Holy fuck after 10 years of Modern Warfare 2 are we back ?
Holy fuck after 10 years of Modern Warfare 2 are we back ?
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back!
Wrong board retard
Video games are for fucking faggots
>totally not paid by the (((US-government))) to make anti-russian propaganda
don't you see any coincidence here ?
Bitcoin in 2009 and Modern Warfare 2 in 2009 ?
like exactly 10 years we have another rollback
kek doesnt understand business
Interesting hypototheiisisithisis
But no, I think you're just a faggot gaymer desu-h!
Kek you mean I need to long bitcoin we're going for another 10 year bull run
I would buy some activision stocks now I'm just saying also more BTC
Wow, it really was 10 years ago. Time flies
Yes we're back lads and even stronger with huge BTC holdings
> tfw you've bought BTC in 2015 when everyone thought you're a looser gamer and now they want to kiss your ass
> remember no dips this time
If you have free time to be able to play videogames you are a fucking unproductive brainlet that is never going to make it. Oh wait I forgot this board is filled with assetless 17 year old losers. Have sex incel.
At least I have 30 BTC and 100 ETH what do you have sir ?
> unproductive brainlet that is never going to make it
>mw2 was released during the height of the recession
makes you think
True if big
Does that mean we will see a crash before October ?
> they know shut it down
i'm ready, although shit's never gonna be the same again. never.
buy more bitcoin brother
Makes you think, it really does
> 10 years
Damn I feel old af
>Not picking the superior Chopper Gunner for easier access to the Tactical Nuke.
I used to pick the AC130, but it's not as effective
tfw the big gun gets a multikill then your 2nd one goes PAP PAP PAP and gets another couple then your spray totally misses everything but that's ok because the big gun has reloaded and you get that massive hitmarker noise AHHHH TAKE ME BACK
tfw was completely oblivious at the time, saw bitcoin threads and thought it was a scam
for fucks sake
>50,000 people used to live here...
> now is a ghost town
You breathe like a nigger! I fuckes your mom last night you filthy nihhhhhhger!!
>good old says
> Granata !
31 yr old boomer here
i would unironically buy this for old times sake
call of duty 4 was absolute kino
>tfw playing headquarters
>capture headquarters
>martydom + C4 + stun grenades
>plant C4 around HQ room
>stand in centre holding stun grenade
>SAS come storming in
>drop stun grenade as I die sealing their fate as martydom triggers C4 killing everyone in the room
alah ackbar
Says the man thats posting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum about fantasy coins
>tfw was completely oblivious at the time, saw chainlink threads and thought it was a scam
>for fucks sake
> like they always say history is written by the virgins
if you put the 70$ of the game in btc instead of the game when it's was release on November 10, 2009
you'll have over 62 400 btc worth 539 880 000 $ today
hahahaha gamers btfo
in 2009 you couldn't buy easily BTC
>tfw mw2 was unironically the best time of my life
even in 2013, it took me days to figure out how to buy/store btc
We get dirty so the world stays clean
That's the mission!
Not my favorite videogame trailer ever, but I feel like it's the closest videogames have come to professionally churned out Hollywoord trailers. Well made.
Are you a fucking retard ? Do you really think when I was 14 yo I could figure out how I can buy this shit from a shitty website and I didn't have a fucking bank account how would you buy this other then mining that shit and also I would have lost all my mined bitcoins because it took me 1 fucking year to understand how this shit work and how to store passpharse
right, dont you have work to do nigger
Buy HoloChain.
kikes hate russia because its the last all white country on the earth. sure it has muslims but most of them are white. they christians that are there are orthodox catholic. so they don't have any cucky protestantism. jews hate that combination. they've already successfully destroyed europe and the US is quickly turning into a brown shit hole. thats why they want WW3 with russia to kill us all off for good.
not everyone was underage in 09 faggot theguardian.com
He’s right though, what does blockstream really do all day other than troll, run bot armies and figure out ways to cripple Btc more?