Why do people complain about not being able to get a job?

Why do people complain about not being able to get a job?

>hop on craigslist
>look for general labor jobs
>tons of options
>call around and guaranteed a job paying at least $14/hour if you have a brain, arms, legs, and aren't a lazy fuck


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$14/hour isn't enough for the multiple surgeries and chronic pain you'll get by age 40

>thinks $14/hour is worth working for
>thinks working with crack heads is worth $14/hour

>He lifts with bad form

not to mention the cigs/staying up all night to finish a job because "were behind
schedule" Then when you get home you grab a nice cold brew to stop the pain in back/hips/hands.

Is that Sophie?

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only weak simps get back pain and shit like that
my dad has been doing plumbing for over 25 years (self-employed for most of it)
healthy as a bull, no problems whatsoever

if you have no other options $14/hour is better than nothing
general labor is fine as long as you eat well and aren't a retard, don't have a cripple's frame, and don't drag yourself around work like a drug addict
you have to lift properly as the other user said, and work smart

I'd still fuck them both

Plumbing isn't the physical exertion of construction or landscaping, retard. Not even close.

Wagecucked and doomerpilled

Jobs are for retards, retard.

i think most of them just dont want to work
the indeed app is even easier than craigslist

no job is too physically demanding besides like concrete work unless your boss is a faggot who wants to flay you daily. in that case, stop working for him. plenty of good smaller companies out there but I see retards working for giant faggot companies who fleece the rest all the time. their problem good riddance tb h

>healthy as a bull,
he might not being showing it but hes has some dings. Anyone who does trade work long enough will get something

hey i fell for the college is a meme meme and neet life. Its what i have to do to survive atm

>plenty of good smaller companies
and this is how i know your full of shit. Smaller companies are the same or worse. You should know that though because your dad.... right?

>falling for the manual labor jew

no brapper in the webm?

he's 65 and has shown no signs of significant back, hip, etc. pain yet besides the usual soreness after work
I mean if he gets it in his 80s well that's just par for the course
unfortunately I do not have his bear genetics and was blessed with my mom's skeleton genetics instead

of course there are shitty small companies too. almost all big companies are shit though, hard to find one that isn't. there's a lot of small companies that are good to their workers. this is how I know you work for a shit company i do minor asphalt repairs and maintenance and i have never forced any partner of mine to stay "because we're behind schedule" but then again I'm not a faggot running around trying to hog work at every corner like most small owners. i just tell whoever i'm doing work for that i'll be late or re-schedule for another day. i don't know what you do but i suggest finding a better gig if you're really in that situation. that's not how anyone should treat their workers. if you have significant pain from the work you do then there is a big problem

>makes 0/hr
>thinks 14/hr is below him
it's not even about the money

I'd work menial labor but I have a shitty back

all menial labor jobs in my area either require experience and/or the ability to speak Spanish (because literally only Hispanics in my area work those jobs)

so what the fuck. i just stay at home and continue to be neet.

I do that and I dont even make 14 an hour
only reason Im on Jow Forums is to get out of wagie prison

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me too fren
2200 every other month for an epidural in the spine
its half my income just to not be in a wheelchair

im in granite fab then switched to swinging a hammer/ home remolding. i hate trade work with a passion. Everything is halfassed from the mexicans who got to it before me.

have you looked at getting into something else? that seems like it's too physically demanding for the pay

>Anyone who does trade work long enough will get something
tfw severe back pain from sitting in an office chair all day long

any oles a goal innit m8
ave it!!

i have and am looking but what else is there to do without college that can make a decent living? sales?

In trades $20/hr is easy to get if you can bullshit there is just a insane demand for workers right now

>if you have legs

I wish I had two fully functioning knee caps but with one being half functioning I'm disabled enough I can't do heavy lifting (even standing for an hour hurts) but I'm not disabled enough to get disability.

look into other construction related work. i did all sorts of caulking for a while before doing asphalt shit but it was annoying and i didn't make that much. bought a small tar melting trailer (for asphalt crack sealing) from china for around 8 grand total (decent ones here are very expensive). only larger companies tend to do this work around my area and they charge a lot per foot. i'm going on a cheap rate and still making around $500-800 a day after expenses with one other worker depending on how many feet we do. not very physically demanding and there's a decent demand for this work here. just handing out my business cards everywhere atm. also doing minor pothole repairs but I'm mainly trying to shill this asphalt crack sealing shit as much as possible. undercutting the big companies and still making solid profit for work without a degree. it's easy as shit, nothing to do but blow some dust off the street and then apply the stuff with a hose. fuck it smells like shit though.

>if you have a brain, arms, legs, and aren't a lazy fuck

asking a little much here arent we fella