Thanks Obama

Thanks Obama

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It's a scam. They get the money you would've paid to have your own house and you get a piece of fucking paper.

If you don't follow their grade-schoolesque attendance policies and be a good little libtard, you get absolutely nothing.

It's a choke point. They can control the entire economy by controlling the number of graduates. College tuition will reach over a million dollars in your lifetime.

>be me
>take out student loans studying STEM
>move out of the country and leave my student loan debt behind

Fuck the United States.

They just need to bring in more mexicans and give more money to israel before helping their own citizens. Don’t question it.

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>be me
>dropped out twice
>defaulted on student loans a decade ago
>low 600 goy score
>never had a credit card
>get a decent, steady job, 70k a year
>save like a mad man into Roth and company plans
>within a few months beater car needs multiple repairs
>decide it's better to buy a used one on loan than drop 2k into a shitter
>can't qualify for an 8k loan on a 70k income I've had for two years
>mom, who makes 25k working part time agrees to co-sign
>six months later
>goy score still not moving
>relent and open a secured credit card
>score drops eighty points
>they say it's just temporary, plow on
>use card for gas, pay it off weekly
>score goes up two points a month
>well fuck, let's see what happens when I wait for the bill
>max out card
>get bill
>same day I pay in full, email from credit report
>down 88 points
>from low sixes to mid fours and all I did was what they told me for three years
bankers deserve ovens

imagine being such a soft crybaby bitch. We need another Vietnam so zoomers can watch friends step on land mines and gain some fucking perspective.

that's what you get for voting for and being influenced by a mysterious sand nigger.

photoshopped baby lmao

>Imagine only voting for democrat or republican and not demanding a change of the status quo.
The founding fathers must be proud

So you can vote for a lolbertarian? No Trump was against the status quo and he’s already been fully assimilated and nothing has changed. The US is basically gone now.

user, I’m sorry but this story sounds so unrealistic it’s hilarious. Low 600 & you couldn’t get qualified for an 8k loan off 70k a year? I know a guy who was in low 500 and JUST got a 35k a year job and got a loan for 10k but with an absurd 24% apr.
your post has to be a larp, banks are greedy as fuck these day.
Also, your score went down after all that? Lmfao, it sounds like the credit jew has one out for you user

How long ago did you default on your loans?

If you wanted change the American people would have voted for a National Socialist, but as I've learned, the American is truly cattle, they are everything that the Jews say we are, and cannot even be roused to advocate in their own self-interest.

My only goal is to join the Jewish investor class and be free of the duldrum of goy life and the inanity of goy concerns.

2009. I entered an agreement with a collection firm in 2011ish, rehabbed the loans, and then didn't pay again until a couple years ago. my issue isn't with that bit though..

>I know a guy

This is the ultimate black pill. If you can't beat the jew, be the jew. The problem is the jews only let other jews join their club, so being a goy aspiring to be the jew is the equivalent of playing the game in hardcore mode.

It happens though. I have no plans to be a Soros-tier elite. Just rich enough to escape the oncoming white genocide and enjoy the finer things in life.
Whites are stupid enough that they deserve their fate.

I will be so pissed if student loans get written off for the masses. I paid off $180k in under 2 years through a mixture of working extra and using my 2017 crypto gains.

It's not 'thanks, Obama,' but 'thanks, every president from Carter and on.'

It'll collapse in on itself eventually. Right now, a small minority of idiots suffer slightly from it. They have yet to realize that it's supposed to get much, much worse. So much worse, they'll literally never be able to make any money again, for any reason, and lead lives very similar to indentured servants. I give it another 8 years before the US population violently revolts against this nonsense.

>but we paid for your education, bro.
>I'm not gonna be your slave for the next 70 years.
>I was technically not even of legal age when you tricked me into this nonsense.
>fuck you.

This whole thing is further complicated by the sheer size of its silliness. Lots of people have lost a lot of wealth over the years, but never before has two generations been told that they're standing not only to lose all their wealth, but their actual futures.

Some very old people love to pretend that losing the family farm or declaring bankruptcy is any way comparable to magically owing more money than you'll ever make, with growing interest rates that consume any money you do make. Once it's consumed, all the various creditors move in to take little bits out of the negative sum that remains, and then the government and original borrower bills the creditors for further imaginary, negative bits. How can you even owe more money than you can make? Why isn't this treated the same way as someone who overspends heavily and then goes into bankruptcy? Papercut debt is absolute nonsense, and it's not gonna stand up well to hard questions, like

>where's my future?
>what are you gonna do if I outright refuse to even acknowledge this idiocy?
>why did you trick a non-legal person into a lifetime of slavery?
>why was the slogan 'education is priceless' when you knew how high the price actually was? Was this just a sucker's game?
>why is US education so fucking shit, so fucking long, so fucking expensive, and so fucking incompatible with the rest of the world? Real niggers fly from Africa to Germany, they pass some exams to prove that they're certified, and that's it, but american education is worthless outside america.
>what did you blow all that money on?

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The student loan bubble is but one, along with the credit, housing, and immigration bubble.

It is an impossible task,to continue to take in over 1,000 illegals a day, and try to maintain education, healthcare, housing, and infrastructure for the swelling numbers of legal and native born populations.

I give it 20 years.

It's not a bubble, but a house of cards. Once more people realize they're 21st century house niggers, no one will give a fuck about muh illegal immigrants, muh credit, muh pod hotels.

Guess it's time to be put on the double secret watch list.
>mfw ill be denied a firearm because of muh algorithm

The student loan debt problem in US is a big issue. Maybe removing all interest on student loans would at least do something to help Americans get their promised adult lives back. The military budget could be reduced for a few years if money is needed to solve this problem. US military budget could be cut in half and still be higher than China and Russia combined.

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>Maybe removing all interest on student loans would at least do something to help Americans get their promised adult lives back
I've been paying for fifteen months with 95% going to interest. If I don't get a check I'm making news.

if you buy a shit tier ford or GM car over a toyota or honda you deserve to be poor and suffer your entire life since you're probably sub 50 iq

Here's my question to all of you gimme gimme faggots. I had student debt too and I BUSTED my ass for 10 years to pay it off. I'm finally debt free. So what do I get? You telling me I don't get anything BUT ANOTHER BILL?! PAY MORE TAXES TO PAY OFF YOUR DUMB FUCKING LGBQTTFFAGGOT GENDER STUDY DEGREE?!!?! Fuck you all.

Curious, would a company that consolidates student loan debt at a lower interest rate work? Of course the company would need to beat inflation rate and make a profit. Is this feasible at say 4.5% interest rate?

That's what I'm saying. Why are you replying to me as if I'm asking?

It's not a budget problem, but a debt problem. Student loans aren't 'sectors.' A standing army needs food, housing, arms, ideally training, and some opponent to rattle their sabers towards. Armies are very real.

Student loans are a black hole of MONEY that allegedly is OWED, because people collectively went through a national educational reform, following a 22 year long indoctrination campaign Black hole economics aren't real. If suddenly all the burgerchildren who owe trillions of dorrah to 5858585 creditors decided they wanted no part in this nonsense, all that would get them, as a collective, is a stern talking to from authority figures the burgerchildren haven't respected for 15 years.

The student loan crisis only works if everybody involved are convinced that it's working.

Sofi is doing it already.

Yes, there's plenty of companies like that. Anyone with any economic sense sold the vaunted student debt IOUs a long time ago. It's a bit of a cottage industry. Lots of tiny, unknown, hole in the wall kind of places owe the debt, and go to varying lengths to cash it in, while obfuscating as much of it as possible, so the old creditors and the government won't get their due cut.

>t. not paying bills is a form of protest
die in the weakest fire possible

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It'd be a protest the same way walking past the 'war veteran' hobo on the corner without putting a coin in his cup is a protest.

Damn, I'm still in school rn so I'm no position or even wealthy enough to start such an endeavor. Shame.

Government interventionism ruptures and ruins markets. Subsidies and state backed free candy loans jacked the price of education up 30 fold.

Some poor asshole couldn't qualify for a private student loan so everyone has to suffer now

expressing disgust for Israel's military won't keep you from buying a house on some land, yet. refusing to pay student loans long enough will get your accounts confiscated.

If you don't graduate they won't take your call.

>don't take out loan you can't pay back
>don't get a degree that isn't lucrative
wow that was hard

What do you mean? I don't want to work for them or anything like that.

How will it pan out user?

Attacking your own population for their wealth and land is okay. Desperate, not ever recommended, but it's okay. Telling the population that they have no wealth, will never have any wealth, can never own land, and yet will be required to pay as if they owned land for the rest of their lives, isn't likely to go over as well. Sandniggers have toppled their shitty dictators over much less, with but a fraction of the resources available to burgers.

good goy

>told your whole life to go to college
>told to get in to the best school possible
>told we'll make it work
>a month before move in told we can't afford that you're on your own

they only refi if you graduate and have a good income

Pretty sure it'll be a generational split. A more dramatic one than what's already in place there today. There'll be the people who are convinced that 'you gotta pay, bro!' on one side of the fence. They'll be crusading impotently so that these DEBTS that are OWED for PRICELESS EDUCATION gets INJECTED BACK into THE SOCIONOMIC SYSTEM because IT'S ONLY FAIR AND RIGHT TO PAY YOUR DUES. On the other side is people who have sorted the student loan crisis into the same box as spam email, mail-in rebate cards, hobo war veterans, and MLM scams, which is to say, they'll simply have it all filtered. They won't care, acknowledge, or even think about it.

Nature will eventually sort it all out by making all the crusaders, creditors, and impotent old people fucking dead, and since the rest of the world's ignored them and their nonsense, they'll leave no real history behind.

People will argue, rightly, that the debt is equivalent to the generated value, which is absolutely 0.

>he doesn't know black women are the 'most educated' group in America
>he wants to pay jaquieeshas largest debt, voluntarily
>he calls me a good goy for being upset that the only thing keeping me from a mortgage is my credit score
>he'll call me a good goy for desiring a mortgage

Kek, this. Even if you get a loan, it doesn't have to be retardedly expensive. What do people do instead?
>go to an out of state school for undergrad
>spend time going to parties instwad of networking/doing interships/etc
>take 6 years to complete a 4 year program
I'm glad I don't have debt
>not having a back up plan
Loving every laugh

yeah life's not fair but your attitude doesn't help. something needs to be done. im not even american and i still see that something needs to be done.

your standing army does not need that much money. i'm willing to bet there are ancient overpaying contracts and research programs that are not rushing to renegotiate any day soon to reduce their comfy stream of money. when you had 10 aircraft carriers there was no need for number 11 (no other country has more than 2). you haven't had war on actual home soil in how many years? the budget is not justified.

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You are a thief kys

I think a lot of your questions are valid, but
>to magically owing more money than you'll ever make, with growing interest rates that consume any money you do make
if a person is actually retarded enough to let that happen, like those people who took out 200k to study chinese herbal medicine, they never had a future.

>17 years old
>back up plan

Same. People should be held accountable to their loans which they fucking took out themselves. It wouldn't be fucking fair. No one else should pay for another's poor financial decisions. Fuck that shit.

I'm saying the budget for an army has no relation or relevance to the black hole economics of student loans.

If you cut the army's budget, some soldiers won't have a job. It doesn't magically translate into a wad of bills that you can 'pay' to free burgerchildren from trillions of dollars of student debt. Even if it did, how big would the wad of bills have to be? Would the mythical creditors accept US dollars? Could they be named and summoned to a hearing? Is there documentation that proves that X money is owed by Y person to corporation Z? What's the actual student debt even at? Who can prove the exact sum? If it's so large and valuable, why isn't it incorporated into an actual sector? Imagine all those potential jobs, and all the potential taxes. Are the debts adjusted for inflation, or were they merely estimated at the time? What was the measuring stick? The measure of a man? Men have monetary value now, even though that's a taboo subject in international law? Most importantly of all, if there's debt, that implies there was value, and that value should be easy to identify. If it's difficult to prove the value, then the debt is in question.

college use to be a place where people went to get a higher education. and by that i mean they went there to gain more knowledge about the world around them. now colleges just exist to churn out drones to fill positions. its not about intellectual development anymore it's just about churning out cogs to fill certain vacancies. the system doesn't want smart people. george carlin said it best. "just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork"

This. My faggot friend got out of college with an engineering job making just shy of 6 figures and complains to me about having to pay student loans for x years on 30k because he's not paying down the principle and taking trips to Europe every year and shopping for $1500 bedframes.
Yeah. It's not like you're locked in for the full 4 years. Find out your finances aren't in order before you move in? Spend that year coming up with alternatives and don't keep going further into debt

The majority of 21st century burger slaves didn't let it happen. Their parents ruled for them. Some were suckered in on small scholarships, which are never enough to pay for the priceless education promised. It's comparable to french squires.

As amerifatts arent stupid enough alrdy their gov now charge them big time for education.
How are you Guys supposed to hold your dominance over this world?

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There any info on what the actual average debt is not including retards that spend like 100k+ on expensive shit while in college and staying within their states?

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I just don't understand how it gets that out of control. My normie friend went to a state school, graduated, got an average job in IT and paid it off in like 4 years.

This (black babies come out pale to the point it freaks out black fathers often)

No, it's all speculation and estimates.

Because they were told it would be okay, and no one in charge actually understood what they were signing up for.

>yeah, yeah, we'll send Joey from the east coast to the west coast.
>yeah, it's 16,000 dollars a year. Roughly. Maybe.
>oh, and room and board are separate.
>but he'll also have to pay for utilities!
>absolutely! And all the books, tools, even paper? He'll have to buy that himself!
>yes, this is priceless education we're talking about. Our 17 year old son, who's never fucking left his hometown, will surely adapt to fraternity life on the other side of the country.
>yeah, we'll get him into the kappa-omega-sigma-delta-delta-kek frat. They're good people. Their deposit is only 9990 dollars a year for membership with all perks.
>we'll open an account for him with citibank and he'll have his own manager and everything! He's even getting a 4000 dollar grant a year, for the first 2 years! How fortunate!
>do you think citibank will accept interest free for the first 15 years? I feel it'd be most improper if they didn't. This is, after all, priceless education.

Why are they showing so much skin but covering up their head?

The economy only exists when non-Jews are the ones who need the handout. Government didn't seem to have a problem printing money to bail the banks responsible for the mortgage crisis out.

It wasn't a cartoony event where magical money machines spun up and puked out dollar bills. It was civil tension that tore at established order, and demanded that something actually happens very quickly, or there'd be dire consequences.

Arguably, the consequences that happened were still quite dire, but if the 'banks' had been paid in fresh dollar bills, rather than be absorbed into the socioeconomic sector framework, debts, loans, mortgages - everything - then we'd be looking at a complete loss of faith in the government, and global destabilization.

People don't understand. That's fine. You're allowed not to understand. But you're actively reading a thread that has at least one person who does understand in it, who's explained that, no, you can't 'cut the army budget' to 'plug the debt hole.' The world isn't a simple cartoon, where you walk up to whoever, exchange money for whatever, and everything's right afterwards. You don't print money and give it to 'the banks.' You need a name, a face, a corporation, someone who exists. You're paying debt because that something had a certain value. You couldn't pay at the time, so you worked out an arrangement. You don't get to twirl your moustache 20 years later and cash in on the burgerchildren. Even if the law allowed it, people wouldn't. They'd riot and murder. African shitholes, Greece, old bloc projects have all shown what happens when you disregard the squalor, and they never had even a fraction of what any random burgerchild has. They don't have open gun laws, let you move from county to county, let you get a driver's license 'because,' let you open bank accounts in your own name, let you decide if you want to tour the army, or not.

The instant people realize they're literally slaves, and have been slaves for their entire adult lives, is the instant they refute and refuse. Same thing that happened during muh mortgage crisis, but on a much grander scale. The tendrils stretch far and wide.

social security + medicare dwarf military spending. You have been deceived by reddit "discretionary spending" graphs which is the budget for the executive branch to choose what to spend money on, a tiny part of the federal budget.

Don't disagree that there is money to be saved just about everywhere in including military.

Sirs take a smol loan of 300K dollers Sirs pls do the needfuls Sirs pls support jewish debt slaveries Sirs

Yeah, as much as we like to make fun of S.O.Y.s we shouldn’t make fun of the ones that are actually successful in attracted a decent looking wife and having a child. In reality this so called S.O.Y is much more alpha then most of us and for the Nazi Racists here doing a hell of a better job ensuring a future for the white race.