What % of your total financial portfolio is in crypto?

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$100 %

Seriously your entire net worth is in crypto?

100% of my self earned money is too but me pappy has some that he won't let me invest or that would be in it too
not buying boomer bags at ATH, boomers can fomo in and pump my bags instead

50%, other 50% is in real estate. Id sell em if I could and shove that in crypto too. fuck yeah


I should really change this.

taco bell doesnt even use real meat

Now it's about 30% but it started out as maybe 7 or 10%

Buffalo Wild Wing's is the trashiest nigger experience I have ever had. I would much rather eat at McDonald's.

To answer your question, probably 75% in crypto.

Over 90%
I invested 6 figures in crypto and continue to invest with every paycheck

I don't even order meat at taco bell. I get everything vegetarian. The only meat I'll get is rolled chicken tacos if they're around.

I ordered their hot wings once. They're so spicy. How can people eat that?

They have 15 different sauces on a "scale" of hotness. If you stick to 1-5 you'll be good, obviously 15 is deadly

a&w is really that good of an investment?

Yeah but it's just called "hot." I like hot. Their hot wings made my face melt. They should call them death wings or something.

fake news.

99% of all of my money is in crypto. There is no "diversify" for people like me. This is my only chance at making any real money and buying a home. If I lose it all then the 1% is to buy a bottle of sobeski and a hi-point 9mm and paint my bedroom wall red.

Pray for me, bros.

Also what kind of a nigger ranks Taco Bell over Jack in the Box?

Chick-fil-A is overrated. Never understood why it's so popular, it fuckin sucks.

degenerate meme. all are poison tier

Where's Weinerschnitzel? would be GodTier. Also missing Little Caesars and Chipotle.

Every penny I earn that I don't use on bills goes into BTC, ETH, or LINK. Fuck fiat and I will never cash out fuck the jews as well

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