Be me

>be me
>neet, haven't socialized since high school, 23 years old living in mommy house
>loneliness finally gets to me
>decide to change things up a bit
>join a public library anime club
>attempt to socialize
>join their discord chat group
>"Why do you keep telling us to imagine the smell, user?"
>"Did you just call him a pajeet? Is that supposed to be racist against indians?"
>"Why do you keep sending us photos of some fat guy in a blue plaid shirt?"
>never come back to the library
>leave discord group
>never going outside again

There's no going back, is there?

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have sex

nigger what the fuck did you expect?

We are here forever

Stay king


Is this LARP

I wish it was larp

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im sorry but you have the autism if you dont see whats wrong with what you were doing

>public library anime club

Right, because that's where the normal people hang out. Seriously, dude. They're probably worse than you.

>get a job, make a couple friends there if possible
>pick a normal interest you have, and go do something that interests you, but includes other people.
>Don't pick anything that involves television,


And that's just the C's.

unironically autistic

Maybe. Socialization requires practice and natural skill. OP needs to practice socialization, and after that, we'll see if he's still incompetent.

This is starting to be a problem for me aswell. My head is just so full of biz memes that I can't help but sperg out some of them irl.
>Explaning BBBBRRAAAAAAPPPP to my normie friends

It's been unironically half a decade since ive socialized, ive even tried to join the most degenerate groups so i can start out easy, yet it still didn't work out

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>cross-posting memes that are highly-specific to one board's culture
Come on now.

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show them imgur posts instead

Act like a normie, share "funny" 9gag pics and memes, use Jojo references, don't reveal your racism to others untill you make it

Lots of men are (somewhat) solitary. Most of them are socially competent.

>pick a degenerate group
That's like learning English by hanging out with the mentally disabled.

Good job for going outside your comfort zone. Took balls.

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jesus christ, all that just so im not lonely? I think ill stick to my 4chin friends and shitpost for the rest of my life rather than ever put myself through that shit

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Watch it. If you think it's sad to have no friends at 23, get ready to be 53, with no family, friends, or anything.

Just followPick something you're actually interest in. And if nobody wants to be friends with you, then cool, you had fun anyway.