Why is CSW's shitcoin mooning? You said it was a scam!

Why is CSW's shitcoin mooning? You said it was a scam!

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because bsv is the real bitcoin

imagine this:

(A) X owns a copyright on "BitCoin"
1. X = Craig Wright
2. BTC and BCH are violating X's copyright
3. BTC and BCH have to rename
4. BTC and BCH are not the original BitCoin as envisioned: as a global currency and immutable ledger, but simply a tax-evasion tool and drug/blackmarket laundering token

(B) X is going to enforce his copyright
1. BTC and BCH are going to have to rename

(C) X owns 1.010.000 BTC in Tulip Trust, owns mining equipment, owns mining company, and will liquidate BTC and transfer funds in BSV

(D) BSV is the future

(E) Craig Wright warned us that BTC will go from $8.000 to $0 in a day

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Chinese are probably going to pump it then dump it on Americans again. This happened a few days ago as well. It went from $190 to $250 then crashed back down to $190.

If he’s Satoshi why doesn’t he just change the name.. then again how can you change the name isn’t it decentralized. There’s isn’t a company that can just change it

The chart slope is not even fully erect yet.

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Vishnu lives in blockchain sir. Vary good coin sir. Pls buy sir.

if that shit took over id get out of crypto forever

except its literally dumping right now

Fudders are poorfags


ATO, IRS, or any valid tax-reaching entity will be after him with a bill on his assets and income

BTC-maximalists will come after him because he threatens their portfolio holdings

Normal people will come after him because he's easily top 5 richest people

His BTC are in a trust; i.e., untouchable until its date of termination

He says BTC is going to drop to $0 in an instant

>just understand. when someone owns the copyright to something in state Y, the competitors are viewed as violating Y's law. BSV is legal
Btc is already illegal, tax evasive, and purposefully unregulated or banned in 90%+ countries, including Europe, USA, and most of Asia




>His BTC are in a trust; i.e., untouchable until its date of termination

>He says BTC is going to drop to $0 in an instant

lol what a load of horse shit

Well said

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Scams pump the hardest.

ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill
there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

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Remember when Digibyte mooned hard? I certainly do

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Scams can moon too.

just because you make your answer look like algebra does not make it hold truth.

What does that have to do with pumping and dumping a coin?