CZ shreked



>Not a Dex

Attached: download (4).jpg (250x201, 7K)

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Someone needs to do something about the fucking SEC THEY ARE FINANCIAL TERRORIST

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Does that means americans wont trade ob binance anymore?

That kinda sucks.

Imagine living in the US where you need to have your hand held every step of a investment way

do something then you faggot. were not burgers lmfao. i laugh at your shitstain country as a fellow leaf.



how else would the "brokers" make their fee's if not for massive restrictions in place lmao


What the fuck is the point of this DEX then? Honestly for how smart Binance is, this seems fucking dumb.

Also, are they going to stop US users from regular Binance? Then we're fucked bros.

nobody gives a shit about burgers anyways. youre all retarded fuckboys who dump at any price appreciation. fuck off faggots.

SEC is threatening to seize the domain name so they have no choice

Attached: btc-e-seized.png (758x576, 332K)

It's bnb crash the whole fucking market? I don't wanna be racist but Asian people....

So it's not a real DEX then, right? Wouldn't a proper dex mean it can't be shut down and therefore it doesn't need to appease any authority? Please don't negotiate with terrorists CZ! Don't listen to S3C they are MAD with POWER.

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No that would be simply a website running on ipfs protocol

I swear SEC only exists to keep poor people from investing in good shit.

It's literally only third worlders. No one cares.



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Ok, seriously confused here. What's the difference between and

Ones centralized and one pretending to be decentralized

>So it's not a real DEX then, right?

so will we be blocked from the regular binance interface or just the DEX?

>what is a VPN

>we detected a vpn
>your coins have been locked pending kyc

this unironically happened to an user who used VPN to trade on Bitmex
except for that he didn't have a chance to withdrawal..

>land of the free

the faggits thats say use a bpn are the same faghots that say don't pay taxes. imagine putting a million dollars on a site to have it stolen from you by the exchnge because of your location. its not worth the risk. all the use vpn/no tax larps are playing with $500 so they dont understand

kill all alphabet organizations

after seeing what poor people "invest" in, it could be said that the SEC is pretty legitimised to exist and enforce regulation

what a fucking embarasment - surely CZ is feeling like a fucking retard right now. theres no recovering from this one.

>not a DEX, stop calling it a DEX, CZ u are a faggot

I can still buy shitcoins via the app...r-right guys? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN I HAVE MONEY ON THERE WHAT DO I DO

So what are the alternatives?

please see this document

Wait for nexus

OmiseGO should be ready by 2030.

I wonder how many anons signed up with their ID to verify. Kek.

Kraken and Gemini

>list of third world shitholes + USA

What did the LAND OF THE FREE mean by this?


not even close..

because US legislation reaches out of its border so some businesses especially in finance feel troublesome to deal with US customers

Rich people invest in Juicero.

I'm American and I feel you. Abolish freedom stealing govt agencies

so what. some are destined to become poor
boo hoo

I actually don't think the average person would be THAT much worse of an investor than, say, a VC. Most VC firms lose money. Most people would lose money as well, but they also don't even get the chance to make huge multiples on their investment due to not being allowed to.

the main problem is that poor people can't absorb large losses

>dex which base currency is a ponzi scam called BNB

Who cares. They should shut down Binance instead, that'd be fun.

Hahaha pajeet thinks Silicon Valley is in mumbai.

I remember this epic fail

Attached: restinpiss.png (735x1399, 584K)

With this logic the gambling industry shouldn't exist

sooo if I'm a burger should I pull out all my coins? or can I just use a VPN?

>With this logic the gambling industry shouldn't exist
no it should also be regulated, only that investing in companies / products doesn't have such deep roots in human history unlike gambling

how are you faggots in crypto but dont have a fucking VPN