What's your plan B if you don't make it with crypto?

What's your plan B if you don't make it with crypto?

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There is no plan B, I am all in. It's either I make it or i commit suicide

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Wait for universal basic income

future cryptoboomers cope

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>universal basilic income

Buy more crypto

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i live near a lot of bridges

buy a gun and become a hunter
or join a fishing crew in Alaska

I suppose i'll go back to wagecucking

I don't know, I'll probably go do something crazy.

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Continue being a wagecuck until I hit my next life crisis. Maybe quit my job for a while, live like a poorfag and then go back to being a wagecuck until I retire or die.

Since i'm sharing crypto and autism with you anons, i'm happier.
I would be sad to leave all this.

another one of those laugh now but ultimately inevitable if a huge portion of the population becomes displaced by automation

This is not gonna happen any time soon. There will always be a demand for prostitution and nobody wants that automated.

I'll continue to wagecuck for $150k+ per year.

Same as plan a just less money.
Work hard on myself.
Become very skilled and successful.
Move to a country that affords me the opportunites I need.
Get a wofe have kids buy a house.

He'll get a gf

get drunk and go fast into a tree

part of me wants to live to youtuber dream but that shit is so sketchy, I don't think I could live with being at the mercy of some faggot algorithm

i failed and was put back at zero tried to kill my wageslave boss so i can push my life to the point of no return & have to KMS failed to stab in his neck stabbed him in his hand went home & waited for the police non showed up took 600ug of LSD & went to the beach to KMS had a talk with god he thought me about stoicism for the last month I've been a janitor in a mosque waiting to see where gods leads me next

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If the tube thing doesn't workout you could be a rockstar, or an astronaut

I believe we are all still early adopters of the "make it or commit suicide incel losers" lifestyle. The incel chart is looking bullish, no resistance in sight. Every shit coin should pump. Basically the ONLY escape for most of us is to get rich. That is our only chance. Would you risk 15k savings from your shit job/neet bucks? if you fail, you just do what you've been doing, but maybe you don't get a new gaming pc as soon. If you make it, your life is actually awesome.

If you aren't taking this risk at this point, then you are a fucking retard.

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Have sex


its actually beginning to come to this for me too as well.

How "free" will we be when the (((government))) is paying our bills? Fucking horse shit

>we see here that you have been posting on a site called "4channel.org/pol/" - this site is flagged and your UBI is suspended indefinitely

if they invent a robot that gives me the best blowjobs of my life and is self-cleaning then there is no need for prostitutes.

honestly its probably easier to do those things than be a youtuber in current year

I'll start my business without the money I make from crypto then

Really, it'd just be nice to have a mattress I can fall back on, but I guess I'm ok without that insurance if crypto really is just a scam... My happiest moment would be when GPU prices finally drop so I can reasonably afford upgrades.

Buisness and music, parmedic degree, photography.
I’m doing these anyway, money would make them much easier.l.

The rope

are you the guy from trinidad and tobago? i remember your thread

we are here

I'm an entrepreneur, I have plans A through Z

Joining the long line of anons who have lost it all in pursuit of cash.
Sorry there isn't a list of everyone who's lost everything because of crypto and suicided.
I think of them fondly, soon I will join them

DECEMBER 2017-MAY 2018

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I have a full vial of pharma grade Nembutal I purchased off dark net to shoot up. Got this great place in the woods where i’ll do it. I’ll take a large amount of CBD before hand to manage any panic symptoms, put on some classical music, draw back and take a nice, long nap.

I’ll miss the new cat my folks got. He likes to sit in my lap and watch MMA with me when I visit.

>I’ll miss the new cat my folks got. He likes to sit in my lap and watch MMA with me when I visit.


Same here! Im about to buy mine. Just need to get some cash.

There is a final exit site on tor that sells a ‘brand for veterinary purposes I’ve read good things about. It should be a relatively painless way to make the hurting stop.

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What is the concentration? How many mg per ml? And how much did you pay?

There is too much data mining on this board for me to risk getting into specifics. Check out some of the latest dark web links in the uncensored hidden wiki, you’ll find the answers you want there.

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Lol “young men driving the decline of sex” more like female hypergamey driving the decline. Fuck whores. Reminder to everyone never ever give a thot any attention. Let them hit the wall and commit suicide. It’s what they deserve for falling for the Jewish lies of feminism and sexual liberation. Liberation to be fucking whores. How did boomers let this happen. Fuck them just as much!

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crypto is my plan b
I have a well paying job

Yeah. The mainstream media reasoning for the decline in men having sex is retarded. I do believe their stats though. If anything, the number of guys not boning is even higher than reported. Most guys are embarrassed to admit they haven't had sex in a year or longer.

I’m 33, have an 8 pack, made 86K in medical device sales in 2018 lots of other good stuff going on, but hate myself too much to approach women or hit on them. Those statistics make me sad, but blaming women or getting all angry about it makes you a bigger cuck than some guy with a penis cage sitting in an ice block while his wife gets pounded and creampied by a group of mandingos.

Being a level 33 year old archmage is hard.

Inb4 “have sex” too.

I’m down for suicide but if we’re all going to do it might as well link up and kill some jews before hand

>Those statistics make me sad, but blaming women or getting all angry about it makes you a bigger cuck than some guy with a penis cage sitting in an ice block while his wife gets pounded and creampied by a group of mandingos.

I don’t like to admit it but there is truth to that statement. Women are mostly whores because men today are pathetic and have allowed the Jews to steal our women and turn them into whores in the first place. We must take back our women and put them back in their place by force. Otherwise our race will go extinct and the shitskins will take over, just as the Jews want as per their Kalergi plan.

FBI/shareblue fuck off and pls go.

That’s more due to technological innovations in birth control. They wouldn’t be having all this casual sex if it led to new babies every time they wanted to get their axe wounds pounded by a new dong. They’re actually doing the the grounded, family oriented, monogamous among us a favor by outing themselves and displaying it proudly. I’d rather know if a woman was a total whore or a reformed whore before trying to share a mortgage. Still, they’re no better than the men that like to “go out” on weekends and sleep with them with no commitment or restraint.

Its over. We are already doomed.

Fuck off jewlover. This isn't Jow Forums. Here at Jow Forums we actually hate jews and we aren't afraid of "muh bad optics"

hahahaha faggot no seriously


sorry dont understand the question

Birth control and the sexual liberation movement (no fault sex) was a Jew orchestrated movement. They want women to not perform their rightful duties as a house wife in a concentrated effort to reduce white populations.

This is how they stole our women. In the past there use to be consequences for their actions now there is none as you’ve stated. They can get abortions, no fault divorce and take half your stuff, be sluts without being shamed and have daddy government take care of their kid if they end up as a single mother. Women in modern era are given free reign to be extremely depraved debacherous hedonistic whores to the max and they are programmed to be that way by social media, my and degenerate nigger music. They are taught that if they settle down was a single man, young and raise a family they will miss out on the best years of their lives. It’s so completely fucked up. It really makes me sad how low we’ve fallen just imagine travelling back in time and showing a man this forum and them seeing all the brap posts. He’d be in utter disbelieve at how animalistic and nigger like we’ve allowed our women to succumb.

>HS drop out
>No skills
>Live with mom for the past 7 years
>never worked

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so is plan A both to fantasize about making it and failing miserably so you can commit suicide.

or is suicide plan B faggot?


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have sex

Crypto is your plan A? Hahahahahahahahahha

Backyard micro farm.