Roll call

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Enlightened FTM chad reporting in


1.5 mill colonel here
already bored of being a millionaire

fantomlet with only 30k here. will i make it frens?

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I only have 127k
Only oyger hold is HOT and a bit of eth to move those around.

800k FTM chad reporting in

enough to make it?

Partially son

I'm a 2.4k pleb, but I've been swing trading for more, started at 1.5k 2 months ago. Wish me luck anons.

250k pajeet marine checking in

66k, will I make it bros?

is this the next shitcoin Jow Forums is pumping

I had 180k but sold 30k because I needed the money. Luckily that happened to be pure profit at least

1.98 mill

900k reporting in

81k reporting

Don't care if I make it, I just need a chance, need a break, need one shot and I can turn that into something that helps me make it later on. I could also just hold it for 20 years, then it'll be something

2m but fuck off jeets. disgusting

Newfag here. What stock is this?

check filename of OP pic

How TF do I buy in. Not seeing option


Use Kucoin

65k Fantlet

How much FTM to make it?

Rakesh-tier coin, I will never sell my HOT kek. Not even for BTC.

Neither work

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Oh, you have to buy litecoin, celer, and chainlink first.