Ctrl-f yield curve

>ctrl-f yield curve
>zero results
why the FUCK is no one talking about how our best predictor of near-term economic recession (10Y - 3m treasury) signaled recession this week?


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Who cares?
I’m just waiting for the cheapies

Because optimism is literally at its peak before a recession, literally no one invested thinks that the market can fail. Pay off your debts as soon as possible, stock up on food and essentials.

we did talk about this, the result is:
>this time everything is different

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search the archives. we actually did last week. Jow Forums is always faster then normie news. wanna talk about it again? got nothing else to do.

with rates so low the Fed has no room to respond. idk, maybe its bullish for stocks. Fed might have to do equity purchases. maybe purchase corporate/consumer debt on the open market and cancel it.

literally everybody already knows

Does anyone have that yield curve straightening gif or webm? Much appreciated.

link to prev discussion? searching on warosu for "yield curve" in op the 3 recent threads have minimal discussion

yeah this time everything is different

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>muuuh boomer lines
We are in a bull market, my bank sends me offers every fucking week. Everyone is investing, this will keep it going

Major recession warning is when everybody thinks that even bad news is bullish

Buy silver, guns and ammo now

we are so hilariously fucked and I'm in absolute aww that the only place it's being discussed is occasionally on biz and pol but nowhere else in the entire fucking usa

Why would tv or banks talk about how they’re planning to corner more of the market than they ever have? No one is gonna talk about this....even the mid level investors are drinking the koolaid yelling about how bullish we are. Unfortunately biz and even reddit are the only place we can have a discussion about this.

Isn't that was BTC was made for though? Im excited personally. A lot of people will be hurt by what is coming so I am a little empathetic, but I will use my wealth to make a better life than what the current system offers.

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Don't worry, the God Emperor will use his vast personal wealth to prop up equity prices

What would be the best way to prepare for this? Accumulate as much fiat as possible?

Of course we know
All in in BTC
Wait for 60% correction on stock market
Sell crypto for stock

> Accumulate as much fiat as possible?


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We all know the only real question that matters.

Why? My plan was to hoard cash then buy stocks when they are on a clearance sale.

Bubble is so big that we could go to Venezuela style market where your cash is worth 10% less every day

We have been. The board is busy and threads don't last as long as it did the last half of 2018 or even the first quarter of 2019.

The US is too big to fail to that extent...

Sure and the Titanic didn't sink

You should start looking at the earning report coming out of Canadian banks last week. It’s a pretty good leading indicator. Don’t be surprised, the bankers are actually the most delusional bunch, because they have to keep the music going.

There already is tent cities in US, it just means more people joining them

Nothing is too big to fall, roman empire and soviet union fell

You honestly think the US will end up like Venezuela? If so, what would be the best way to prep, btc?

meanwhile deutsche bank is soon to be fucked
tesla about to go kaput. that might scare a whole bunch of normie retail investors from the markets

For those who have forgotten or are too underage to know about any recessions before 2008, remember that "recession" isn't the same thing as "financial crisis". The last one was very bad because there was a financial crisis; the yield curve only predicts that we may go into a cyclical recession, not that there will be a crisis or a massive bubble popping or whatever

The Titanic didn't actually sink. It was the Olympic.

Nothing like that
Be realistic, you will not starve to death

Look into whats happening in Venezuela, you can buy a house with a ounce of gold,

Very few are starving to deeth in venezuela, it just means alternative sources of food must be found, or people steal what they need


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You don't think after all the bailouts the last time that we are fucked if there is another recession so soon?

the 2000 recession had a massive bubble (tech bubble) pop
the 80s recession also had a financial crisis
but you're right that they are different
mid 90s had a recession without financial crisis i believe

its different this time

these kinds of images make you look like complete idiots, at least edit them well

they both are too slow for mainstream usage desu, buy bch or ltc

lightning network isnt

assume the worst

No idea. I don't bother speculating about this kind of thing. Opinions of internet randoms are as worthless as commentary on CNBC. For instance after the 2008 recession I was very concerned that the Fed's balance sheet was like $4 trillion all of a sudden, but nobody seems to care and honestly it's not like I have the detailed knowledge required to say for sure that they even should care.
Yeah obviously each one makes the other more likely, but something like the yield curve can't predict an actual crisis, only the usual business cycle


>implying those in power will let hyperinflation clear the debt records
the burgers are too well hedged against inflation through constantly topping up their credit accounts.
anything that would allow them to be relinquished from their chains of debt slavery would thoroughly up end the order of everything.
imagine the US with 300 million burgers free to run around, without any reason to pay off their bills.
imagine the smell.

I’ll repeat myself once again for any non-retarded anons out there.
We are facing a recession. Not any recession, a global recession. Shits gonner get real.
Yield curve inversion is an indicator of every recession. The silver price is massively undervalued, some would say manipulated. Get yourself some PM ETFs and miners.
Get your 1 BTC on a ledger and watch this shit fly.
October is when the real fun begins.

Early 90s was housing

>October is when the real fun begins.
what's in October?

oh right the S&L crisis en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savings_and_loan_crisis


Read this article: m.greenwichtime.com/business/article/A-new-credit-bubble-gets-ready-to-burst-13911193.php

And then look at my picture and the timestamp. Its from two months ago but its the longest dated post I have warning people about CLO's, but ive been warning people about it for almost a year now. Its the most blatant cash run I have ever seen. The federal government is cooking the books too economically, our GDP should actually be down at around 2 trillion right now.

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>Get yourself some PM ETFs
how about actually own it

I prefer the 10Y 2Y spread as the standard.

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And if you hear that this time is different, it's exactly right because the fed has 450% more assets this time. It's going to be worse.

and because rates are so low

See pic.

Attached: fredgraph (5).png (1168x470, 50K)

>this will straighten your curve

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That girl is absolutely retarded. I don't understand people who are attracted to this garbage.

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Yep they could pull a BOJ on us and pump the s&p for a decade.. Nearly 75% of jap etf and quite a bit of FAANG bought by BOJ SNB and Norwegian oil fund

>4 million million dollars

Thats around 10% of whole US stock market value ?

And it's not just the US, EU and JP are also loaded to the gills. The only upside is that the US has somewhat normalized rates (by raising them) compared to the other countries.

Attached: eu-jp.png (1168x940, 72K)

>exponential graph
i know ur tricks bobo

>3% GDP growth after 2% is bad news

>student loan bubble

Can't have a debt crisis if the debtors aren't allowed to legally default! Can't wait for the gender studies majors to get thrown in the debt gulag. Or maybe they can just be sold to the lenders as slaves

I don't see anybody in this thread talking about how to PREPARE for the recession.

I also don't see anybody talking about how to PROFIT from the next recession.

This event is mere weeks/months away. We're already entering into it.

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crypto cucks here will disagree but increase your allocation of fiat

This is old news and we've already talked about this ad nauseam OP

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You get as many Bitcoins as you can. $1,000,000 isint a meme, and Bitcoinization isint a meme either. A hyperinflation event could lead to USD decreasing in value daily. And what is Bitcoin? It’s a measure against the dollars depreciation.

Don’t listen to cash is the worst thing to be in. There are 1.7 trillion actual fiat notes floating around America, when the money velocity starts to rise (which will happen soon, very soon), depreciation will take place at a rapid fucking pace.

warren buffett has made more money than any of you faggots and if cash is good enough for him its good enough for me


Increase fiat allocation by buying crypto now and selling for x50 fiat later. Why hold $8500 and not 1 BTC?


Nice one.

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When people refer to the yield curve inverting, they are talking about 2y and 10y notes
Also, we never had any recession in the 90s. If you sold in the early 90s you lost out on huge equity gains

Spend dollars today on things like cheap silver or gold or crypto. Sit back and wait for recession. Sell what you bought for massive gains and buy up everything that's now cheap from the crash. It's pretty fucked how easy it is for the rich to get richer

What are PM ETFs?

>The difference between ten-year and three-month Treasury rates is the most useful term spread for forecasting recessions

Attached: yield curve.webm (480x480, 1.25M)

When discussing the yield curve, people are referring to the 2y and 10y notes, which is what I said. The market has gone vertical for 20 years twice since the advent of the federal reserve. From the 1950s to the 70s and from the 80s to the dotcom bubble if you sold and traded based on your indicator, you would have missed out on monumental returns during those bull markets. We have had two five-year bear markets in which the indicator worked fine (2008), and those followed the massive bullruns. For all of the inversions on your chart, only 4 resulted in real recessions.

i think there was a small recession that hurt bush in the 90s. s&l bailout for his glow-in-the-dark pals like stefan halper and their funny money.

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We already know the derivatives bubble is about to pop

should i pull all my money out of stocks and dump into crypto now?

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But my penis is curved thanks to not being circumcised

The boomers on zerhedge and zerohedge twitter (schiff rickards etf) are literally discussing it daily and in far more depth than biz

checked and capped

Here’s what’s going to happen to btc during the next crisis

Tether is completely at the mercy of the gov and bankers. They all understand btc is the greatest existential threat they’ve ever faced. They NEED to break the market psychologically during the next bull run in order to avoid btc being viewed as a safe haven

So they’ll crash the price like they’ve doing with gold and silver for years, and they’ll do it through tether, regulation, market manipulation, etc...

Meanwhile they’ll let hold and silver fly since they’ve already accumulated most of those markets

They're openly discussing cashless economy/negative interest rates fucking retard

Look at what they're fucking exploring

Also, anyone into derivatives, DB is the most massive


Now you realize why imageboards are the only place you should ever browse
>t. Been on the chans since 2007, literally don't browse anything besides 4/8/420chan for a decade now
Its all trash elsewhere

dude, if this isn't a huge fucking signal, I don't know what to tell you. You're hopeless.

This financial crisis will be kicked off by consumer credit card debt, and student loan debt.

Mortgages are getting bad again too, but there are some mechanisms in place to prevent shit like last time. But Credit Cards and student loans are like the wild west again.

I know someone who has 35 credit cards, 35 fucking credit cards. Every bank approves his ass with a 580 credit score.

you dumb fucks think bitcoin will be a hedge against a recession are literally retarded.

The first thing to go in a recession is speculative risky investments....rip corn.

Friendly reminder that nationalism will sweep Europe when the next one hits and this time the Holocaust won't be fake

Should have dumped into crypto 2+ months ago but no one can predict the future

that's a great webm