why is Jow Forums so racist? this would not be tolerated on other sfw boards
Why is Jow Forums so racist? this would not be tolerated on other sfw boards
fuck you nigger
shut the fuck up stupid nigger
F U C K O P!!!!!!!!!
Clap clap clap
white people will not exist in 50 years
Racists will NEVER make it
racists made america
he is of the very dark complexion
hitler was a jew. 911 was an inside job. sandniggers and regularniggers have no right to exist niether does Isreal. clownworld is real.
anyone that is not racist is a nigger probably
Actually Jow Forums shouldn't be a blue board.
It's basically Jow Forums that wants to make money.
Oh, fuck niggers. KYS OP.
because niggers aren't profitable
i love bigherc. he can bust my cheeks anyday.
Because we don’t care about feelings and bullshit Frankfurt school Jew propaganda. We are not NPC’s. We see reality for what it is.
Have sex
Big herc is a nigger but he's my nigger
I'm finna bust yo cheeks nigga.
Niggers suck
Niggers suck
Everything you said was based except Hitler being a Jew. Hitler was a magnificent man. Watch the “greatest story never told”.
Big herc aint on no cheek bustin time though.
Racism would imply you wouldn't be able to post here because you are black or some other race that is not the majority race here. Not the case so this bored is NOT racist.
Saying "nigger" is practicing freedom of speech because "hate speech" is not really a thing.
That's all. Real racism hasn't existed in a long time you whiney nigger.
reddit is two blocks down faggot
You offering, slut?
B A S E D~!
Fuck off retarded nigger. Your momma probably looks like an orangutan, your bitch a bonobo, and you a gorilla.
pls get urself a couple of dem divine childrens roastie sir or fear eternal niggerliciousness
Jow Forums is gonna get they wig split
this was true until the stormcucks raided Jow Forums
>someone said a bad word and it hurt my feelings
you have to go back
based and niggerpilled
Unironically T H I S