>chinks will rule the world in your lifetime
How do I short humanity
Chinks will rule the world in your lifetime
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>>Jow Forums
Yup, they have no conscience, and when you have no conscience it's much easier to win at the game
They won’t they are just one of the many subhuman puppets being used by (((them))) to help destroy white civilization. As they replace us, they will be slaves like we are except in a much more dystopian Orwellian globalized society.
I know you're probably trolling but I work in as a biotech analyst and it's not even funny how much further ahead the Chinese are than us. (((regulations and big pharma))) make it so even if we stumble upon ground breaking research it takes at least a couple decades before we can bring it into fruition. Meanwhile China can just go to town with phase-1 human trials and pay them literally pennies for a high probability of cancer.
bug eaters.
I am not siding with the Chinese. Let's just say I'm ambivalent towards them. What I do take issue with is the fact you say they have no conscience yet you and the other anti-Chinese numbskulls have no issue with calling them "CHINK" I may not think highly of the Chinese, but I will stand side by side with them against racist pricks any day of the week. Racism is the single most cancerous belief that plagues humans.
Sounds like you just have poor observational skills
Aren’t those poisonous? Why do they explode? What is that liquid?
Stfu kike
Centipedes have venom in their fangs but are probably edible
"Racism" is a word invented by jews and pushed by communists to hurt whites.
Nonwhites are never called racist when they are being racist. Their racism is called reverse racism.
You hate white people.
jews built modern china, just a tool in their hegelian dialectic, ultimatley they will suffer like the rest of the world
chinks are NOT human
>eating insects
>chewing with mouth open
God Asians are fucking gross yo
I didn't call them that.
idk man, one time at work, a non-white minority was asking a dutch person if phrases like "going dutch" or "dutch crunch" had anything to do with dutch culture, and a white non-dutch person said the minority person was being "racist" and didn't use the word "reverse"
Wtf is this?
Okay faggot
hot oil!
Daily reminder that if not for the 1% in Western Civilization. Whites won't be worth a squat. Literally the biggest fraudsters of humanity masking themselves in superiority when they themselves are the embodiment of mediocrity. Soon you faggots will have to work 996 just to keep up.
>apple earbuds
Trade war over, we won, usa usa usa, etc.
Huh, you guys were right
Gooey duck
Racism doesn't exist
Kill yourself chink bug
Don't understand why they all asians chew with their mouth open and make gross sounds.
Thanks user, fascinating
Burrowing clams...
Look like apex predators to me.
>eat anything
>kill anything
>say anything
>do anything to get ahead
Western morality (Christianity) is no match for these psycho insects.
ok for those who are trying to understand i actually did some research, and basically that iquid i the glass is actually boiling frying oil, it can put into that glass, because that glass is made from borosilicate, that can handle the heat, also thats why the centipede looks like its exploding
Makes u think
Racism was invented when human beings evolved to be tribalistic and rely on separating "us" vs "them".
That made sense in band tribes of 100 people but makes zero sense now and acts as an archaic artifact. Its literally the same process that causes people to beat each other up over the differences in their god damn sports teams.
But its cool to be retarded apes and start a race war cuz muhh jooozz
You can short humanity by buying the United Nations Dollar.
It's a cultural thing. They eat like animals to openly show their enjoyment and appreciation for the food. Slurping chewing burping = I like this thank you. Remember that chinks are untouched by concept of modesty or shame beyond making your family look bad. Everything is about "face". Showing how much you like the food by eating messily is a type of virtue signalling.
Let me tell you why you're wrong - 2 minutes
That's so hot!
then how the fuck did this guy drink it?
god i wish that was me
Dumbfuck zoomer, and probably some sort of mixed race mutant ashamed of his shit tinted skin. Racism exists because some races are objectively dangerous and do not mix well in a mostly homogenous culture. It is a mechanism by which society self corrects when allowed to happen.
When it is suppressed we get low iq subhuman mullatos like you.
That isnt oil. In that case it is alcohol.
Heraclitus said, "War is the father of all things". Clausewitz famously said "War is the continuation of politics by other means". Now, the war in the two sayings are not the same war, the second one ("War is the continuation of politics..") is a specific kind of politics, one human activity among many. The first ("War as universal parent"), Heraclitus' war, is above and prior to human action.
If you are not a creationist but a Darwinist of any type, and I take it most of us now are, then you think that struggle, war, selection, acting without interruption generated all of the various living things that exist now or ever existed. Probably Heraclitus meant something else, something proto-manichean, or proto-Hegelian but that's what we mean by "War is universal parent", that all living things, which is most of what people think about and deal with, the variety in all of them was generated in war or struggle. Without struggle, the struggle for existence, we would not have the antlers of the deer, the disposition of the deer to flee when interrupted, the rolling eye, the cavorting gait... all of these things arise from competition. Competition against the wolf, the struggle against other deer for reproductive success, the struggle for eating and without the struggle there is no form, there's no biological form, there's no beauty, there's nothing. Everything is embedded in it. Human life, then, evolved in this war. Human life and with it, love, language, music, and everything else. Importantly, everything else including war in the specific Clausewitzian sense ("War is the continuation of politics by other means").
Now, someone may object, the sword, the siege, battlefield logistics.. did these evolve through variation in differential reproductive success? No, when we say war is a human activity evolved we're not claiming that, culture is not biology and technology is not biology, but nevertheless, any explanation of culture which claims to exclude evolution is either pre-modern, or lying. You will find some idea of human nature embedded in any explanation of culture, and human nature is the product of biological evolution and the culture evolution is also responsible for our nature today, is a continuation of and embedded in biological evolution. Struggle, war, etc. War is an expression of human nature. War is an expression of a product of evolution. That is what we mean by war evolved. The war that evolved, in other words, political war, battlefield war, this was constrained by evolution.....
Nevertheless, there is something called the 'struggle against the struggle for existence', and especially in the last couple of hundred years.. this is what liberalism is actually about, it's about the denial of embedding in universal war. That's the lie of liberalism, the struggle against the struggle for existence, the war against war, the idea that somehow we, you know.. had a billion years of biological evolution but now we've got technology, we've got plenty of oil, we're "enlightened", we can move beyond all of that in the future with enough for everybody.
But, that flawed idea propounded in discourse is being propounded as a means--as an extension of war, not of battlefield war but of universal war, struggle for existence, and in a more simple way: The idea of universality, that we used to think there was 'them' and there was 'us', and now we're "enlightened" and we know that there is only a big 'us' - the important thing is the people (not necessarily the people who first came up with this idea, but the people who have been pushing it hard and making sure that it is a fundamental of all discourse today), the people saying "there is no them and us, there is only us", the people who came up with that idea were NOT us. The people who are pushing that idea are THEM, and from their point of view they are us, we are them, and they have a very good idea of what's going on. That's what I'm talking about by discourse is war, right? That a lie about metaphysics, a lie about the world, is being propounded not just because of weak-mindedness and the sort of people like kittens on greeting cards no, but because there are those who by their very nature have to struggle against us, and are trying to push us out of existence, and their means of doing that is primarily in discourse. That's what I mean by discourse is war.
chinks have some cereal buying power cos there is so fucking many of them. The middle class is growing at a great pace. You must find something cheap to produce that will go viral over there and profit. Like that fidget spinner bullshit - nothing to it, but every kid worldwide had to have one or four.
99.99% of your ancestors were extreme far right conservatives by any modern measure. All of your ancestors were extremely racist by necessity. The entire rest of the world is extremely racist.
The only human race that has, in our entire history, invited a different demographic to come and live among them as "equals" is the white race. The only one to ever abolish slavery. The only one to give equal rights to women.
Yet the thankless shitskins and Jews continue to browbeat western nations, despite their unprecedented(and suicidal) invitation to non whites to come and live among them.
It is insane. It is not sustainable. It is genocidal (against whites), and it will not save anybody, since white nations will disappear in a couple centuries if it continues and the entire world will revert to how it has been in the past.
You thinks chinks like you? You think African niggers like you? You think Indians like you? They want to USE you and take advantage of your extreme stupidity and suicidal charity to get ahead and out breed you.
Keep playing this game at your own peril.
Whoever wrote this copy pasta fell prey to a couple of logical fallicies.
Regardless the conclusion is and should have been that competition is not a, its the driver. Competition is essential to progress, human or not and trying to eradicate it entirely is akin to self destruction. Whether or not this competition is within an "us" group or between groups is irrelevant as long as there's competition.
I think you misread
Hahaha get fucked whiteboy. We're buying up all your apartment complexes and homes and renting them out to you. Get fucked we will own all our land, property, and businesses. You will become shit on under our shoes. Your children? You won't have any. Have sex.
I know you don't understand what you've copy pasted.
I think you missed the the point, which is: People have infiltrated your culture and poisoned the well and told YOU that competition is bad.
Find the source then retard
An honest shitskin, explaining his motives. I appreciate it, Samir. We need more disgusting third world idiots like you to flaunt the security and prosperity we have given them.
...told you that competition is bad which is obviously part of the same competition, it is the same 'war'.
You believed it but that doesn't mean war doesn't exist, it means you're losing.
Human beings exist as extensions of God/The Creator as our evolution on this planet was the purpose of continually elevating us spiritually to allow us to become closer to the ground of all being.
We grow just as life grows, the struggle against other conscious souls is ultimately illusory as every single conscious life exists as an extension of God. The same way our cells make us, we form the cells of God. The Universes emergent properties are one clue.
Racism is morally bankrupt because it ultimately is just another illusion in this self propagating game. And the Human Race literally will not survive if our collective consciousness does not go towards the "light". But please, continue, to add more Suffering to the game which does not have to be played that way.
Can't believe I used to be attracted to these goblins. White pride world wide.
Then there is this type of dumbfuck who is definitely going to die very early during any sort of true civil unrest.
>That made sense in band tribes of 100 people but makes zero sense now
imagine being this much of a brainlet. our social processing evolved in groups of 100 and has not changed significantly since then. defining ingroups and outgroups is a still a necessary and desirable prerequisite for operating in the world
Its the game of life play it how you want, we are all heading back to the source once we die. I just don't care about the petty primitive squabbles that the rules of the game required. But thats just me.
There are people pushing for eating more insects in the West too, claiming it is a better alternative to beef. It is even being pushed on mainstream TV,
Nothing wrong with colonizing chinks back. In fact it should be encouraged as long as they continue to bombard our coastal cities with young millionaires. Every half white baby fucked into a gook is worth ten thousand rounds of ammunition in the long run.
>entire subcontinent gets colonized by a couple of ships from an island halfway around the world
>fast forward 150 years
>y...y...you're the subhuman
Participate in intercourse
Yes that's the point. The same neurological mechanisms that allowed you to love your tribe and hate your neighbor actually made sense when we lived in communities under Dunbars limit. Your only real connection to people that look like you at this point is some sort of genetic shared ancestry....which links you to all other life forms.
The arbitrary distinctions we make are just that. When Europeans were murdering each other, when Africans were murdering each other, when god damn every race of humans were murdering each other it was due to the struggle for survival.
But not inherently because there is a true objective "Us" you can point to. The true meaning of life is for us to become more like God and less like the base natural world that was materially used to create us. Its just one layer of reality but its not the ultimate point of living.
I forget you guys are all atheists here but there is a divine intelligence that governs the being of the reality we can partially experience.
You are the subhumans though. Your countries will be transformed and you will not exist in the future.
All that being said, Anglos should not be in australia. That is the chink and poo backyard and is their rightful clay to expand and always was. There is no reason for whites to be in that shithole at all. So too with africa.
We have the Americas and europe/Russia and should live in northern latitudes as we evolved to, in regions that literally kill niggers due to vitamin deficiency.
Shut up you fucking retard, you believe nothing, you believe whatever they tell you to on the television
We all need to be one guys, there is no them it's only one big us tehehe we're all one big family yayyy
Wake up you fucking idiot
You euroshits have no right to the Americas either. That is designated muttland.
You can tell they are really gonna ramp shit up after 2020 and start flexing military muscle bigtime
as long as i get my own cute chinese gf to relax in my crypto-funded beach property with i dont care
Buy HoloChain
And what exactly did I write here?"conclusion is and should have been...".
The deviation of competition to culture and well's and whatever else is irrelevant. The originator of the pasta has tried to take a couple quotes and mashed it together in a semi-intelligent seeming way to spin his own story. Obivously it's a smart thing to do as it has worked well enough to convice you and probably a few others that it is in fact a compelling argument whilst the conclusion is objectively wrong.
Do you believe your entire in-group consists of your race? Do you think the out-groups are all composed of the same race and grouping as races? If so you're either going to live your life in this delusion or be in for a rude awakening when supposedly seperate groups fuck you over.
Globalisation has changed human in-competition in such ways that I can't entirely forsee how it is going to play out 20-30-50 years from now however much I would like to pretend I can.
The competition isn't breeding vs non-breeding or whatever you stormfront cucks like to spin
The competition will most likely be one of resources vs no resources and in that way a poor white man will be the same or off worse even than a poor indian/black/hispanic/w/e.
The low birth rates amongst developed nations is a problem that needs to be looked at and without a doubt has something to do with the way poverty has changed over the last 50 years or so; debt & single income providers are keywords here.
Regardless unlike some of you cucks I'm here to make money: I don't have enough time in my lifetime to split between financial freedom and other goals which I believe to be possible for the first time for due to the ever increasing knowledge of the human genome to also be encumbered with things I cannot influence and as such don't care about. These things happen to include politics.
You and your family will be rotting in a shallow grave long before that day comes to pass, mongrel. If you believe white Europeans will pass from this planet without destroying it out of spite, think again.
While our present situation and invitation to the lesser races to colonize us is deplorable, it is the other end of the swinging pendulum from what we are capable of. Namely global war and genocidal occupation, which was our national pastimes for several hundred years.
You or your children and possibly your grandchildren are more than likely going to die violently, if at this moment in time you are busy exploiting the generosity of the popular social experiment going on in the West.
You're not going to be told to pack your bags and go. You're going to get dragged out of your house and shot in the back of your head in the dead of night. Your women arent even going to get raped since they are fucking hideous, they will just be piled on top of you.
Nobody will care. Your countrymen will not even make war on us for cleansing the vermin from our shores, because they are absolutely terrified at what happens if Anglos get pissed off for real.
Nobody cares about angry Indians, Africans, or even chinese. Angry whites? Lol gg.
Can't say I've met a Happy person who feels intense hatred and angst. I feel bad for your suffering and the pain you feel. But thats the game we play. God Bless.
You haven't made an argument, you haven't made a point. Who is talking specifically about just race? Stop strawmanning you clown
Try again, come on, you can do better, can't you?
Natives had their chance. They squandered it. Object lesson in reason to toss out invaders before the invite the rest of their country to come over.
>stormfront cucks
Then you're not a man, lay down and die now faggot, you have no life left in you.. just nursery rhymes you've heard on the tv and radio. "We're all one big race - we're all one!" - who do you think told you that, faggot? Go extinct
You're people are coasting by on the generosity of the West. Once the tipping point is reached and enough Westerners realize the danger the gibs/immigration will be cut off and most of the world will regress 100 years, excluding white nations
IT SEEMS THAT user HAS A BETTER GRASP ON REALITY THAN YOU THINK. holy shit caps sorry bro im not rewriting
This is a Jewish post
>Natives had their chance. They squandered it
native americans had greater understanding of agriculture than mud hut dwelling euros
Nice picture of some degenerate you've collected there. Imagine making a collection folder of degenerates on your pc lmaoo.
You haven't countered a single point I've made. if I remember correctly there was a law about spewing bullshit and proving it wrong. Something about requiring an infinite amount more effort to disprove something than to throw some bullshit out in the wild followed by prove me wrong.
There's a reason prove me wrong isn't an accepted term in any intelligent circles.
Obviously you have proven you are either incapable(the most likely scenario) or unwilling to use even a few of those neurons firing wildly up there to come up with something even resembling rational thought. As such I've concluded I've spent enough of my precious time here and wish you faggots a happy day.
Stay mad faggot
You haven't made a single point to counter you dunning-kruger dumb fuck
Just simply saying "No thats stormcuck stuff" isn't a point, consider picking up a book and reading it sometime you dopey mouth breathing spastic
>Regardless unlike some of you cucks I'm here to make money: I don't have enough time in my lifetime to split between financial freedom and other goals which I believe to be possible for the first time for due to the ever increasing knowledge of the human genome to also be encumbered with things I cannot influence and as such don't care about. These things happen to include politics.
The tipping point is already past. We have your government protecting us from you. Feel free, do something; you'll just be putting your life behind bars. Pussy. There are no more white nations. You have no future.
MAKE AN ARGUMENT, or don't bother posting. I asserted what I did in the original post. Refute me, or shut the fuck up.
dude i had caps lock on by mistake. i dont read my post while typing who the fuck does that
intelligent like minded people should group together. if you just separate everything by race your 'group' will be weighed down by wastes of oxygen, be they redneck meth heads or blue haired dykes. over simplification but whatever.
the other user made a few counter points, you are just too pea brained in your enraged state to make sense of it. relax dude its only Jow Forums.
It's not about going all Tarrant, that's actually beneficial to you. It's about turning white people back towards self-determination, which your arrogance is a perfect tool for. Notice the entire dialogue is always about white people, our nations and what we permit. Whites can take it away without violence at any time, but right now they are divided. That was the Jewish plan. You either are Jewish, or your one of their useful dogs, who they will turn on the moment they feel they've truly secured control. Realistically white people are the world's best hope.
No he didn't, you just can't read
I never claimed to begin with anything about race, he brought up rednecks as you are doing out of nowhere. Why? Because no argument, dumb fuck, can't read, go back to school
Dude you unironically posted copy pasta that wasnt relevant to the topic at hand and now yorue demanding people refute it? Youre a literal shill, fuck off.
>Copy pasted
Find the source
>Not relevant
It's entirely relevant. The user I was replying to was the victim of "we're all one big family" which, if you read the post would understand why it's relevant. Kill yourself maggot
Don't care, your words are empty threats. my family and many other families that are our friends are using the systems in place to build wealth. You can't even take London or Paris back. You're done.
You replied with copy pasta to a post saying that separating groups based on race alone is archaic. And you are saying it isnt about race?
As a matter of face the EXACT string of copy pasta you shat out has been posted other times. Why would anyone do that? Why post several copy pastas that dont fit the discussion?
Either you are a shill of some sorts, a bot, or a literal retard who cant think for himself and can only rely on spamming copy pasta and saying "REFUTE ME YOUVE MADE NO ARGUMENT"
Literally kys