
i bought some money buttons yesterday, selling each for 10 bsv or more, i was able to get bog@moneybutton and apu@moneybutton

how did I do biz?

Attached: paymail.png (1066x693, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The fuk is moneybutton and who gives a shit about these dumb email handles?

Nice. I got Charleston, Springfield and SanFran :)

its how normies will send each other bsv after it gains mass adoption. it's like cashapp for bsv but its anonymous.

Attached: paymail.png (825x837, 44K)

Wow how useful

>how did I do biz?
if you paid for this trash, you got fucking raped. But not even retards would, ergo, youre a dumb bsv shill - now gtfo, and take your fuck useless addon that nobody uses for shitcoin nobody is interested in either with you. cunt

>thinks bsv is a shitcoin
>thinks I got raped

awesome retard if you think I did poorly then I probably did great

so this is the new domain name flipping, what a joke

>hey guys, you know how we could have transactions go a lot faster, and be a lot cheaper, by having bigger block sizes? ya, let's NOT do that, and instead limit ourselves to 1MB per block. it's psychologically pleasant to know your money is locked in cyberspace for hours while this wait time could have easily been prevented
>look at btc's marketcap you fugtard bsv shill

Attached: 1522880923448.png (1093x925, 1.15M)

you wont think its a joke when I make 100K off it, wait yes you, because you are a emotional retard instead of a Jow Forumsness man

there worthless

>who gives a shit about these dumb email handles?
just a few autists on Jow Forums

>hey fuck the miners, the network couldn't exist without them but I'm sure they will just do it for free someday corecuck shill

No one is going to pay thousands of dollars for a name, They'll just add some numbers to it or pick a new name you fucking retard

thats exactly what retarded normies said about the guys buying all the .coms in the 90s

time will tell whether you are a retard normie or not

you aren't familiar with .com flipping are you?

A .com is completely different. Maybe you'll get a few retards that want to buy this, but you're also counting on this coin to be adopted. It's worth it for a business to have a web address be related to their business since it'll make them more money, but an email address is almost irrelevent = identifier based on a decentralized worldwide standardized system upon which you can build easily identifiable and globally reachable services such as websites and email, belonging entirely to you
[email protected] = none of the above
tldr, its fucking trash, stop trying to conflate the two - why the fuck would anyone pay for an email address from these cretins, fucking srsly

Imagine any major entity using _____@moneybutton to accept a payment. Screen shot this-- I don't give a shit. I'll be dead if I'm wrong.

I did get my first country handle today tho.

Attached: 1537018103940.png (420x420, 137K)

[email protected] ? Congrats user !
>you aint fast, your last

its not a email address its a crypto wallet address you are criticizing it and you dont even know what the fuck your talking about. let me tell you how this works.

>bsv flips bitcoin because craig is stiff
>bsv goes to 1m each
>everyone (opposite to their prior behavior of shunning crypto) is now desperate for it
>normies are still too stupid to use legacy addresses and need handles like this because they are fucking retards
>i sell my stack of handles that allow retards to participate in crypto

why would I stop posting it? I own bog, apu, sweden, belgium, norway, montana and a bunch of other good ones. I already accumulated its time for the normies to find out about this.

why did you choose 222k for the price of the norway handle?

[email protected] user, quick
>why, when that land is fully develipped, jist think how much tis worth

I'm really only angry at myself for spending money on it. I apologize user.

because I fucking can

dont be angry at yourself, once bsv flips bch people will realize the value of these

i own sweden and norway why the fuck would i buy botswana?

>thinking brick+mortars aren't destroyed by big money

I bought 30 @moneybutton handles for popular streamers and celebrities. Pricing them low like 1.3BSV each. OP think they're worth more? Hoping asahdkhaled buys his handle in 6 years or so. Make me rich.

smart, yeah they are probably worth more depending on the streamer. I tried to grab pewdiepie but someone already got it.

the way this scam works is that you overprice everything and then you make up your low sales in the margins

>can lead a retard to a gold fountain, but will he drink ?
one day, you big regret. sweden/norway, cold, noo growth. botswana warm and many chilrens, top top domains


How much are you spending on these handles? Why would they cost money? Surely a company that sees long term success in their future ....they wouldn't try to squeeze every penny out of....oh shi--

$1 per handle

I wonder how much money the money button guy has made on this just today. It must be many $1k. No wonder he is dancing and party with them biches

Attached: 235879223.webm (720x1280, 2.84M)

Keep buying. We are on the groundfloor.

I have about 25 and buying more. I have some good ones. btfo. oo7. Nerd.

How do you get an email handle? I signed up and just have [a 4-digit number] @

Go to settings. And and then manage paymails then add paymails

Selling sergeynazarov and chainlink for $1000

nice I got bog and apu

lmao, yet another way to send money to other people. These are the stupidest fucking ideas.

I also got jihan and jihanwu Kek

ITT: whales paddling in a piss stain

Will/can they enable subdomains? Like ricegum.cloutgang@moneybutton com

I got another African country for ya, Wakanda (real in some peoples minds, also got Black Panther)

$5 each.

Attached: Screenshot_20190602-224045.png (1080x1920, 77K)

To cheap jew is worth 12k min

They get 30% of the sale btw. Might wanna figure that into your sale price.



any domain works

So nothing is stopping from me just making

I own kitty, pajeet, Cincinnati, PBS, pbskids, shark

And clownworld anyone want to bid?

Pbs great acquisition. Jelly

Oh and yang2020

>So nothing is stopping from me just making
That's right. It is an open protocol, just like email. You can create any domain you want if you have the skills

So why are pajeets paying money for email addresses?

Because they think moneybutton will be like .com and something everyone will want

And it will. Its your crypto address. People will use it

Craig bought shit, Michael Jackson and other swearwords

Yea it might. Money button is the first microtransaction app that's really good and is probably the one that will get massive adoption first. I have bought 50 handles myself. It's just at dollar each so it is worth a shot

Or if you were smart, you'd spend the fifty dollars on hosting for your own domain so you'd own all the possible names

Yeah it's way easier to send money to a string of random characters than to [email protected]

This is the dumbest idea ive ever seen.