tehe, very stinky
The fags own June now?
luckily the lbgt folk can see straight through this corporate shilling
Im unironically finally going to buy myself a nice little 10k stack now that the retards have done the leg work and mainnet is up and running
>literally a json parser with kyc
in before pic related
Have sex incel
Wait a minute there nolinker, you're telling me that
>despite hating LINK you monitor the price religiously and make a thread as soon as there is any movement
>develop novel and intiutive FUD plotlines using the most up to date information you constantly seek out
>dedicate your creative energies to editing maymays with LINK branding
>have LINKtrader, GitHub, Gitter, pivotaltracker bookmarked so you can keep up to date with the project you hate
>actively participate in a LINK discord or telegram group
>know more about LINK than any other project, even more than stinkylinkies themselves
You need to have sex my dude
>This is a Public Service Announcement.
This thread, and other LINK FUD threads are being posted by three different groups of people.
1) Discord trannies who think they are somehow influencing the market by FUD posting here. They bought LINK early and they think they are a part of a secret club. They dont want you to be a part of this club. They think that they will somehow get rich if nobody ever buys LINK after them.
2) Newfags who dont know WHY LINK is special. They came in to LINK around $0.90 and sold at $1.47. They think they are sick nasty pro daytraders and they want to gloat. They may be excellent day traders, but they have done no fundamental analysis on LINK. They don’t understand that “$1000 EOY” is only a joke because of the timeframe given.
3) LINK hodlers that are just bored
The important thing to realize is this, nobody who has been here a long enough time ACTUALLY thinks LINK is going to dump back to $0.60. Everyone who has done their research knows its only up from here. There will be corrections along the way, but this project is bigger than most realize. If you are holding, dont sell. Im not going to tell you not to swing trade, because frankly, I see the appeal. Just expect no sympathy if you get left behind. If you are thinking about buying in but are waiting for it to go back to $0.60, realize that you will be waiting forever. Buying in now is not a bad deal. Most of us that hold LINK have experienced ups and downs over the course of our investment, but theres a reason this is the best performing asset in crypto since the last bull run. Dont listen to Jow Forums.
.50 this month. Deluded linkies and muh insider project. Go fuck yourself, just another shitcoin with another let down of a mainnet.
Facebook and Italian government.
Why are companies still catering to 1% of the population. Wtf in the end game.
>And then he said: "It's just a healthy correction"
the jews did this
Now go back to discord to come up with new damage control copypastas.
P.S. Don't forget to take your estrogen!
This. If you think companies do this for any reason other than a monetary reward, you're retarded.
cus consumers (us, like it or not) still soak it up for virtue points.
Based and redpilled.
Also do one with a kid's hand for pedophobes to grow up.
gud idea
wait a sec