Who else retired and young from crypto?

After selling my LINK at 15k sats earlier this year and then riding the btc pump I was able to retire.

What countries do you retire in and what do you do with your free time?

I am traveling now, but want to settle in a Latin American or Asian country for a long time. All I do with my time is wake up when I feel like it, lift all day, watch movies and go on dates with beautiful women. Idk if I could ever get tired of this lifestyle

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I lived in nha trang, vietnam for over a year. i had to leave beacuse it was too much of a party. i'd like to live in the caribbean for a while. i would check out colombia if i were you.

I’m not terribly far from Colombia right now but everyone says Brazil is better.

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Too much of a party? The locals were inviting you out to bars all the time?

I've travellend around. Now I'm back home, trying to build new things, trying to get balance in my life, exercise, socialising, reading. And build deep relationships with other engineers to start a powerful startup, and with one super smart redhead girl (yet to be found) to breed a family.

i didn't make it to brazil, but colombia was one of the most incredible countries i've been to. you need weird visas for brazil.

Im a college student now and i dont really do much except take my boat out, fuck my girlfiend and smoke pit. However if LINK hits $20 ill be abe to retire permanently

smoke pot* and south Florida by the way. For now

Sometimes I wish the US was in South America. So many times more beautiful

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Find a country that has a lot of beluga whales nearby so you can be with your kind, you weird head having mother fucker.

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i got in with the expat crowd as soon as i arrived and everyone just loved to party too much, and it was too fun to stop doing so i just had to leave eventually. a good friend of mine who i met there had to get basically shipped home to toronto with liver failure a few months after i left...


Nice forehead.

one day

where is this?

had multiple friends visit or live in brazil. they all got mugged. one got mugged every 3 months when living there for over a year.

I am not telling you because I kind of stick out in this city, haha.

no need for specifics, what country?

been to costa rica its nice, very peaceful and nice people there. I heard columbia is great too but idk desu.

any logistics/tips on how to cash out?


I know I have only been rich a short period of time but I very much enjoy this lifestyle to wage slaving.

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South America

dont fucking give your kids sunburn/skin cancer genes, degenerate. breed a tan whitegirl at least.

how much do you need to retire young

See that resort / condo complex at the end? A 3 bedroom high floor 1200 sq ft ocean view condo is $89,000, and you get to see this every day. I would stay here if I fit in. I need to learn some Spanish

Depends where you want to live. I think you could comfortably retire in South America with a few mil or even less than a mil

asia's much cheaper

I can smell the pajeet shitting street from here. Tell us more pajeet. Tell us more.

do you miss family/friends?
I've been a loner my whole adult life so my parents brother and 2 friends mean a lot to me
I have close to 2m but just chill where I grew up my house is 2.5 miles from my parents and only cost 140k bought a nice pick up truck too

my lifestyle is basically neet, no schedule, bad hygiene, alcohol, tv, computer, but I'm getting really tired of it
been doing this since 2017

is south america cool or do you think I would get stabbed or something

2M is enough to chill-- don't move out of the US. You'll end up falling for a girl that's gonna fleece you.

Not that this won't happen in the US-- but at least you wont be across the planet from family when it does.

Young? Bald?

2 mil ain’t shit. This whole thread is bragging about nothing.

How old are you?

>idk if i can ever get tired of this lifestyle

Ah yes, how could hedonism ever get tiring?



I'm a poorfag and only have 5k Link. Will i be able to neet out in a poor country like Vietnam?

>my lifestyle is basically neet, no schedule, bad hygiene, alcohol, tv, computer
Honestly sounds boring as fuck

For about 6 months

What kind of lifestyle are you living that 2 mil is nothing? You can easily get good passive income with 2 million and then use that passive income to get more passive income. If you're one of those west coast lambo memers then yeah 2 mil isn't shit but that's your own fault

yeah and I'm not good with women either so I don't know, I hope I find nice girl but who knows these days

it is, I used to do drugs everyday but got arrested for possession so I'm on probation for 4 more months

24 here and just living the neet dream playing Vidya all day and just working out everyday. It's pretty cash

I don't fully understand the passive income meme
There's a big learning curve on buying rental properties or running a business seems like a big risk to take
both my friends got into real estate buying shit city properties for 30-50k fixing them up a little and renting them out but the first 1-2 years were difficult and lost them money
I have some money spread out in stocks but I still believe in bitcoin more than anything

Cancer user at it again

one of my friends asked if I wanted to join him 50-50 in his next property but I don't know enough about it it's not that big of a risk but it's one more thing I have to think about constantly I don't know if it's worth it

Good afternoon fellow LINK Marines.

I am the Director of Space Operations (DSO) at Chainlink Space Program (CSP). We will be launching our first mission to the moon today. The mission name is LINK 1. After countless hours of consideration and selection, we have finally chosen the crew that will be flying LINK 1. The crew is as follows:

Captain/Pilot: Jason Parser
Engineer/Co-Pilot/: Chad O. Fork
Scientist: Alice Blaster

Stay tuned for more information. The construction of LINK 1 has started and updates and pictures will be posted shortly.

Thank you for your interest in Chainlink Space Program. Together, we shoot for the stars.

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My sides!!

How does it feel like to know you've become a link meme cancer user?

crypto made you young?

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If you do go 50/50 on a property, make 100% sure that your name is on the lease with the other person or technically you don't own shit.

Uh... I meant Title, not lease. The document that specifies who owns the property.

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Bumping this thread to KEK