1LP will be worth 2-4million one day

Attached: 4m.png (175x177, 6K)

Can i get a qrd? How many links for a link pool?

that'd value LP at 8-16 billion
extremely unlikely, like 99% chance of not happening but not impossible
reminder there are only 4,000 LP shares available


LP is a better investment than LINK. Mark my words.

>8-16billion is extremely unlikely
when the entire link network is $500bil-$1trillion and LP controls 10% of all nodes with AAA tier reputation, on top of being part of the official team, 8-16 bill isn't 99% chance of not happening

at current marketcap coinbase is valued 8bill for selling scam coins

What is this and where can i throw my sheckels into it ?

>only 4,000 LP shares available

Don't forget to invest in clc and sdl too


Go on

How to?Is SDL also offering shares or do you mean the public staking later on?

Not sure how that's gonna work out they haven't released info yet

Thanks bro but the site isn't loading for me. gonna check it out later

They talked about it on the discord

not going to join the discord for it. what did i miss?

What's SDL? What is the non abbreviated name?

where to accumulate CLC and how much to make it?

Low IQ shill


Quick CLC are gonna do a marketplace and node registry portal
Oops linkpool did it

Where do you buy LP shares?

Look up their website there's a page for the crowd sale

They said they want to prove themselves before requesting funding. Great, professional folks. They'll release more info soon with team details etc.

Don't be low iq, clc marketplace will be a dex for tokenized API calls for neet node operators and their listing service will be tied to their nodary system which sounds like a great method against sybil attacks. What LP is doing is completely different. A lot of disinfo and misunderstanding about clc. They're also a great and important project. Brilliant cto.

There's a dex on their website iirc

their website doesn't work

Thanks, Timo
But no thanks

The main reason I'm hesitant to dig deeper into CLC and evaluate whether to buy it is that they have Timo. He strikes me as a dishonest poseur and not competent.

Honeycomb my ass.

Look into the articles written by burak and his public answers on telegram and discord, you'll see they're actually not what they were memed to be with the Timo fud

Cool your jets, Burak
Fire Timo and we might invest

Kek at CLC forecasting the need for KYC and marketplace well prior to Chainlink itself, and LP launching "the first Chainlink marketplace" despite not actually going live for months. You can't make this shit up.

>Kek at CLC forecasting the need for KYC and marketplace well prior to Chainlink itself
It's obvious that everyone involved forecast this years ago if you read about what they say about "reputation providers". It's said by implication and only people who didn't think about it wouldn't have understood it, because it's obvious to smart people who had any involvement in chainlink and thus was too obvious to elaborate on.