Trading competition is over. The bottom is in.It's time to buy

Trading competition is over. The bottom is in.It's time to buy.

Attached: 5cd5f104f33c7e7d1af3e18b_RSR-stamp.png (600x600, 5K)

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fuck off

yawn. didn't you pajeets shill the trading competition as a good thing???? i remember you screaming "buy buy buy, trading competition will pump this 10x". nothing happened, it dumped hard instead

now that it totally failed you somehow frame it like the competition was bad and it will moon after it is over?? peak delusion. this coin didn't have buyers before, after and during the competition. enjoy the dump to 10 sats goy.

just sell at a loss and buy BTT or something useful like ETH / BTC

trading comp doesnt pump price. You might be new so let me tell you its just a bunch of continuous buys and sells.
>launch as a centralized fiatcoin, gather the necessary usage data, and use that data to evolve to a fully decentralized model
>centralized fiatcoin
why did i buy this thing

read the whitepaper, you mong


Attached: 1521331114097.jpg (250x230, 7K)

>thought a cup and handle was forming
>it wasn't really a cup and handle
when is this shit coin going to pump

please consider the following:

we have enough stablecoins.
- USDT (Ethfinex)
- USDC (Coinbase)
- Maker

COINBASE is rolling out it's OWN stable coin USDC in 85 countries this year and then tell me why they should pump the competing product RSR harder?


"Backing" RSR might as well have been a 4D chess move by Coinbase to gain some control / oversight over RSR kek. Similarly to how BTC Core has been cucked by Blockstream.

Furthermore don't delude yourself. VCs are backing 100s of projects and only expect 2-3 to be hugely successful. So they are throwing shit against the wall and gamble pretty much. You just never hear of the failed investments. My point is: Don't expect Y Combinator or Thiel to cry if one investment goes wrong. That'spart of the VC biz.

don't get me wrong I don't believe in this thing at all, I was just looking to ride a quick shitcoin pump and get out

stay poor

game over rakesh

It's not a USD stablecoin. It's backed by a mixture of crypto assets. I'm not supporting it, I'm just saying get your facts straight.

It’s a decent project with lofty goals. But I’m not feeling the pumpenomics on this one. That’s a pass from me dog.

>t. rankjeesh gupta the 3rd

All in

rsr and one are doing join ama's on 6th. one's mainnet is 6th. there will obviously be a partnership announcement. rsr will pummmmp

one is a scam too

They already did one and announced fuck all, care to post hand for me?

Nigga, now that the trading competition is over the volume is gone. Enjoy your shitcoin bags.

lol it still blows me away how impatient you idiots are. this thing has been trading for less than a couple of weeks and you are all butt hurt because you bought the top and got dumped on by people much smarter than yourselves. You think this is the only project to have that happen?

USDC is still backed by the US dollar and from what I can tell has no plans to change that.
The Reserve token (RSV) will be a truly decentralized stablecoin.

Also how do you know that Coinbase wouldn't integrate with RSV later down the road.. ok not saying it will happen but nothing to say they will not work together either.
I personally see it as an ambitious but innovative idea and want to see it develop.

You are all so short sighted you can't see beyond your computer screen

No wrries soz about dumpin on u.

kek we all know it's rakesh and a few europoors that have been convinced into buying pajeet bags.

i can't fucking see this shitcoin any longer. it's getting sad. who the fuck cares about the team or advisors? it isn't 2017 anymore, we only care about quick 4-5x and out these days. DOA



thats a white supremacist symbol you racist piece of shit





Bought in some, very positive on reserve

Thank you sir!



You dirty fucking piece of trash. Fuck you and your literal shit. Diarrhea shooting out of your ass in the middle of the fucking street.

We are in the Army Reserves, and WE ARE NOT SELLING!