This orange retard is going to crash the economy before 2020. Just watch

This orange retard is going to crash the economy before 2020. Just watch.

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>>>>>>go back your designated container poltards

it was gonna crash anyway


Lol learn ESL Ranjit

What is he going to do dipshit? Blue screen the fucking Nasdaq? Get real.

what's wrong?
it's a container filled with subhumans like you


Good thing I'm all in on crypto.

Oh wait, I have one meme share of $TSLA.

Sieg Heil !
But besides Lgbt+, your cunt also has 10mio+ muzzies, scheise porn+ all kinds of degeneracy that is hard to even think, and are led by a literal commie woman.
So let muts breathe a little bit.
Also you lost the last 2WW and destroyed the world four times.

Nah, Treasury and the Fed are one flank that is secure for Trump.

The important stuff? Not so much, but he's focused on those stock market numbers.

>hurr durr muh sky is falling!
cope harder freno

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this. trump just postponed it with his protectionist policies. the collapse is still coming. student loan debt bubble is now the topic of every major media outlet. auto loan bubble has now burst cars are being repossessed and im seeing repo agent jobs in my area now.

I'm still waiting for wall & drain swamp he has been talking out of every side of his mouth forever never accomplished anything

KYS libtard, you don't know shit

i love my gays

How can one man fuck the entire world this hard

That has nothing to do with the economy. It’s dumb fluff

have fun bagholding your entire net worth when half the supply of memecoins are getting liquidated in a financial crisis. can't wait to buy your bags for half the price.

The term you're looking for is "containment board"

"designated container" is not incorrect, but your use of it certainly betrays your brown curry soul

Wrong. Trump will do everything he can to prop up the economy via lower interest rates and QE while his administration uses economic leverage against Mexico and China. The economy will all most certainly go kaput if Trump doesn't get reelection. If Trump does get reelected then the global economy is depended on Deutsche Bank not going into default

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Kek, you were so close to good bait.