I know a guy who’s sold millions in marijuana over the years and obviously never paid taxes...

I know a guy who’s sold millions in marijuana over the years and obviously never paid taxes. He owns several properties and has a front but I doubt the money trail adds up.

Anyways I want to report him to the IRS to get a nice bonus on the unpaid taxes but really I don’t have much info on him besides his name and location. I’ve been in his house though and he had about 50 pounds of weed one time. How can I make a report they will take serisouly and investigate?

Because I guarantee if he gets audited he’d be 100% buttfucked, Or do I not have enough info?

Any tips!??

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Is he white?

Fuck you commie

Kys fink.

wait can you clarify how you would end up profiting from this? am i retarded or was this just not clear?

Kys fucking snitch.

Basically the more work the irs has to do the less money you get.

IRS gives a percentage of what you blow the whistle on.

You jealous, spineless, fucking pathetic piece of shit. You're jealous that he makes big money and you don't. Have sex then kys

If he’s non-white you should do it.

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Lol, this

Look at the submission form, you don’t need to put in much of their info to qualify for the award

this is probably old pasta

oh i did not know. thank fren

fuck you for doing that you little snitch go make your own money and stop interfering with people's life you fucking idiot parasite

Report the nigger and receive 30%. I see no downside.

Fuck you, let the man enjoy his life. Pot should never have been illegal anyway, he was doing society a favor.

No body likes a fuckin snitch

It’s not fair he wasn’t paying taxes also he’s a millionaire capitalist scum he deserves to get fucked by the IRS

i agree with this sentiment OP, please cease your shenanigans at once!

>Makes money by dealing brain destroying drugs to college kids who are too stupid to understand the long term repercussions
>Somehow he's pathetic for getting a cut from taking out a drug dealer

Found the degenerate

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Life isn't fair, he took a risk and succeeded. Companies like Amazon and Google dont pay any taxes either. You're just jelly that he did something you couldn't.

Weed doesnt destroy brains it actually preserves and saves them from dimentia alzheimers brajn cancer and many other nuerolgical disorders that cause nueroligican impairmet. If a college kid takes a shot, hell kill more braincells than if he smokes a joint before that shot.whatever retard called him a capitlist who deserves to be reported, the hipocrit commie prob smokes. And ifhe doesnt, it explain alot(he needs to smoke more). And if you are mad cuz "wahhh u pay ur taxes and he doesnt not fair" ur a fucking asshole who cant understandhes risking jail while u sleep at night. And honesty. Good for him. Hjs money isnt supporting genocidal regimes and economic imperialism. You however, have sold ur sould apparently and only care about money(ironically more than the "capitlist scum as ur willing to do evil deeds and snitch on someone whos done nothing morall wrong to "earn" that money). That dude grinded for that and took hella risk. What have u done with your pathetic life that actually took effort and work?

This gotta be bait

This. The (((IRS))) only cares about destroying white mans life’s. They are happy if their shitskin golems are doing better then the whiteman and will likely not invistgage any further once they discover it’s a shitskin.

If he is white though and not a degenerate nigger and has a family. Please do not report him, only report him if he is a nigger and hope the irs does something.

>Any tips!??
Yeah. Move to a new state first.