"hard working"

"hard working"

literally my sides

look at that squad, fkin jackie chans, jet li, bag bings and pajeet under a fkin Walnut

Attached: hard working chinks.png (1037x853, 1.15M)

Attached: gfdsgsdf.png (381x462, 323K)

"fk i forgot to sell my bags"

Shit man, hustlin that hard on a Sunday even
I hope they're getting enough rest, you can't fully enjoy the fruits of a good exit scam if you've ruined your health

its bullish af, just let em finish the kung pao

im getting mozzarella vibes from this

they got 70m worth of a dinner

lettuce beef cereal thats some top chinkery there

imagine investing in this "team"

Haha yeah.. I-imagine?

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chink coin = scam
when will you faggots learn?

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Retards are actually giving these chinks money. This is why crypto will fail.

that meal look like 143.41 euro

They are working 24/7
Check their discord and gitbub

Rip to the user who went all in at 300 sats

>investing in teams without a single white person on board

It is like you fucking want to lose money

They should collaborate with Request network

> Make judgements based on races but performance.
It's like you will die in hell

That was me.

Attached: depositphotos_11848184-stock-photo-exasperated-older-man.jpg (1023x682, 54K)

What's the plan biz? I'm still in profit but it's bleeding into 100 sat it seems

holy shit people still hold this? i remember when pajeets spammed biz with this.

Who is actually selling though...?

It's at ATL sats if you don't count the IEO price, and whales didn't accumulate enough to make a difference.

So, it's literally just idiots buying high and selling low?

>sunday hustle

More like China hustle

>what are correlations

"Hord on gweilo... This isnt brock chain..."