Why the FUCK is bsv mooning?

why the FUCK is bsv mooning?

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Meme magic

There is a guy named Craigh Wright (you can search him on wikipoedia)

He recently came out as the bitcoin creator, and bitcoin SV is his own coin, so it is being very valued by people and companies

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like fucking hell he is actually satoshi LOL its probably just a publicity stunt.
i wont believe it unless i have proof

Why didn't I buy more?

this desu. shakes my faith in crypto as a whole


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Tulip trust is real.

Craig wins.

I have seen more mentions of tulip trust in the last week than I have in the last three years. People now know what to expect in 2020.

I sold last night for $191. Hate crypto so fucking much.

Imagine selling the real bitcoin for 190
Thanks for filling my bags retard

It will already jump to multiple thousands before you get to see the proof dummy, you just have to take the risk

Because a capable conman is tricking a bunch of idiots into supporting him. Don't believe it's possible? Look at our shitlord president. He's a far more obvious conman and he's tricked 10s of millions of retards into supporting him.

>Because a capable conman is tricking a bunch of idiots into supporting him. Don't believe it's possible? Look at our shitlord president. He's a far more obvious conman and he's tricked 10s of millions of retards into supporting him.
#NotMySatoshi am I rite ?

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jesus christ did I miss my chance to jump in?
you think it will level out?

Being exposed to the liberal media and questioning everything after being redpilled, me and others like me have developed a sixth sense in being able to see through fake news, even if it's fake news shilling fake news. I don't really care about Craig Wright and I didn't even know what the Tulip Trust was, but if normies were this emotional that they had to come up with fake news to stop others from buying it, then it was the right buy and it was.

Would you buy bitcoin at 220 in 2013 if you had a chance to?

uhhh....what the actual fuck is going on here?

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i don't want to buy bsv on principle because the shillers are so fucking annoying but i also see an opportunity to buy a bag and dump it on a normie

You are the normie here, BSV has some of the highest IQ autismos on this board

We are not shilling we are actually trying to tell you to hedge BSV before it's too late

what exchange do i use if all of the non pajeet exchanges have delisted bsv

Bitfinex is one of the oldest and best exchnages on the market imo

Go home back to bittrex or poloniex fren

BTC had to rest from it's pump for a few days and all the autists fomo'd out of BTC into BSV.
When BTC hits 9k again tomorrow they'll flee BSV again.

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i believe this to be true as well. all this bsv activity just seems like it will lead to an enormous btc pump.
i held bsv during some good times, but once you DYOR on the people involved it’s cringey as fuck.

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