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>Chat Portfolio
Not going to make it.

>I lie to myself & others

Literally complete shitcoins, should have added VET as the cherry on the cake

HOLO CHAD here, but I keep trying to get on the NANO band wagon but about once a week I buy 5k usd worth but end up selling it because I'm just not completely sure on it

Shill me on Caradno though

sorry to shatter your world view user

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This portfolio reeks of soi

This user is going to make it.

When last time Hilo has moved ? I buyed it but it still is at the same price.....


soooo like the pajeet version of NANO that's slower and not proven yet?


Chad lite portfolio no link no care hisssss

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Think I accidentally caused the link dump when I sold the top. Oops.

it 4-5x'd since December ??

T. pic related

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What you say when you realize you are the vulnerable pajeet shitting on the street apprehended by a crypto wolf caught in a lie.

Understandable since you hold FTM.

>eternal vaporware
>literal new age boomer scam
>shitcoin that will never recover from the abyss it fell

More like BRAINLET PORTFOLIO, all of this shit is dead meme. If you hold shitcoins better hold the ones that didn't moon yet or the newest shiniest ones.


More chad portfolio

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Unironically feeling like I should have dumped all my ADA and bought more FTM. Sheer greed on my part.

No FTM? Sorry ! Won’t make it


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> holding DCR
I have some good news for you user...

This folio is pure onions OP. Try eating some meat some time.

Onionss yummm and the best part is they are gultan free

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i posted my wallet address a few days ago keep coping

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Look you're me but cooler.

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This is some next level cope.

>holding a literal tranny s.o.y. Coin
>holding a literal Jew coin that stands for holohoax
>holding a literal r*ddit s.o.y. Coin
This is really really good bait because kids here are retards

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kek you got a pretty comfy stack as well fren, we gonna make it!

35 Million HOT who is this giga chad?

Sjw cuckold portfolio, very nice. Don't forget to fill your woman coin and POCcoin bags.

You mean faster, more secure and can do smart contracts