Poorfag here. Here’s a brief summary for my year so far:
>January: new year, bought decent 2000 honda civic w/ 150k miles for $2k with hopes that it lasts me another 50k miles
>February: mother dies, unexpected funeral expenses , car dies (head gasket blows out) terrible month for me
>March: buy decent car 5 year old car for 8k cash, in hopes it is a bit more reliable than my regular go to beater honda civic. Looking for new job
>April: Found new job starting at 50k a year, still no savings after paying off student loan balance and buying a better car, but not worried
>May: getting used to new job & catching up with debt/ starting to save a little money. Start spending more on quality organic foods, and natural health products/ going out more with friends. living better to heal from a hard passing
>June: Power steering goes out on car and plunders through my new savings (2.5k) right after things started to look up. Now cynical about future cost & repairs...
I feel like I’m cursed biz. I can’t save money for the life of me because of unfortunate situations. I feel like I’m not supposed to have money, as if it’s supposed to go right out of my hands. What can I do to break this curse biz? I'm fucking sick of a set back every damn month or so.
Poorfag here. Here’s a brief summary for my year so far:
AHH. Feels so good to be a NEET and not have any wagie expenses
Start an emergency fund
Good handshake
your life sucks. take out a huge loan and bet it all on a promising shitcoin. if dumps and you get justed you can always kys
This is how life works Mr Waige! just when you begin to save up to escape Mr. Goldennoseburg, the jew is out to get you! Have 3k in savings, opps! your fridge and oven breaks down gotta buy a new one! after you enjoy your new toys and begin saving up again, oh shit! your roof starts leaking... on to your mattress you just bought a year ago! Its just better just to be a homeless neet and not deal with wagie struggles
these JUST threads upset me greatly. why cant we all just make it?
In all honesty, despite the black pilled sarcasm, this is the truth. It feels like an undetectable presence is watching over me and strikes right when I’m getting ahead. Not trying to sound schizo, but this is how it feels.
jesus christ, i feel so sorry for you
Fuck man,
I feel you, same situation this year for me. First in February I had an unexpected tax situation that cost me 2.5k.
Afterwards in April my car crapped out and I bought a used Toyota for 3.5k. Got scammed by a fucking boomer, engine light came on right after and had 3k in repairs. Basically wasted 8k this year so far on stupid shit. How the fuck am I supposed to get ahead. I supposedly make good money and have a 1500 monthly surplus, but shit like this costs me everything.
nice blog
Your mom is in a better place user
get the bus
you'd be $13k up already, in less than 6 months
>Spends 8k in cash on a junker instead of getting low interest financing on something reliable and has a warranty and spending 8k on link
Never gonna make it.
Let me shed some light on the whole
>3k Civic
If you don't know how to inspect a car, if you don't know how to maintain or fix things, it's your due diligence to find someone who does.
You can insure everything, you can warranty, everything.
just get a lot an lol
>dude, just pay an extra 8k at the dealer for the same car and pay interest on top of it!
This is why you fail. 8K is right in the sweet spot for getting a great used car. Even if it has an issue, it's still cheaper than the GUARANTEED thousands you'll lose on depreciation. Not counting interest. Not counting the $1500+ license plate you'll need to buy.
>Your mom is in a better place user
How do you know?
I'm homeless, how do I not be homeless?
>just buy a house
This has to be bait
My credit is not that great at 690, and I don’t need anymore debt. From the grotesque criticism and leniency towards the credit jew , I can tell you’re one of the entitled boomers that feels like they have all the answers.
I have warranty, I just don’t want to wait 4 weeks to get my vehicle back from the shop after my 1k deductible and a 2k+ rental expense (wasn’t in an accident so Progressive car rental insurance doesn’t cover this).
Ultimately “covering your ass” costs more than it seems, and doesn’t work out like you want it too all the time.
As for the civic meme, I had it inspected twice by two different mechanics. Nothing major was reported that would have caused that head gasket to blow a month in advance
at least your mother doesnt have to watch you be a bitch
go to the dealer, buy the cheapest certified accord/civic they have. mine was 11k with zero problems.
Reading comprehension? You're basically paying TWICE the amount just for the car (not including interest) that is GUARANTEED to depreciate down to 8k in only several years. You're literally buying an extra car for nothing.
The dealership didn't give you a loaner?
You don’t know shit about cars. Do your fucking research on what your spending money on. Cars have to be maintained and if you’re buying a used one make sure the owner isn’t a dipshit. More than 90% of cars for sale at 3k need/are going to need work soon. Those repairs are not unexpected
Sure. As if inspections are 100% accurate and thorough
Shouldve put that 8k on a certified used civic. You can get the 2016 2.0 ex for $15k now with all the modern amenities
Didn’t want/need one. I was making only 35k at the time so it wouldn’t have been wise
How is paying 2k in rental expenses better than getting a free loaner?
Whoops, misread your entire text. Dealership (((claimed))) to not have any.
reading comprehension and algebra.
i’m disagreeing with you that it’s double the price. mine was 11k and for the time saved it was worth paying the 2k over kbb price. also, i don’t know what loans dealers are giving you but mine is .99% aka less than inflation aka free money. maybe you just needed better credit?
Can’t really tell you much that’s gonna change anything OP. Life can just be brutally unfair and it sounds like you’ve gotten a healthy dose of unfair bullshit. The only thing you can take away from it is how resilient you become over the years. I found that after a close family member died that was a turning point where nothing could faze me or stop me from doing what I want to do. It’s one of those things where in some ways you stop caring about all the bullshit and just keep doing you. Probably doesn’t make much sense but yeah, keep it up OP.
just an estimate mate
lol sorry OP
i bought a $500 1989 mercedes benz 190
a couple years ago, only thing i replaced was the ecm, ~ 300 dollars.
get gud