The absolute state of advertising


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Other urls found in this thread:

Is that a tranny?

>young gals debasing themselves for a world wide audience to make some caffeine soft drink money
i love living in the future desu
just needs some rain and neon and we blade runner now
What the actual fuck is wrong with burgers?

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Does it really matter? All americans act the same way doesn't matter what their skin color is.


What the actual fuck just end humanity now

God I hope so

Oh god it's so fucking funny and cringey

>That thousand yard stare as she holds the can while nearly naked in public

This country needs to be nuked.


now that's my future boomerina haha! *sip*

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Fundamentally readypilled


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>kids these days need hot women to sell them energy drinks
>heh, back in my day, we didnt need any of that, we were smart enough to pick out our own consumer products!

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PLEASE let me press the button


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This makes me want to buy it 0

what the actual fuck...

oh no no no no

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i'd bang her, i'd buy that drink for an energy boost beforehand too, funnily enough it's called bang. Haha.

See the cuts in the shots? I bet she replaced the actual drink with water. You don't maintain a body like that drinking sugar.

I'm a pathetic white

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Nice comment bro

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how does a bitch this ugly get 2 million followers


The only time I use instagram is when people on biz posts links to some random girl after seeing a picture of their butt posted. I then read recent comments and the majority are always broken english from third worlders just saying nonsense like
>u liek me dm girl
>whoa, u big buttt butiful
>pls visit detrott bb omg

this is what OP looks like.

Attached: OP.jpg (912x1314, 119K)

the white pussy market is in a huge fucking bubble right now. 8/10 prostitutes don't really exist anymore because camwhoring/blue balling beta's is far more lucrative, so now you have 6/10's and even 5/10's thinking they're hot shit because they sell their ass on the internet for way more money than they're worth.

Funny, wasn't me though someone else itt


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I for one welcome the end of the human race

All the bang girls are high class hookers

The white pussy bubble, the tech bubble, the student loan bubble, the military industrial complex bubble, are all symptoms of and will collapse with the fiat currency bubble


what are some emerging bubbles I can profit off of goy—*err* I mean kind user?
Wtf even is this.

...and one day....for no reason at all

*cracks open an ice cold Bang's*
sssssip. Ahh, now THAT is how you do advertising, millenials.

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*muffled marching sounds*

i believe it's illegal to not clearly mark ads as such in most parts of the world, including product placements

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would bang

India will be bigger than china, but without the government filtering out their internet. This is just the start.

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why does instagram hide the playback controls btw? check the page source and it's just a normal mp4 video url.

while on the subject, why does twitter claim their animations are a "gif" when it clearly isn't a gif image?

surfing twitter is so annoying, wherever you click you are taken somewhere else or close the thread, selecting text is a bitch. the mobile version of their site actually works better than the pc version, why do mainstream sites do this?

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