Why yes, I invested in Vechain. how could you tell?

why yes, I invested in Vechain. how could you tell?

Attached: vechaininvestor.jpg (800x1200, 173K)

because you're homeless on the street begging for change

how much to shit on her chest?

All these stacies going for chink money.

sweet christ look at the bags on that bitch. how much to let me be her bagholder if you know what i'm saying?

Maybe because you're a chink?

>brought a shitcoin below 0.01cent and dumped it for x50.
>Im going to disney land meme IRL

Oh jesus fucking christ..
This is pathetic.

because they don't divorce when they get cheated on, the white stacies have realized how much of beta bitches asian men with money are, it's a gold digger's dream.

this chink must have a big ass dick

Attached: az9xAnB_700b.jpg (700x740, 78K)

A rare chink indeed.

thats a mexican

The year is 2025. I am expecting another healthy child with my beautiful wife, and we are planning on another luxury global vacation as my X node generates over 50k a month.

Truly, I have made it.

Attached: peach.jpg (1125x1389, 191K)

made me tear bro

He's a beta provider, what is so hard to understand? I'd legit kill a homeless man to ravage Peach for the night, but I unironically would never date/marry her. The amount of gay shit you'd have to do to keep her happy would be torture.

Chinese dabbing on you nerds and it's so delicious tasting your tears. Now you know what happens when you try to steal our women.

kek fair enough

they met through maplestory before she was famous and became thicc


Nvm found her, dat ass though

I fucked a gook once (korean adopted by white people) but never a chink, literal insectoids

theyre going to have cute kids
her parents must be proud