it because they think thats whats best for you, not because "im not obligated to love you"

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Do it yourself. Boomers will hold you back and make you doubt your dreams. Fuck 'em. I told my old man about crypto for 3 years. Not he can't be in the same room as me. I was the black sheep spewing "bullshit" while they trusted in the all might Church complex and bible thumping. God is real but not in a Joel Olsteen mega Costco church. You will make it, user. Never, EVER doubt yourself because of boomers too stupid to read a fucking book or notice cabal symbols while they tell YOU to respect them.

Fuck the noise.

If you trade crypto, we'll help. As far as I'm concerned, boomers are running to the last infinity stone aka Crypto but they'll get rekt because they don't understand satoshi.

How are the Zoomers going to accept responsibility for modern feminism, lower IQ (inb4 Niggers, if you read the links/posts you would know that is BS), short attention span, reading memes & thinkin thats knowledge, the arrogance you have to learning, demanding shit as if you have a right to it, blaming the previous generation, ect.

I have no issues with what that user that you posted in that pic did. But, how are you stupid cunts going to solve anything? Don't you think its going to devolve even more!

Please do the world a favour, stop breeding! Its the best contribution you could make!

FYI this is a Zoomer hate /thread

TFW your're the only non "shitskin" here. What do you mean "us" faggot?

>$50,000 on extensions to their house
what the fuck, mine wanted to do that too.

That’s just nasty man.

Knew a guy in basic that got kicked out because some weird undiagnosable mental thing he had where his arm twitched at random. They just told him he hag PTSD and ELSed him

im 21 year old zoomer so i feel entirely qualified when i say that you're an entitled faggot. that $50k onto their house is an investment that can easily add $1-200k to their home's value if/when they sell. sending their entitled faggot to college on a free ride and gain nothing on the return? or potentially $100k+ in long term? really makes you think

Are you the same quantum nigger that I ran into on Jow Forums a good year ago?
If so, good seeing you again and thanks for the tips. I've been thinking of implementing it into a trading bot.

>udder lack
it's "utter lack" tard

I don't hate my parents. They're just terrible with money and it pains me to see them fritter away their wealth on stupid purchases and debt. I've tried to teach them to save and be frugal but they always turn around and purchase the new Apple Laptop Deluxe pro edition for $5000. But then they'll criticize me for wanting to spend $10 on a carwash.

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Wow. You actually are dumb.
Putting that 50k into stocks would be much better. The housing market is at an all time high, wait until it crashes before you do SHIT to your home. Or sell now.

t. 23 year old coomer

100 % agree with this and I'm hard-working millenial-zoomer

What else would you expect from uneducated retards?
To all boomers: read a fucking book.

>Lowing the IQ

Those zoomers got to you pretty hard, I see

Sucked the IQ right out of you, those bastards

I trade stocks and crypto while lugging all these boomers around to the airport. I'm hoping to retire in 12 months.

There is no way you're going to make it by holding index funds or real estate anytime soon. Not only are they at an all time high, the volatility and passive income is too slow. Best case scenario the index and real estate 2x after 10 years and there is no crash. Worst case you're holding boomer bags while you keep lugging their saggy asses to the airport.

Pick your 10x or 100x bags and start swing trading, you only need one winner to make it.

It's because boomers are generally speaking selfish because they lived comfortable lives where no actual work was involved. They didn't need to compete with hoards of brown people to get a job, they could simply pick themselves up by their bootstraps and directly ask for one. If you do that now you're simply told "apply online" while the HR bot filters out your resume. If you joined the military back then as well you didn't even need to meet any qualifications to get in, didn't meet the minimum required push-ups? No problem let's just lower the bar. Want to bring your gun to show and tell? It's cool we all own guns here. Want a house? No problem, you have stated income so you can literally just say you make thousands of dollars a month (which was a lot back in the day, young man).

Boomers aren't really THAT bad compared to a lot of groups of people, but they were given everything and surprise it spoiled them. They didn't NEED to know any of the skills that are needed today to survive and that's why they now appear fat, lazy, and stupid to everyone around them. For us the world as we know it is just part of everyday life, but boomers are still trapped in the idea that everything around them is like it was in the 80's.

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based and boomerpilled