I just turned 29

I just turned 29.

One more year until I am officially a boomer. Any 30 year old boomers have any advice hitting the big three zero?

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Have sex

big mistake

neglecting proper diet and regular exercise will begin to take its toll

Have sex

my life didn't change much. I'm fit and look young for my age so I'm still living the same lifestyle I always have. the hangovers are much, much worse though.

This. I'm 29 and look (or at least I'm regularly told I look) like I'm in my early 20's. Went back to school last fall and blended right in.
Day drinking wrecks me more than it used to, but that's pretty much it.
"Young people's" music and political views make me angry, which makes me feel old. But then I realize it IS actually illogical horseshit.

>proper diet
Oh shit I am fucked

Whats current young ppl music and views?

SJW and mumble rap faggot get with the times

ya kys


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>grow a beard in the winter
>buzzcut in the summer
>take a multivitamin
>take zoloft so you can go into maximum chill boomer mode
>ditch all your fucking high school friends that don't tow the line or make you do shit that raises your worth
>delete social media
>go to bed early
>take a young guy with lots of potential under your wing and show him everything he needs to better himself
There you go. The secret to life past 30.

Agree with this, you should definitely know your stuff before you hit 30. If you don’t have at least basic knowledge of most concepts you are going to struggle.

Checked and cringed

Mumble rap and socialism

30 is nothing

35 is the real problem age

grey hairs balding getting ill time to time

that said it's piss easy to make money when u have 10yrs experience in anything

one sip a day keeps the roastie away

I'm 27 and already started balding... Fuck


don't do any of these things except delete social media

go to bed early for maximum testosterone.

remember to smile

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27 and start balding too

this is popular and what the radio constantly plays where i live

Get on my level

>t. 33yr old boomer

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shave your head

I do but I often get lazy for a week and throw a hat on instead

Yeah shave you’re head, you’re blowing it.

OK wow fuck I'm not even remotely close to that but man shave that shit and get scalp micropogmentation


This. Get on that shit now.

I neglected it and now when I walk it's like I'm dying.

If you don't have an heir by 30 your chances of making it reduce by half.

>scalp micropogmentation
Nah, I really like the look of my shaved head
I've been shaving it on and off since before I was balding

Here it is shaved
I look kind of like wojak

Attached: wojakirl.jpg (1213x1819, 340K)

Hairy everywhere, except where it counts, ouch

This, it only gets harder to get back/stay in shape from now. Your prime is gone OP, its downhill from now

Make babies now before you are older. Find a good 19 year old girl. You might not want to but you should

You need to clean yourself up. Your chest hair should not be petruding from your shirt and you should get some real facial hair. Grow a mustaches or something. Also, adults don't wear hoodies.

>adults don't wear hoodies

that's a bit presumptuous and self-righteous don't you think?

I hope you are well established in life.

it's a wife beater, of course chest hair is going to show
and i'm lounging around my house user
believe me, i can look much worse, pic related

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get 8 hours of sleep a day

just own it the beard is based

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I'm trying to help the guy. It's called tough love.

Hey I didn't say grow a sloppy soi beard.

30s are great. 40s is when shit starts sucking, especially if you dont take care of yourself.

best advice is move to Asia and get married. 30 you can still bag the real hot ones at early twenties. once3 you start being 35---plus you are an old guy to them. Bag one in the next couple of years. If you don't marry soon you will have used women who are damaged goods.

>tfw 26
>tfw see everyone else getting fat, going bald, and having tons of gray hairs
>tfw don't suffer from any of these
>full beard makes me look older, clean shaven I look early 20s.

I'm scared.

>>ditch all your fucking high school friends that don't tow the line or make you do shit that raises your worth
>>delete social media
>>go to bed early
>>take a young guy with lots of potential under your wing and show him everything he needs to better himself
a bit greek yo

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it only looks like that because i riding my bike for 4 hours before the pic
the wind, helmet, and chin strap does that


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get ready for depression

>inb4 you die alone faggot boomers

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you should kill yourself

Yeah, get your health in order now and stop eating shit food. It all falls apart after 30, a your bad habits catch up to you.

cheer up fella
these last two years have been my best years yet

I just got it done 3 days ago. The difference is insane.

My friends haven’t even noticed and the redness was gone after the first day.

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Literally nothing changes when you turn 30 bro.

t. 30 year old boomer

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How much was it

What do I search for?

around 33 you lose all of the remaining cuteness factor.. you're only relevant if you are successful. Dating pool is a catastrophe. Full blown ladies trying to act cool or single moms.

29 is the perfect age to meet a sweetie. Find a good one, do everything to make it work. Sometime you'll feel shitty about your relationship, and feel like you might want change... it's the biggest trap. There are no more better options user. Make it work.

my my you're going to fuck all the cuties with those dots

what am i supposed to be seeing here?

The tattoo’d dots on his head to resemble hair. I think it’d look good if it were shaven

>330 million views

Wait, what?

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>745 million views

Fortnight, Juul and gay sex.

Agreed, 35 is the "oh shit" moment.

Eat right, get sleep, workout, meditate, save money, cut out toxic people, stay away from roasties, etc.

just shave your hair off dude you look like an animal with mange

OP here. I already have a roastie aged 24 who I've been with for 3 years, no need for jungle gooks.

Also I do have some grey hairs, no balding at all.

seething on 4chin
oh wait thats what you fags are doing

>trying to keep op from gaining his wizard powers

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op i turned 29 today as well, happy birthday bro
this shit sucks btw my life is going completely fine but i wish i was still in my mid 20s

32yo boomer here. Saving money on food was a big one for me to fix my diet. Just set yourself a low budget for food and see if you can make 30 days while eating meat a 2-3 times a week. Cut out all the drama and just find any remaining sane people to go out with.

looks like a ballsack

34 year old boomer here
30 is the turning point when your life starts going downhill
>random aches start creeping up
>hairline receding
>realize youre too old to bag 19 year old cuties now
>realize you dun goofed because now all you can get is late 20s bitches and single moms
>you start realizing having kids wouldnt be so bad after all but good luck finding a good waifu at that age (you dun goofed by not settling down in your 20s)
>world and youth seems more and more retarded
>grow more bitter, jaded and cynical by the day
>hate everything and everybody
>old friends drop away, get married
tl;dr it fucking sucks Im terrified of what my life will look like another 10-20 years down the road.

didn't change much except i had a quarterlife crisis (finding a new profession, what to do with my life, …) and started eating healthier/doing sports. you start to see things more relaxed and you are more attractive to women. also your intellectual game steps up.

t. soon to be 31 yo boomer

>30 years is quarter of life

>old friends drop away, GET MARRIED
>good luck finding a good waifu at that age

Seems like your friends don't have a problem doing that? Look inside, admit to yourself that you have failed, re-build.

>Seems like your friends don't have a problem doing that?
theyre getting married to fatties, highschool sweethearts and single moms. no thanks Jose.

Based and 120pilled

>i had a quarterlife crisis
>at 30
biz maths checks out

dont expect anything from life. if you think your life was on hard mode before you'll be suprised by your thirties. You will discover 'the joys of aging' and some other horrible shit. Better sell your dreams and soul now for something real as long as you still can.


>world and youth seems more and more retarded

You'll wish for someone like Hitler that keeps these annoying women and children in place and that leeching refugee scum out of your country or at least community.
Also you sincerly develop the homest wish to lock all these retarded clowns, leftists and annoying media parasites down into a gulag or concentration camp. I am NOT joking.

I don't think you guys realize how good this is for us. The fact that this is what's popular means the world is mentally ready to be enslaved, and we get to be part of the upper caste.

Isn't happiness better than misery?

> calling a 30 yo a "boomer" = ok
> term "quarterlife crisis" with 30 = not ok

biz' hypocrisy checks in. it's a generic term that also applies for 30 yo's you degenerate zoomer fucks

Based and triggeredpilled

We will live to at least 120 in the near future, if it's allowed. You'll be able to get whatever you need printed and stem cell treatments will be much cheaper. You just have to combat the diminishing returns that inevitably takes you out.

well my highschool sweetheart was a complete psycho and I refuse to shack up with fatties and single moms. unlike my friends, unfortunately, I have standards when it comes to women. so I guess its misery for me.

Based and futurepilled

Beta and blackpilled


yes goy. marry a roastie and let her bankrupt you and end up working minimum wage to pay for her black son.

truly great advice.


get a boom box and listen to boomer music

Are you Jewish?

we all had our phase of rap in our teens but this is terrible even compared to the shit i listened to back in the day. Proof that blacks are getting even dumber over the years. Their is no purpose to this song. Keep pumping the lead into their water.

mentalize that life is what it is and that youre here only to go with the flow

checked and boomerpilled

Martin is 36 and looks like this.

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