who does Jow Forums pick in 2020?
Jow Forums approved candidates for president
Yang duh
secure the bag
Ron Paul
Whatever one has the best chance of canceling my student loans.
Whatever libertarian candidate is on the ticket. It doesn't matter who s/he is because they're not going to win anyway, but we need to pump up the numbers for a 3rd party.
Mueller report
The communists aren’t going to purge themselves, that’s clear.
americans need assistance at least
maybe not cancelling completely, but help would be great
yeah, im sick of both parties now
Note the thread title:
>WHO does Jow Forums pick in 2020
There is no why. If you need an explanation you need an education.
never gonna vote for a chink
if i wanted Jow Forums i would've posted there
do presidents even matter anymore
did politics devolve or has it always been this way?
whoever keep things the way they are now
You asked who would everyone pick. You just don't like the answer.
What's the alternative? Yang whos entire platform revolves around magicing 1k a month into everyones pockes? I wonder who's going to pay for that. Establishment Hilary? No one stands out. Trump is attractive because he is the least worst choice.
Jow Forums
you probably switched vpn host nodes, so your ip changed and then your post id changed
are you a recent ira hire? what's it like to work there?
this is the reason why im voting trump
Canceling your loans isn't the way to fix the stufent loan scam and it's unfair to people like me who went to local public schools to avoid loans together
or paid off your car loan in addition to your student loan for a total of $75k+.
36 now. Where's my free gibs and reward for being responsible? Oh right my reward is to be taxed higher for those who dont want to pay their shit. Fuck those assholes.
Go to a fucking trade school and ditch college scam for anyone young in here. If I were to do it all over again I wouldve entered apprenticeship at 19.
Tulsi gabbard unironically. Unfortunately she has no chance
See I don't care about fairness or who gets more gibs. Sure there is a lot of people that owe much more than me. I just want mine paid off.
You being responsible with your money is of no concern to me.
college is a scam for the most part, i agree
so does yang, but im not sold on him
really like her foreign policy stance
whoever wins, she should be sec. of state
pointless wars arent american
Trump is the best (((they))) will let us have.
>college is a scam
found the music major
For me, it's John McCain. The man is a war hero for cryin' out loud! He lives to serve our country and by golly he does it well. Republican versus Democrat aside - I always vote on true blue Americans. From the highest mountains to the lowest valleys, no man (or woman, haha!) will protect this country like Senator John McCain.
Checked, based and redpilled
We are no longer a nation with a common identity or purpose. I might as well be in a foreign fucking country at this point. I give zero fucks about fairness or whatever some by the books retard did with his own time and money. Whichever candidate can benefit me personally gets my vote. At this point that's whomever promises to ease the student debt burden. The fact that others were good goys means nothing. Why should I care about fairness? It's unfair that I have to live in a country being turned into clownworld with my culture and history being slowly destroyed in front of me. That wasn't what i signed up for when i went to college in the early 2000s, to see my teaching jobs taken by incompetent shitskins and entitled roasties.
>Vote for Israel's bitch boy
i mean i'd rather work in a comfy collective, living a simple life than being forced to fight sandniggers for isreal
>there are people still protrump after seeing him do jack shit for this country, give israel more money than ever, and illegal crossings are also at record levels
Hillary would have been better because white people would have actually revolted instead of getting a pressure release valve. Also,
ITT yang incels
based and redpilled
And you being irresponsible with your money is if no concern with me either so go kill yourself because no one is letting you off the hook for falling into a pit of debt. Enjoy making student loan payments until the day you die you scum of the earth nigger.
You’ve already paid these loans. Dipshits keep acting like this isn’t money already gone. You just want a ROI on your blockbuster video shares.
Student loan debt is a sunk cost. Just take the L so it doesn’t drag down your other investments. You could probably get a compromise and stop further wasting your hard earned on retarded investments. Because that’s what’s happening now. Every semester your money is getting thrown down the drain. You really think you’re going to get all that back from Starbucks baristas?
Totally this. We are all alone in clown world.
He mad
so far heres what i have:
- trump is israels bitch boy
- yang is a commie chinamen
- tulsi is alright
...so Jow Forums wants tulsi?
Why isn't there a single muslim candidate? If I was american I would vote for some based muslim who will slaughter all the jews and gays. You can't say anything bad to him cuz that would be raycis n shieet.
>"I mean"
>"comfy collective"
gas urself
This shit again?
Unironically Yang. I’d rather have a piece of that money he’ll tax the tech companies to pay for the gibs then to see it all b given to Israel.
>I have no responsibility for government entities investing my money in kids with no job and no collateral but I am entitled to using government force to get that money back.
That money ain’t coming back boomer. Take the L and your property investments might do better