Portfolio thread
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Portfolio thread
patrician tier, just swap some BTC for BSV
Fuck you
And fuck craig
>patrician tier, just swap some BTC for BSV
> they actually fell for the fud
I'd rather buy my dad's dick cheese rather than BSV
This portfolio is chad as fuck. Seriously noice.
Thanks man. Been 3 years in the making
going to dca into eth or btc each paycheck, which is a better long term investment?
How bigs your pay check?
If you’re going to be playing with lunch money you need to all in a shitcoin to make some decent returns.
i'm starting as a bartender in a week, hoping to pull at least $200/night in tips plus wages. i'm aiming to put at least $500 in every two weeks
Good suicide stack now just keep building link and eth
How's this
Literally just do the coinbase earn and get free crypto worth half your portfolio
Will I make it?
Planning on holding on to these until 2023 at the earliest.
Muh diVeRsiTy> Reason
48,000 Hot. Thinks he’s gonna make it.
Fuck you, nigger!
the portfolio value is manvindeesh-tier, but you picked good projects except for LINK and FTM.
I'm buying more HOT at the moment. Actually just sold the little xlm I had and put in another $30 for it. The XRP & ETH are leftover from 2017 bubble
Yeah I got a mortgage like 4 weeks before I got into crypto, so I'm pretty tied up when it comes to fiat. That's why I know I'll have to wait a good 3-4 years sitting on these bags.
I would dump all this and go into something more spicy
cool! i know i sound like a shill. but honestly i never understand how people actually hold so much LINK. i always think people are larping until i see the screenshots on here. I'd at least try to get to 2-5M HOT but that's just me. Maybe I am totally wrong on LINK. good luck
Didn’t know about this, thanks user
Yeah, I figure that Jow Forums's collective autism and wisdom of the crowd tends to be somewhat accurate. If a coin is massively shilled here (I mean massively, LINK, BSV, HOT, etc...) I would take that as a buy signal. DYOR beforehand, obviously.
What do you see HOT reaching in the next bullrun?
I'm a full-on altcoin degenerate, all you people holding 60% BTC must find crypto so boring.
i think 5 cent is a very reasonable estimate no matter what, 10 cent as well. ansthing above that requires huge hype and FOMO but everything up to $0.50 can happen. Ripple reached dollars with a similarly large supply so even $1 HOT is not impossible. I'd say we need a GBR and a lttle luck for everything beyond 25 cents but so far normies are loving HOT. it has that secret sauce and mass appeal to moon violently just based on hype.
What colour lambo should I buy?
Poor asf
Outstanding OP.
Why would you invest like $30 per coin. Even at a 10x you'll still only have 300. Just go all in one project if you're gonna spend lunch money