ITT: we are debt free and are living our best life

>0 student loan debt
>0 personal loan debt (paid as of 5/15/2019)
>0 credit card debt (paid with personal loan)
>0 mortgage debt (i don't own a home yet anyway)
>0 favors owed to anyone
>0 bills due (paid 6 months in advance)

as a matter of fact, I can think of 2 people that owe me cash right now!


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so for people that are financially responsible this thread is real life?

>NEET thread

>be me
>be 18yo zoomer
>got 65k in savings
>got 5k in crypto
>got a car
>live with mom
>NEET lifestyle

why are you leaving 65k uninvested in cash? wow.

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>be me
>21 yo zoomer
>10k savings
>0 in crypto
>got a car
>live with parents
>/NEET/ lifestyle
>i want to kill myself everyday

It doesn't get better, does it.

>no house
that's not what making it looks like.

Debt free life is based. Al my coworkers are bitching about car notes and mortgages. Lel.

I'll get one someday. I only have 10k for a down payment. I'll need a minimum of 20k more, which I think I'll have by the end of the year.

I’d be debt free if I didn’t have a fat Los Angeles sized mortgage hanging over my head

>be me
>26 yo doomer
>8k saving
>500 in crypto(newfag)
>got a car
>live with parents
>work night-shift
Yeah, I just want to hang myself....everyday is the same.

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don't know were to invest other than crypto

t. 3rd world country fag

why don't they just live at home and all in ftm? lol fucking normans are so fucking dumb.

>implying that i'm implying i made it

>0 student loan debt
never went to college :)

>21 year old zoomer
>22k in savings
>0 in crypto
>0 debt
>Have a car
>live rent free with parents
>wagecuck at 19$/hr on second shift
>looking to move out of my mom's basement
Pretty good. Also
>tfw no gf

>0 in crypto

the worst you can do on the internet is to brag. even worse than being a thot, a street shitter, or a nigger. humblebragging is wrong. WRONG.

you don't know how many suicidal people you are pushing towards death.


>ZERO debt

feels ok yeah I like it

You're literally set up and in a position to do something with your life. Don't let these moments pass you bye user. No need to be a neet. You have a great launchpad.

Start a company. Learn a skill. Travel.

>living our best life
I want you to kill yourself.

buy 5 boring stocks with 70%. Allocate by market cap. buy a bond fund with the other 30%

> be me
> 24
> 20k cash
> 150k index funds
> 0 debt.

Feels good man.

Quit being a faggot

>25 y/o broken bloomer
>no student loans
>no credit card debt
>maybe ~4k equity on car
>1 BTC and change
>2.5k in bank account
>6k in 401k

I thought I was doing well but fuck this is kind of mediocre for how long I've been a wage slave

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The only debt I have is student loans which I am not paying off because I earn a higher ROI on my investments (shitcoin gambling)

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>46k/yr +20k commissions no degree(yet)
>Also no debt
>Rent 1 bed 600/month with med school gf
>Live in salt lake with a season's pass at snowbird, just landed my first backflip today on skis after a banger day with the boys
Life couldn't be better

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Salt Lake is a nice city. University of Utah? Beautiful campus.

Transferring there with a slcc associates. Saved 7k over a year and a half doing gen Ed's there

Does it really get as bad with the winter inversions there like some people say or is that just the usual exaggerations of things by people?

> 65 k savings
> only 5 k in crypto
Are u retarded? It's bull run now.

It can be, especially if theres no storms for a while. You're living in a bowl and cold air sinks. My first inversion, I thought it was fog until I walked to work and could taste it. They don't last longer than a few days usually though and are fairly rare. Plus you can get above them in little cottonwood canyon

Cottonwood Canyon! Beautiful drive up to Park City there. I like all the Aspens up there in the mountains.

Repent sinner

Absolutely degenerate. Wife her.

Fuck my life americans have life on easymode if you are not a degenerate junkie. It's not fair!!

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If you're renting it's just another kind of debt

>be me
>24yo (soon 25)
> 2k in crypto (was just ~550$ six months ago)
>got a motorbike
>live with roommates
>work part time late afternoon shift
>getting my trade certs soon, will escape minimum wagie hell
>will get plenty of money to invest in crypto
>planning to open a business when I have enough disposable income

Not financially better off than you right now but at least I'm not a bitch that still lives with his parents. Kinda feeling smug right now, thank you for it user.
(just remember that only you can change your situation)

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Resistance masternode. Don't forget that sir.

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>zero debt
>what is being liable for your nations government debt

>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who actually unironically fell for the debt meme

Imagine actually having debt, ever, lmfao

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40k student debt (not usa, dont really have to stress about it)
2k CC
45k in crypto (40k link among others)

>23 y/o boomer
>got tuition waiver for college and worked through college enough to pay rent
>also got SNAP benefits so never paid for food
>make $30k off crypto
>graduated a month ago and am still unemployed but easily living off my gains (only have to pay rent which is only $400/month)
I'm pretty comfy these days

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C-can i have some of those delicious tendies?

Cringe. Imagine thinking that being owed things by others means you're superior to them, or in a better position.

Everyone who's anyone has a shit tonne of debt, all businesses depend on it, landlords buy houses with mortgages in order to suck up rent money from peasants like you rentbois.

Debt is amazing. Borrow money, make a shitload more money, pay back the debt as required, rise up in society as a result.

sooo.... put it in crypto?

Fucking lol at putting 5 out of 70k in crypto. You will KYS when you 10x.

Depends, are you a cute girl (no penis) willing to be my maid?

>35 yo millennial but really feel like late GenX
>10k in savings
>6k in crypto
>own nice flat in center
>don't have car currently because no need in the city but plan to buy one next year
>married to qt 8/10 who makes more than me
>going 1 month on Tuscany food and wine tour soon
>"work" for evil corporation but really only spend 1hour per day in the office
>learning how to code in Python in the meantime

I feel like I'm making it, only need to stack up a bit now that big expenses are behind

Fuck off religious dinguses

The way the markets are going, he’s made the right call.

>32yo boomer
>passive income from crypto
>living in Philippines with my harem 1 trap and 3 females


who cares lol

Just buy some Vanguard ETFs through fidelity or etrade or some shit. Enjoy at least a baseline 4-5% annual return for the rest of your life unless society collapses.

how did u save so much?

>Passive income from crypto
Please elaborate, user

Cringe. Living with roommates is AIDS

44neet near eternal
20K cash
1 M crypto (had 5M b4), but started with 5K.
wife and her gf sleeping in next room while i shit post (they both hate me)
House paid off.

£20k cash (had been better, just spent a small fortune remodelling downstairs of house)
House owned outright
Some crypto, but it's really just fun money
£100k pa self employed income
Follow up meeting soon with a VC for an idea I've been kicking around...



Almost free electricity and 2 mining farms. You know, USD have so much value in the third world.

Debt sucks but mortgages are hard to avoid. Unless you have money, you can't get a house.

house in this economy. just

what's your initial investment on those farms ?

How about
>660k savings
>only 15k crypto



>he doesn't max out his student loan to put into crypto in anticipation of the GBR
Never going to make it.

Once you got enough crypto in 2013 if would have been completely trivial to just hold and do all the easy trades, making ridiculous amount of money just sitting on your ass.

That's pretty good for self employed pa. What kind of business you have?

People may say the same about 2019 one day, and yet still most people are fucking up right now in a panic, instead of doing the needful.

i could pay off my 26k remaining in student loans but i would rather trade that money than pay off a 4% interest rate loan

that's why you don't buy when it's expensive let alone finance, you rent

seriously what the fuck is wrong with you. buy $20K in crypto right fucking now.

2 BTC and the rest pure shitcoins and some eth. dont be a fucking retard

> 30 yo boomer
> 15k in savings
> 26k in crypto (+52% gains included :o)
> no debts
> feelsgoodman.jpg

Attached: iii.png (269x360, 151K)

>$0 debt
>$400 in my checking account
>$0 savings
>7000 ChainLink
Take risks, or die poor.

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>31yo boomer
>1.5k in savings
>30k$ in crypto
>10k debt
>Engineer in computer science